Part 3. Reference Guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1. Intended Audience
2. Configuration
1. Introduction
2. Runtime Configuration
3. Command Line Configuration
3.1. Code Formatting
4. Plugin Configuration
5. OpenJPA Properties
5.1. openjpa.AutoClear
5.2. openjpa.AutoDetach
5.3. openjpa.BrokerFactory
5.4. openjpa.BrokerImpl
5.5. openjpa.ClassResolver
5.6. openjpa.Compatibility
5.7. openjpa.ConnectionDriverName
5.8. openjpa.Connection2DriverName
5.9. openjpa.ConnectionFactory
5.10. openjpa.ConnectionFactory2
5.11. openjpa.ConnectionFactoryName
5.12. openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Name
5.13. openjpa.ConnectionFactoryMode
5.14. openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties
5.15. openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Properties
5.16. openjpa.ConnectionPassword
5.17. openjpa.Connection2Password
5.18. openjpa.ConnectionProperties
5.19. openjpa.Connection2Properties
5.20. openjpa.ConnectionURL
5.21. openjpa.Connection2URL
5.22. openjpa.ConnectionUserName
5.23. openjpa.Connection2UserName
5.24. openjpa.ConnectionRetainMode
5.25. openjpa.DataCache
5.26. openjpa.DataCacheManager
5.27. openjpa.DataCacheTimeout
5.28. openjpa.DetachState
5.29. openjpa.DynamicDataStructs
5.30. openjpa.FetchBatchSize
5.31. openjpa.FetchGroups
5.32. openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries
5.33. openjpa.IgnoreChanges
5.34. openjpa.Id
5.35. openjpa.InverseManager
5.36. openjpa.LockManager
5.37. openjpa.LockTimeout
5.38. openjpa.Log
5.39. openjpa.ManagedRuntime
5.40. openjpa.Mapping
5.41. openjpa.MaxFetchDepth
5.42. openjpa.MetaDataFactory
5.43. openjpa.Multithreaded
5.44. openjpa.Optimistic
5.45. openjpa.OrphanedKeyAction
5.46. openjpa.NontransactionalRead
5.47. openjpa.NontransactionalWrite
5.48. openjpa.ProxyManager
5.49. openjpa.QueryCache
5.50. openjpa.QueryCompilationCache
5.51. openjpa.ReadLockLevel
5.52. openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider
5.53. openjpa.RestoreState
5.54. openjpa.RetainState
5.55. openjpa.RetryClassRegistration
5.56. openjpa.RuntimeUnenhancedClasses
5.57. openjpa.SavepointManager
5.58. openjpa.Sequence
5.59. openjpa.TransactionMode
5.60. openjpa.WriteLockLevel
6. OpenJPA JDBC Properties
6.1. openjpa.jdbc.ConnectionDecorators
6.2. openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary
6.3. openjpa.jdbc.DriverDataSource
6.4. openjpa.jdbc.EagerFetchMode
6.5. openjpa.jdbc.FetchDirection
6.6. openjpa.jdbc.JDBCListeners
6.7. openjpa.jdbc.LRSSize
6.8. openjpa.jdbc.MappingDefaults
6.9. openjpa.jdbc.MappingFactory
6.10. openjpa.jdbc.ResultSetType
6.11. openjpa.jdbc.Schema
6.12. openjpa.jdbc.SchemaFactory
6.13. openjpa.jdbc.Schemas
6.14. openjpa.jdbc.SQLFactory
6.15. openjpa.jdbc.SubclassFetchMode
6.16. openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings
6.17. openjpa.jdbc.TransactionIsolation
6.18. openjpa.jdbc.UpdateManager
3. Logging
1. Logging Channels
2. OpenJPA Logging
3. Disabling Logging
4. Log4J
5. Apache Commons Logging
5.1. JDK 1.4 java.util.logging
6. Custom Log
1. Using the OpenJPA DataSource
2. Using a Third-Party DataSource
2.1. Managed and XA DataSources
3. Runtime Access to DataSource
4. Database Support
4.1. DBDictionary Properties
4.2. MySQLDictionary Properties
4.3. OracleDictionary Properties
5. Setting the Transaction Isolation
6. Setting the SQL Join Syntax
7. Accessing Multiple Databases
8. Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections
9. Large Result Sets
10. Default Schema
11. Schema Reflection
11.1. Schemas List
11.2. Schema Factory
12. Schema Tool
13. XML Schema Format
5. Persistent Classes
1. Persistent Class List
2. Enhancement
2.1. Enhancing at Build Time
2.2. Enhancing JPA Entities on Deployment
2.3. Enhancing at Runtime
2.4. Omitting the OpenJPA enhancer
3. Object Identity
3.1. Datastore Identity
3.2. Entities as Identity Fields
3.3. Application Identity Tool
3.4. Autoassign / Identity Strategy Caveats
4. Managed Inverses
5. Persistent Fields
5.1. Restoring State
5.2. Typing and Ordering
5.3. Calendar Fields and TimeZones
5.4. Proxies
5.4.1. Smart Proxies
5.4.2. Large Result Set Proxies
5.4.3. Custom Proxies
5.5. Externalization
5.5.1. External Values
6. Fetch Groups
6.1. Custom Fetch Groups
6.2. Custom Fetch Group Configuration
6.3. Per-field Fetch Configuration
6.4. Implementation Notes
7. Eager Fetching
7.1. Configuring Eager Fetching
7.2. Eager Fetching Considerations and Limitations
6. Metadata
1. Metadata Factory
2. Additional JPA Metadata
2.1. Datastore Identity
2.2. Surrogate Version
2.3. Persistent Field Values
2.4. Persistent Collection Fields
2.5. Persistent Map Fields
3. Metadata Extensions
3.1. Class Extensions
3.1.1. Fetch Groups
3.1.2. Data Cache
3.1.3. Detached State
3.2. Field Extensions
3.2.1. Dependent
3.2.2. Load Fetch Group
3.2.3. LRS
3.2.4. Inverse-Logical
3.2.5. Read-Only
3.2.6. Type
3.2.7. Externalizer
3.2.8. Factory
3.2.9. External Values
3.3. Example
7. Mapping
1. Forward Mapping
1.1. Using the Mapping Tool
1.2. Generating DDL SQL
1.3. Runtime Forward Mapping
2. Reverse Mapping
2.1. Customizing Reverse Mapping
3. Meet-in-the-Middle Mapping
4. Mapping Defaults
5. Mapping Factory
6. Non-Standard Joins
7. Additional JPA Mappings
7.1. Datastore Identity Mapping
7.2. Surrogate Version Mapping
7.3. Multi-Column Mappings
7.4. Join Column Attribute Targets
7.5. Embedded Mapping
7.6. Collections
7.6.1. Container Table
7.6.2. Element Join Columns
7.6.3. Order Column
7.7. One-Sided One-Many Mapping
7.8. Maps
7.9. Indexes and Constraints
7.9.1. Indexes
7.9.2. Foreign Keys
7.9.3. Unique Constraints
7.10. XML Column Mapping
8. Mapping Limitations
8.1. Table Per Class
9. Mapping Extensions
9.1. Class Extensions
9.1.1. Subclass Fetch Mode
9.1.2. Strategy
9.1.3. Discriminator Strategy
9.1.4. Version Strategy
9.2. Field Extensions
9.2.1. Eager Fetch Mode
9.2.2. Nonpolymorphic
9.2.3. Class Criteria
9.2.4. Strategy
10. Custom Mappings
10.1. Custom Class Mapping
10.2. Custom Discriminator and Version Strategies
10.3. Custom Field Mapping
10.3.1. Value Handlers
10.3.2. Field Strategies
10.3.3. Configuration
11. Orphaned Keys
8. Deployment
1. Factory Deployment
1.1. Standalone Deployment
1.2. EntityManager Injection
2. Integrating with the Transaction Manager
3. XA Transactions
3.1. Using OpenJPA with XA Transactions
9. Runtime Extensions
1. Architecture
1.1. Broker Finalization
1.2. Broker Customization and Finalization
2. JPA Extensions
2.1. OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory
2.2. OpenJPAEntityManager
2.3. OpenJPAQuery
2.4. Extent
2.5. StoreCache
2.6. QueryResultCache
2.7. FetchPlan
2.8. OpenJPAPersistence
3. Object Locking
3.1. Configuring Default Locking
3.2. Configuring Lock Levels at Runtime
3.3. Object Locking APIs
3.4. Lock Manager
3.5. Rules for Locking Behavior
3.6. Known Issues and Limitations
4. Savepoints
4.1. Using Savepoints
4.2. Configuring Savepoints
5. MethodQL
6. Generators
6.1. Runtime Access
7. Transaction Events
8. Non-Relational Stores
10. Caching
1. Data Cache
1.1. Data Cache Configuration
1.2. Data Cache Usage
1.3. Query Cache
1.4. Cache Extension
1.5. Important Notes
1.6. Known Issues and Limitations
2. Query Compilation Cache
11. Remote and Offline Operation
1. Detach and Attach
1.1. Detach Behavior
1.2. Attach Behavior
1.3. Defining the Detached Object Graph
1.3.1. Detached State Field
2. Remote Event Notification Framework
2.1. Remote Commit Provider Configuration
2.1.1. JMS
2.1.2. TCP
2.1.3. Common Properties
2.2. Customization
12. Third Party Integration
1. Apache Ant
1.1. Common Ant Configuration Options
1.2. Enhancer Ant Task
1.3. Application Identity Tool Ant Task
1.4. Mapping Tool Ant Task
1.5. Reverse Mapping Tool Ant Task
1.6. Schema Tool Ant Task
13. Optimization Guidelines