When openjpa.Log
is set to log4j
, OpenJPA
will delegate to Log4J for logging. In a standalone application, Log4J logging
levels are controlled by a resource named log4j.properties
, which should be available as a top-level resource (either at the top level of
a jar file, or in the root of one of the CLASSPATH
directories). When deploying to a web or EJB application server, Log4J
configuration is often performed in a log4j.xml
instead of a properties file. For further details on configuring Log4J, please
see the Log4J
Manual. We present an example log4j.properties
Example 3.4. Standard Log4J Logging
log4j.rootCategory=WARN, console log4j.category.openjpa.Tool=INFO log4j.category.openjpa.Runtime=INFO log4j.category.openjpa.Remote=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.DataCache=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.MetaData=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.Enhance=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.Query=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.jdbc.SQL=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.jdbc.SQLDiag=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.jdbc.JDBC=WARN log4j.category.openjpa.jdbc.Schema=WARN log4j.appender.console=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender