Swing widgets to browse persistent entities using JPA 2.0 MetaModel API.
Interface Summary Interface Description Maze QueryDecorator Decorates an executable query. -
Class Summary Class Description AttributeLegendView Displays color codes of each attribute type.AttributeView View of a persistent attribute as a JLabel.ConfigurationViewer Displays Properties.EntityDataModel<T> A data model for a tabular view of a list of persistent entities.EntityTable<T> A specialized Swing table to display a list of persistent entity instances.EntityTableView<T> An entity table view consists of a JTable and optionally another table for many-valued associations.EntityTypeView<T> View of a persistent entity type as a JPanel.ErrorDialog A dialog to display runtime error.FileScanner Finder Searches for a given class in the set of directories recursively.GraphicOutputStream An output stream that uses aScrollingTextPane
as its sink.IndexedMap<K,V> A map with indexed access.InstanceDataModel<T> InstanceView<T> MetamodelHelper Static utility for analyzing persistent metadata model using JPA 2.0.MetamodelHelper.AttributeComparator Compares attribute by their qualification.MetamodelHelper.EntityComparator Compares EntityType by their dependency of derived targets.MetamodelView Graphical View of a JPA 2.0 Metamodel.PathFinder A* Algorithm to find rectilinear path through aMaze
.PowerPointViewer Displays and navigates PowerPoint slides.PreparedQueryViewer A specialized table to display statistics of queries.RoundButton A Circular Swing Button.ScrollingTextPane A TextPane where text that scrolls as new text is appended.SourceCodeViewer An internal viewer for HTML formatted source code.StatusBar SwingHelper Assorted utility methods.TextStyles