Class SourceRenderer

    • Constructor Detail

      • SourceRenderer

        public SourceRenderer()
    • Method Detail

      • run

        protected final void run​(java.lang.String[] args)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Renders the given source files. The syntax of the command is
          $ java SourceRenderer [options] files 
        For example,
         $ java SourceRenderer -stylesheet mystyle.css -sourcepath test
          -d generated/html acme/foo/

        Recognized options are

        the format of the converted output. Recognized monikers are html and text. A fully qualified class name that implements TokenRenderer is allowed. Default is html
        the root of the source files. Default is the current directory
        the root of the generated files. Default is the current directory
        Besides these options, a renderer can accept more options. Any option -someProperty will configure the renderer if a bean-style setter method setSomeProperty(String|boolean|int) is available. See available documentation on the specific renderer.
        Stylesheet file must be under destination directory.
        is relative to destination directory.
        args - command-line arguments.
      • getDestinationDirectory

        public getDestinationDirectory()
      • getSourceDirectory

        public getSourceDirectory()
      • registerOptions

        public abstract void registerOptions​(CommandProcessor options)
      • getInputStream

        protected getInputStream​( srcDir,
                                                     java.lang.String path)
        Gets the input stream.
        srcDir - the root source directory.
        path - the path to input file.
      • verbose

        protected void verbose​(java.lang.String s)
      • warn

        protected void warn​(java.lang.String s)