Interface DataCacheManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DataCacheManager
    Manages the system's data and query caches. You can retrieve the data cache manager from the OpenJPAConfiguration.getDataCacheManagerInstance().
    Manages zero or more individual caches or partitions. Each individual partition is identified by a string-based identifier. Decides eligibility to cache for managed types.
    Abe White, Patrick Linskey, Pinaki Poddar
    • Method Detail

      • getSystemDataCache

        DataCache getSystemDataCache()
        Return the system-wide data cache, or null if caching is not enabled.
      • getDataCache

        DataCache getDataCache​(java.lang.String name)
        Return the named data cache, or null if it does not exist.
      • getDataCache

        DataCache getDataCache​(java.lang.String name,
                               boolean create)
        Return the named data cache. If the given name is null, the default data cache is returned.
        create - if true, the cache will be created if it does not already exist
      • getSystemQueryCache

        QueryCache getSystemQueryCache()
        Return the system query cache, or null if not configured.
      • getClearableScheduler

        ClearableScheduler getClearableScheduler()
        Return the runnable which schedules evictions.
      • selectCache

        DataCache selectCache​(OpenJPAStateManager sm)
        Select the cache where the given managed proxy instance should be cached. This decision may override the cache returned by policy as specified by the user.
        sm - the managed proxy instance
        the cache that will store the state of the given managed instance.
      • getDistributionPolicy

        CacheDistributionPolicy getDistributionPolicy()
        Return the user-specific policy that suggests the cache where a managed entity state is stored.
      • close

        void close()
        Close all caches.
      • stopCaching

        void stopCaching​(java.lang.String cls)
        Stop caching the type matching the provided class name.
      • startCaching

        void startCaching​(java.lang.String cls)
        Start caching the type matching the provided class name.
      • listKnownTypes

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Boolean> listKnownTypes()
        Returns the names of classes that are known to the cache and whether or not they are currently being cached.