Interface FieldSupplier

    • Method Detail

      • fetchBooleanField

        boolean fetchBooleanField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchCharField

        char fetchCharField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchByteField

        byte fetchByteField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchShortField

        short fetchShortField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchIntField

        int fetchIntField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchLongField

        long fetchLongField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchFloatField

        float fetchFloatField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchDoubleField

        double fetchDoubleField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchStringField

        java.lang.String fetchStringField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.
      • fetchObjectField

        java.lang.Object fetchObjectField​(int fieldIndex)
        Return the value of the given field.