Class ClassMappingInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, SourceTracker, Commentable

    public class ClassMappingInfo
    extends MappingInfo
    implements SourceTracker, Commentable
    Information about the mapping from a class to the schema, in raw form. The columns and tables used in mapping info will not be part of the SchemaGroup used at runtime. Rather, they will be structs with the relevant pieces of information filled in.
    Abe White
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassMappingInfo

        public ClassMappingInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • getClassName

        public java.lang.String getClassName()
        The described class name.
      • setClassName

        public void setClassName​(java.lang.String name)
        The described class name.
      • getHierarchyStrategy

        public java.lang.String getHierarchyStrategy()
        The default strategy for subclasses in this hierarchy.
      • setHierarchyStrategy

        public void setHierarchyStrategy​(java.lang.String strategy)
        The default strategy for subclasses in this hierarchy.
      • getTableName

        public java.lang.String getTableName()
        The given table name.
      • getTableIdentifier

        public DBIdentifier getTableIdentifier()
      • setTableName

        public void setTableName​(java.lang.String table)
        The given table name.
      • setTableIdentifier

        public void setTableIdentifier​(DBIdentifier table)
      • getSchemaName

        public java.lang.String getSchemaName()
        The default schema name for unqualified tables.
      • getSchemaIdentifier

        public DBIdentifier getSchemaIdentifier()
      • setSchemaName

        public void setSchemaName​(java.lang.String schema)
        The default schema name for unqualified tables.
      • setSchemaIdentifier

        public void setSchemaIdentifier​(DBIdentifier schema)
      • isJoinedSubclass

        public boolean isJoinedSubclass()
        Whether there is a join to the superclass table.
      • setJoinedSubclass

        public void setJoinedSubclass​(boolean joined)
        Whether there is a join to the superclass table.
      • getSecondaryTableNames

        public java.lang.String[] getSecondaryTableNames()
        Return the class-level joined tables.
      • getSecondaryTableIdentifiers

        public DBIdentifier[] getSecondaryTableIdentifiers()
      • getSecondaryTableName

        public java.lang.String getSecondaryTableName​(java.lang.String tableName)
        We allow fields to reference class-level joins using just the table name, whereas the class join might have schema, etc information. This method returns the name of the given table as listed in a class-level join, or the given name if no join exists.
      • getSecondaryTableJoinColumns

        public java.util.List<Column> getSecondaryTableJoinColumns​(java.lang.String tableName)
        Return any columns defined for the given class level join, or empty list if none.
      • getSecondaryTableJoinColumns

        public java.util.List<Column> getSecondaryTableJoinColumns​(DBIdentifier tableName)
      • addSecondaryTable

        public void addSecondaryTable​(java.lang.String second)
        Adds a Secondary table of given name to this mapping. A secondary table must be known before unique constraints are added to a Secondary table.
      • addSecondaryTable

        public void addSecondaryTable​(DBIdentifier second)
      • setSecondaryTableJoinColumns

        public void setSecondaryTableJoinColumns​(java.lang.String tableName,
                                                 java.util.List<Column> cols)
        Declare the given class-level join to the named (secondary) table.
      • setSecondaryTableJoinColumns

        public void setSecondaryTableJoinColumns​(DBIdentifier tableName,
                                                 java.util.List<Column> cols)
      • getTable

        public Table getTable​(ClassMapping cls,
                              java.lang.String tableName,
                              boolean adapt)
        Return the named table for the given class.
      • getTable

        public Table getTable​(ClassMapping cls,
                              boolean adapt)
        Return the primary table for the given class.
      • getDataStoreIdColumns

        public Column[] getDataStoreIdColumns​(ClassMapping cls,
                                              Column[] tmplates,
                                              Table table,
                                              boolean adapt)
        Return the datastore identity columns for the given class, based on the given templates.
      • getSuperclassJoin

        public ForeignKey getSuperclassJoin​(ClassMapping cls,
                                            Table table,
                                            boolean adapt)
        Return the join from this class to its superclass. The table for this class must be set.
      • syncWith

        public void syncWith​(ClassMapping cls)
        Synchronize internal information with the mapping data for the given class.
      • hasSchemaComponents

        public boolean hasSchemaComponents()
        Description copied from class: MappingInfo
        Return true if this info has columns, foreign key information, index information, etc.
        hasSchemaComponents in class MappingInfo
      • clear

        protected void clear​(boolean canFlags)
        Description copied from class: MappingInfo
        Clear mapping information.
        clear in class MappingInfo
        canFlags - whether to clear information about whether we can place indexed, foreign keys, etc on this mapping
      • addUnique

        public void addUnique​(java.lang.String table,
                              Unique unique)
        Add a unique constraint for the given table.
        table - must be primary table or secondary table name added a priori to this receiver.
        unique - the unique constraint. null means no-op.
      • addUnique

        public void addUnique​(DBIdentifier table,
                              Unique unique)
        Add a unique constraint for the given table.
        table - must be primary table or secondary table name added a priori to this receiver.
        unique - the unique constraint. null means no-op.
      • addIndex

        public void addIndex​(DBIdentifier table,
                             Index idx)
        Add index for the given table.
        table - must be primary table or secondary table name added a priori to this receiver.
        idx - the index. null means no-op.
      • getUniques

        public Unique[] getUniques​(java.lang.String table)
        Get the unique constraints of the given primary or secondary table.
      • getUniques

        public Unique[] getUniques​(DBIdentifier table)
        Get the unique constraints of the given primary or secondary table.
      • getUniques

        public Unique[] getUniques​(MetaDataContext cm,
                                   boolean adapt)
        Get all the unique constraints associated with both the primary and/or secondary tables.
      • getIndices

        public Index[] getIndices​(MetaDataContext cm,
                                  boolean adapt)
        Get all indices associated with both the primary and/or secondary tables.
      • getSourceFile

        public getSourceFile()
        Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
        Return the file from which this instance was parsed.
        Specified by:
        getSourceFile in interface SourceTracker
      • getSourceScope

        public java.lang.Object getSourceScope()
        Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
        Return the domain-dependent scope of this instance within its file.
        Specified by:
        getSourceScope in interface SourceTracker
      • setSource

        public void setSource​( file,
                              int srcType)
      • getResourceName

        public java.lang.String getResourceName()
        Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
        Return the domain-meaningful name of the resource that was loaded from this source. I.e., if we had loaded the source for a Java class, this would return the name of the class.
        Specified by:
        getResourceName in interface SourceTracker
      • getComments

        public java.lang.String[] getComments()
        Description copied from interface: Commentable
        Return comments, or empty array if none.
        Specified by:
        getComments in interface Commentable
      • setComments

        public void setComments​(java.lang.String[] comments)
        Description copied from interface: Commentable
        Set comments.
        Specified by:
        setComments in interface Commentable
      • getLineNumber

        public int getLineNumber()
        Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
        Return the line number of the file at which this instance was parsed.
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface SourceTracker
      • setLineNumber

        public void setLineNumber​(int lineNum)
      • getColNumber

        public int getColNumber()
        Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
        Return the column number in the line of the file at which this instance was parsed.
        Specified by:
        getColNumber in interface SourceTracker
      • setColNumber

        public void setColNumber​(int colNum)