Class PropertiesReverseCustomizer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ReverseCustomizer, Closeable

    public class PropertiesReverseCustomizer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ReverseCustomizer
    Simple ReverseCustomizer that uses a properties file to to allow customization of basic class and field properties. The customizer uses the following keys:
    • <table name>.table-type: Override the default type of the given table. Legal values are: base, secondary, secondary-outer, association, subclass, none. See the TABLE_XXX constants in ReverseMappingTool for descriptions.
    • <class name>.rename: Override the tool-generated class name with the given value. Use full class names, including package. Use a value of none to reject the class and leave the corresponding table unmapped.
    • <table name>.class-name: Assign the given fully-qualified class name to the type created from the given table. Use a value of none to prevent mapping this table. This property can be used in place of the rename property.
    • <class name>.identity: Set this property to datastore, builtin, or the desired fully-qualified application identity class name to override the reverse mapping tool's default identity settings. If the class has been renamed, use the new name.
    • <class name>.<field name>.rename: Override the tool-generated field name with the given value. Use the field owner's full class name in the property key. The property value should be the new field name, without the preceding class name. Use a value of none to reject the generated mapping.
    • <table name>.<column name>.field-name: Assign the field name to use for the mapping of a particular column. If this is a multi-column mapping, any one of the columns can be used. Use a value of none to prevent the column (and associated columns) from being mapped. This property can be used in place of the rename property.
    • <class name>.<field name>.type: The class name of the type to give the named field. Use full class names. If the field has been renamed, use the new name.
    • <class name>.<field name>.value: The initial value for the named field. The given string will be placed as-is in the generated Java code, so be sure to add quotes to strings, etc. If the field has been renamed, use the new name.
    All keys are optional; if not specified, the customizer keeps the default value generated by the reverse mapping tool.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Invoked when the customizer is no longer needed.
      void customize​(ClassMapping cls)
      Customize the given class information produced by the reverse mapping tool.
      void customize​(FieldMapping field)
      Customize the given field information produced by the reverse mapping tool.
      java.lang.String getClassCode​(ClassMapping mapping)
      Return a code template for the given class, or null to use the standard system-generated Java code.
      java.lang.String getClassName​(Table table, java.lang.String defaultName)
      Return the fully-qualified class name to generate for the given table.
      java.lang.String getDeclaration​(FieldMapping field)
      Return a code template for the declaration of the given field, or null to use the system-generated default Java code.
      java.lang.String getFieldCode​(FieldMapping field)
      Return a code template for the get/set methods of the given field, or null to use the system-generated default Java code.
      java.lang.String getFieldName​(ClassMapping dec, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, java.lang.String defaultName)
      Return the field name used to map the given columns, or null to prevent the columns from being mapped.
      java.lang.String getInitialValue​(FieldMapping field)
      Return code for the initial value for the given field, or null to use the default generated by the system.
      protected java.lang.String getProperty​(java.lang.String key)
      Return the property value for the given key, or null if none.
      int getTableType​(Table table, int defaultType)
      Return the type of the given table, or the given default type.
      void setConfiguration​(java.util.Properties props)
      Set configuration properties given by the user.
      void setTool​(ReverseMappingTool tool)
      Set the reverse mapping tool using this customizer.
      boolean unmappedTable​(Table table)
      Notification that a table has gone unmapped.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertiesReverseCustomizer

        public PropertiesReverseCustomizer()
    • Method Detail

      • setTool

        public void setTool​(ReverseMappingTool tool)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Set the reverse mapping tool using this customizer. You can use the tool to see how it is configured, or to use utility methods the tool provides.
        Specified by:
        setTool in interface ReverseCustomizer
      • getClassName

        public java.lang.String getClassName​(Table table,
                                             java.lang.String defaultName)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Return the fully-qualified class name to generate for the given table. Return null to prevent the table from being mapped. Return the given default name if it is acceptable.
        Specified by:
        getClassName in interface ReverseCustomizer
      • getClassCode

        public java.lang.String getClassCode​(ClassMapping mapping)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Return a code template for the given class, or null to use the standard system-generated Java code. To facilitate template reuse, the following parameters can appear in your template; the proper values will be subtituted by the system:
        • ${packageDec}: The package declaration, in the form "package <package name >;", or empty string if no package.
        • ${imports}: Imports for the packages used by the declared field types.
        • ${className}: The name of the class, without package.
        • ${extendsDec}: Extends declaration, in the form "extends <superclass>", or empty string if no superclass.
        • ${constructor}: A constructor that takes in all primary key fields of the class, or empty string if the class uses datastore identity.
        • ${fieldDecs}: Declarations of all the generated fields.
        • ${fieldCode}: Get/set methods for all the generated fields.
        Specified by:
        getClassCode in interface ReverseCustomizer
      • getFieldName

        public java.lang.String getFieldName​(ClassMapping dec,
                                             Column[] cols,
                                             ForeignKey fk,
                                             java.lang.String defaultName)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Return the field name used to map the given columns, or null to prevent the columns from being mapped. Return the given default if it is acceptable.
        Specified by:
        getFieldName in interface ReverseCustomizer
        dec - the class that will declare this field
        cols - the column(s) this field will represent
        fk - for relation fields, the foreign key to the related type
      • getInitialValue

        public java.lang.String getInitialValue​(FieldMapping field)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Return code for the initial value for the given field, or null to use the default generated by the system.
        Specified by:
        getInitialValue in interface ReverseCustomizer
      • getDeclaration

        public java.lang.String getDeclaration​(FieldMapping field)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Return a code template for the declaration of the given field, or null to use the system-generated default Java code. To facilitate template reuse, the following parameters can appear in your template; the proper values will be subtituted by the system:
        • ${fieldName}: The name of the field.
        • ${capFieldName}: The capitalized field name.
        • ${propertyName}: The field name without leading '_', if any.
        • ${fieldType}: The field's type name.
        • ${fieldValue}: The field's initial value, in the form " = <value>", or empty string if none.
        Specified by:
        getDeclaration in interface ReverseCustomizer
      • getFieldCode

        public java.lang.String getFieldCode​(FieldMapping field)
        Description copied from interface: ReverseCustomizer
        Return a code template for the get/set methods of the given field, or null to use the system-generated default Java code. To facilitate template reuse, the following parameters can appear in your template; the proper values will be subtituted by the system:
        • ${fieldName}: The name of the field.
        • ${capFieldName}: The capitalized field name.
        • ${propertyName}: The field name without leading '_', if any.
        • ${fieldType}: The field's type name.
        • ${fieldValue}: The field's initial value, in the form "= <value>", or empty string if none.
        Specified by:
        getFieldCode in interface ReverseCustomizer
      • getProperty

        protected java.lang.String getProperty​(java.lang.String key)
        Return the property value for the given key, or null if none.