Class InMemorySavepointManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • InMemorySavepointManager

        public InMemorySavepointManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getPreFlush

        public boolean getPreFlush()
        Return whether to call Broker.preFlush() when a savepoint is set. While this will allow for tracking of newly embedded fields, it has the side effect of going through pre-flush operations.
      • setPreFlush

        public void setPreFlush​(boolean preFlush)
        Set whether to call Broker.preFlush() when a savepoint is set. While this will allow for tracking of newly embedded fields, it has the side effect of going through pre-flush operations.
      • supportsIncrementalFlush

        public boolean supportsIncrementalFlush()
        Description copied from interface: SavepointManager
        Return whether the savepoints generated by this manager can handle incremental flushes to the datastore.
        Specified by:
        supportsIncrementalFlush in interface SavepointManager