Interface PreparedQueryCache

    • Method Detail

      • register

        java.lang.Boolean register​(java.lang.String key,
                                   Query query,
                                   FetchConfiguration hints)
        Register the given query for caching against the given key if it has not already been cached. If the query can not be cached, then mark it as such to avoid computing for the same key again.
        TRUE the query is registered in the cache by this call null if the query is already registered in the cache FALSE if can not be registered in the cache, either because it is known not to be cacheable from a previous attempt or a hint is given to ignore the cached version.
      • initialize

        PreparedQuery initialize​(java.lang.String key,
                                 java.lang.Object executionResult)
        Initialize the cached Prepared Query registered with the given key earlier by the given execution result. If it is not possible to initialize the Prepared Query from the given execution result, then the corresponding key will be marked as invalid for caching.
        key - the key used during registration
        executionResult - an opaque instance carrying the execution result of the original query.
        the initialized Prepared Query. If it is not possible to initialize the cached, possibly hollow Prepared Query from the given result, return null.
      • getMapView

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getMapView()
        Get a map view of the cached queries indexed by identifier.
      • cache

        boolean cache​(PreparedQuery q)
        Cache the given PreparedQuery. The key is the identifier of the given PreparedQuery itself. The query must not be cached if either the key matches any exclusion pattern or the key has been marked non-cachable.
        true if the given query is cached. false if it can not be cached due to exclusion.
        See Also:
        #markUncachable(String), setExcludes(String), addExclusionPattern(String)
      • invalidate

        boolean invalidate​(java.lang.String id)
        Remove the PreparedQuery with the given identifier from this cache.
      • get

        PreparedQuery get​(java.lang.String id)
        Get the PreparedQuery with the given identifier if it exists. null otherwise.
      • isCachable

        java.lang.Boolean isCachable​(java.lang.String id)
        Affirms if a PreparedQuery can be cached against the given key.
        Boolean.FALSE if the given key is explicitly marked before as not be cached or matches any of the exclusion patterns. Boolean.TRUE if the given key currently exists in the cache. Otherwise, return null implying this receiver can not determine whether this key can be cached on not.
      • markUncachable

        PreparedQuery markUncachable​(java.lang.String id,
                                     PreparedQueryCache.Exclusion exclusion)
        Marks the given key as not amenable to caching. Explicit marking helps to avoid repeated computational cost of determining whether a query can be cached or not.
        id - is the key to be excluded
        exclusion - directs whether exclusion is irreversible or not.
        The value for the given key if it had been cached before. null otherwise.
      • isExcluded

        PreparedQueryCache.Exclusion isExcluded​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the exclusion status of if the given query key.
        null implies that the key is not excluded.
      • setExcludes

        void setExcludes​(java.lang.String excludes)
        Sets one or more exclusion regular expression patterns separated by semicolon. Any existing cache entry whose key matches any of the given pattern will be marked non-cachable in a reversible manner.
      • addExclusionPattern

        void addExclusionPattern​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Adds the given pattern to the list of excluded patterns. Any existing cache entry whose key matches the given pattern will be marked non-cachable in a reversible manner.
      • removeExclusionPattern

        void removeExclusionPattern​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Removes the given pattern from the list of excluded patterns. Any excluded key that matches the given pattern can now be cached again, unless it has been marked non-cachable explicitly.
        See Also:
        markUncachable(String, Exclusion)
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clears all cached queries.
      • setEnableStatistics

        void setEnableStatistics​(boolean enable)
        Enable/disable gathering of statistics.
      • getEnableStatistics

        boolean getEnableStatistics()
        Affirm if statistics is gathered.
      • getStatistics

        QueryStatistics<java.lang.String> getStatistics()
        Gets the simple statistics for executed queries. If the statistics gathering is disabled, an empty statistics is returned.