Interface Seq

    • Method Detail

      • setType

        void setType​(int type)
        Set the type of sequence.
      • next

        java.lang.Object next​(StoreContext ctx,
                              ClassMetaData cls)
        Return the next value in the sequence.
        ctx - the current context
        cls - if this is a datastore identity sequence, the persistent class the identity value is for; else null
      • current

        java.lang.Object current​(StoreContext ctx,
                                 ClassMetaData cls)
        Return the current value of the sequence, or null if not available.
        ctx - the current context
        cls - if this is a datastore identity sequence, the persistent class the identity value is for; else null
      • allocate

        void allocate​(int additional,
                      StoreContext ctx,
                      ClassMetaData cls)
        Allocate additional values efficiently.
        ctx - the current context
        cls - if this is a datastore identity sequence, the persistent class the identity value is for; else null
      • close

        void close()
        Free resources used by this sequence.
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable