Class AbstractExpressionBuilder

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractExpressionBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Abstract base class to help build expressions. Provides generic language-independent support for variable resolution, path traversal, and error messages.
    Marc Prud'hommeaux
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected ClassMetaData addAccessPath​(ClassMetaData meta)
      Register the specified metadata as being in the query's access path.
      protected abstract void addSchemaToContext​(java.lang.String alias, ClassMetaData meta)
      Register the schema alias to the current JPQL query context.
      protected abstract void addVariableToContext​(java.lang.String id, Value var)
      Register the variable associated with the schema alias (id) to the current JPQL query context.
      protected void assertUnboundVariablesValid()
      Validate that all unbound variables are of a PC type.
      protected void bind​(Value var)
      Record that the given variable is bound.
      static void convertTypes​(Value val1, Value val2)
      Perform conversions to make values compatible.
      static void convertTypesQuotedNumbers​(Value val1, Value val2)
      Perform conversions to make values compatible.
      protected Value createVariable​(java.lang.String id, boolean bind)  
      protected abstract java.lang.String currentQuery()
      Returns the current string being parsed; used for error messages.
      protected ClassMetaData[] getAccessPath()
      Return the recorded query access path.
      protected abstract java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      Returns the class loader that should be used for resolving class names (in addition to the resolver in the query).
      protected abstract java.lang.Class<?> getDeclaredVariableType​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the type of the named variable if it has been declared.
      protected abstract Localizer getLocalizer()
      Used for obtaining the Localizer to use for translating error messages.
      protected ClassMetaData getMetaData​(java.lang.Class<?> c, boolean required)
      Convenience method to get metadata for the given type.
      protected ClassMetaData getMetaData​(java.lang.Class<?> c, boolean required, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
      Convenience method to get metadata for the given type.
      protected abstract Value getVariable​(java.lang.String id)
      Returns the variable associated with the schema alias (id).
      protected Value getVariable​(java.lang.String id, boolean bind)
      Returns a value for the given id.
      protected boolean isBound​(Value var)
      Return true if the given variable has been bound.
      protected abstract boolean isDeclaredVariable​(java.lang.String id)
      Returns whether the specified variable name has been explicitly declared.
      static boolean isNumeric​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
      Return true if given class can be used as a number.
      protected boolean isSeenVariable​(java.lang.String id)
      Return whether the given id has been used as a variable.
      protected OpenJPAException parseException​(int e, java.lang.String token, java.lang.Object[] args, java.lang.Exception nest)
      Create a proper parse exception for the given reason.
      protected void setImplicitContainsTypes​(Value val1, Value val2, int op)
      Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that the first is supposed to contain the second.
      protected static void setImplicitType​(Value val, java.lang.Class<?> expected)
      Set the implicit type of the given value to the given class.
      protected void setImplicitTypes​(Value val1, Value val2, java.lang.Class<?> expected)
      Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that they're used together, and based on the operator type.
      protected static void setImplicitTypes​(Value val1, Value val2, java.lang.Class<?> expected, Resolver resolver)  
      protected Value traversePath​(Path path, java.lang.String field)
      Traverse the given field in the given path.
      protected Value traversePath​(Path path, java.lang.String field, boolean pcOnly, boolean allowNull)
      Traverse the given field in the given path.
      protected java.lang.Object traverseStaticField​(java.lang.Class<?> cls, java.lang.String field)
      Return a constant containing the value of the given static field.
      protected Value traverseXPath​(Path path, java.lang.String field)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> TYPE_OBJECT

        public static final java.lang.Class<java.lang.String> TYPE_STRING

        public static final java.lang.Class<java.lang.Character> TYPE_CHAR_OBJ

        public static final java.lang.Class<java.lang.Number> TYPE_NUMBER

        public static final java.lang.Class<java.util.Collection> TYPE_COLLECTION
      • TYPE_MAP

        public static final java.lang.Class<java.util.Map> TYPE_MAP
      • resolver

        protected final Resolver resolver
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractExpressionBuilder

        public AbstractExpressionBuilder​(ExpressionFactory factory,
                                         Resolver resolver)
        factory - the expression factory to use
        resolver - used to resolve variables, parameters, and class names used in the query
    • Method Detail

      • getClassLoader

        protected abstract java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Returns the class loader that should be used for resolving class names (in addition to the resolver in the query).
      • parseException

        protected OpenJPAException parseException​(int e,
                                                  java.lang.String token,
                                                  java.lang.Object[] args,
                                                  java.lang.Exception nest)
        Create a proper parse exception for the given reason.
      • addAccessPath

        protected ClassMetaData addAccessPath​(ClassMetaData meta)
        Register the specified metadata as being in the query's access path.
      • getAccessPath

        protected ClassMetaData[] getAccessPath()
        Return the recorded query access path.
      • isBound

        protected boolean isBound​(Value var)
        Return true if the given variable has been bound.
      • bind

        protected void bind​(Value var)
        Record that the given variable is bound.
      • getVariable

        protected Value getVariable​(java.lang.String id,
                                    boolean bind)
        Returns a value for the given id.
      • createVariable

        protected Value createVariable​(java.lang.String id,
                                       boolean bind)
      • assertUnboundVariablesValid

        protected void assertUnboundVariablesValid()
        Validate that all unbound variables are of a PC type. If not, assume that the user actually made a typo that we took for an implicit unbound variable.
      • isDeclaredVariable

        protected abstract boolean isDeclaredVariable​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns whether the specified variable name has been explicitly declared. Note all query languages necessarily support declaring variables.
        id - the variable to check
        true if the variabe has been explicitely declared
      • isSeenVariable

        protected boolean isSeenVariable​(java.lang.String id)
        Return whether the given id has been used as a variable.
      • getMetaData

        protected ClassMetaData getMetaData​(java.lang.Class<?> c,
                                            boolean required)
        Convenience method to get metadata for the given type.
      • getMetaData

        protected ClassMetaData getMetaData​(java.lang.Class<?> c,
                                            boolean required,
                                            java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
        Convenience method to get metadata for the given type.
      • traversePath

        protected Value traversePath​(Path path,
                                     java.lang.String field)
        Traverse the given field in the given path.
      • traverseXPath

        protected Value traverseXPath​(Path path,
                                      java.lang.String field)
      • traversePath

        protected Value traversePath​(Path path,
                                     java.lang.String field,
                                     boolean pcOnly,
                                     boolean allowNull)
        Traverse the given field in the given path.
      • traverseStaticField

        protected java.lang.Object traverseStaticField​(java.lang.Class<?> cls,
                                                       java.lang.String field)
        Return a constant containing the value of the given static field.
      • getDeclaredVariableType

        protected abstract java.lang.Class<?> getDeclaredVariableType​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the type of the named variable if it has been declared.
      • setImplicitTypes

        protected void setImplicitTypes​(Value val1,
                                        Value val2,
                                        java.lang.Class<?> expected)
        Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that they're used together, and based on the operator type.
      • setImplicitTypes

        protected static void setImplicitTypes​(Value val1,
                                               Value val2,
                                               java.lang.Class<?> expected,
                                               Resolver resolver)
      • convertTypes

        public static void convertTypes​(Value val1,
                                        Value val2)
        Perform conversions to make values compatible.
      • convertTypesQuotedNumbers

        public static void convertTypesQuotedNumbers​(Value val1,
                                                     Value val2)
        Perform conversions to make values compatible.
      • isNumeric

        public static boolean isNumeric​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Return true if given class can be used as a number.
      • setImplicitContainsTypes

        protected void setImplicitContainsTypes​(Value val1,
                                                Value val2,
                                                int op)
        Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that the first is supposed to contain the second.
      • setImplicitType

        protected static void setImplicitType​(Value val,
                                              java.lang.Class<?> expected)
        Set the implicit type of the given value to the given class.
      • getLocalizer

        protected abstract Localizer getLocalizer()
        Used for obtaining the Localizer to use for translating error messages.
      • currentQuery

        protected abstract java.lang.String currentQuery()
        Returns the current string being parsed; used for error messages.
      • addSchemaToContext

        protected abstract void addSchemaToContext​(java.lang.String alias,
                                                   ClassMetaData meta)
        Register the schema alias to the current JPQL query context.
      • addVariableToContext

        protected abstract void addVariableToContext​(java.lang.String id,
                                                     Value var)
        Register the variable associated with the schema alias (id) to the current JPQL query context.
      • getVariable

        protected abstract Value getVariable​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the variable associated with the schema alias (id).