Class PluginValue

    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginValue

        public PluginValue​(java.lang.String prop,
                           boolean singleton)
    • Method Detail

      • isSingleton

        public boolean isSingleton()
        Whether this value is a singleton.
      • getClassName

        public java.lang.String getClassName()
        The plugin class name.
      • setClassName

        public void setClassName​(java.lang.String name)
        The plugin class name.
      • getProperties

        public java.lang.String getProperties()
        The plugin properties.
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(java.lang.String props)
        The plugin properties.
      • instantiate

        public java.lang.Object instantiate​(java.lang.Class<?> type,
                                            Configuration conf,
                                            boolean fatal)
        Instantiate the plugin as an instance of the given class.
        instantiate in class ObjectValue
      • configure

        public java.lang.Object configure​(java.lang.Object obj,
                                          Configuration conf,
                                          boolean fatal)
        Configure the given object.
        configure in class ObjectValue
      • set

        public void set​(java.lang.Object obj,
                        boolean derived)
        Description copied from class: ObjectValue
        The internal value.
        set in class ObjectValue
        derived - if true, this value was derived from other properties
      • getString

        public java.lang.String getString()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Return a stringified version of this value. If the current value has a short alias key, the alias key is returned.
        getString in class Value
      • setString

        public void setString​(java.lang.String str)
        Description copied from class: Value
        Set this value from the given string. If the given string is null or empty and a default is defined, the default is used. If the given string(or default) is an alias key, it will be converted to the corresponding value internally.
        If this Value is being set to a non-default value for the first time (as designated by originalString being null), then the value is remembered as original. This original value is used for equality and hashCode computation if this Value is dynamic.
        setString in class Value
      • getValueType

        public java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> getValueType()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Returns the type of the property that this Value represents.
        getValueType in class ObjectValue
      • objectChanged

        protected void objectChanged()
        Description copied from class: ObjectValue
        Implement this method to synchronize internal data with the new object value.
        objectChanged in class ObjectValue
      • getInternalString

        protected java.lang.String getInternalString()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Return the internal string form of this value.
        getInternalString in class ObjectValue
      • setInternalString

        protected void setInternalString​(java.lang.String str)
        Description copied from class: Value
        Set this value from the given string.
        setInternalString in class ObjectValue