Interface BatchedResultObjectProvider

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Closeable, ResultObjectProvider
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface BatchedResultObjectProvider
    extends ResultObjectProvider
    A provider for multiple result sets. This provider acts as a container of other result providers. The underlying providers contain the actual data and are iterated for the results, while this provider iterates over its underlying providers.
    Designed for the specific purpose of getting results from the execution of Stored Procedures that can produce more than one result set and an optional update count. Few methods related to iterating multiple results and update count mirror the methods in JDBC Statement.
    Pinaki Poddar
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • hasMoreResults

        boolean hasMoreResults()
        Affirms if this batch contains more results.
      • getExecutionResult

        boolean getExecutionResult()
        Gets the result of executing the underlying JDBC statement.
        a boolean value whose semantics is same as PreparedStatement.execute().
      • getUpdateCount

        int getUpdateCount()
        Gets the count of records updated by the underlying JDBC statement.
        an integer value whose semantics is same as Statement.getUpdateCount().
      • getOut

        java.lang.Object getOut​(java.lang.String name)
      • getOut

        java.lang.Object getOut​(int position)