Interface MetaDataDefaults

    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultAccessType

        int getDefaultAccessType()
        Return the default access type for a base persistent class with ClassMetaData.ACCESS_UNKNOWN access type.
      • getDefaultIdentityType

        int getDefaultIdentityType()
        Return the default identity type for unmapped classes without primary key fields.
      • getCallbackMode

        int getCallbackMode()
        What to do on lifecycle callback exceptions.
      • getCallbacksBeforeListeners

        boolean getCallbacksBeforeListeners​(int type)
        If callbacks are fired before listeners for the given event type. Defaults to false.
      • isDeclaredInterfacePersistent

        boolean isDeclaredInterfacePersistent()
        Whether declared interfaces of a class are treated as persistent types. Defaults to true.
      • isDataStoreObjectIdFieldUnwrapped

        boolean isDataStoreObjectIdFieldUnwrapped()
        Whether the field in the object id class corresponding to a datastore id persistence-capable primary key field is the simple datastore id value of the related instance. Defaults to false.
      • setIgnoreNonPersistent

        void setIgnoreNonPersistent​(boolean ignore)
        Whether to ignore members which are not persistent by default during metadata population. Defaults to true.
      • populate

        void populate​(ClassMetaData meta,
                      int access)
        Populate the given metadata with default settings.
        access - access type constant from ClassMetaData
      • populate

        void populate​(ClassMetaData meta,
                      int access,
                      boolean ignoreTransient)
        Populate the given metadata with default settings.
        access - access type constant from ClassMetaData
      • getBackingMember

        java.lang.reflect.Member getBackingMember​(FieldMetaData field)
        Return the backing member for the given field metadata.
      • getMemberByProperty

        java.lang.reflect.Member getMemberByProperty​(ClassMetaData meta,
                                                     java.lang.String attribute,
                                                     int access,
                                                     boolean scanAnnotation)
        Get the field or getter for the given attribute of the given class.
        meta - is the declaring class
        attribute - name of the logical attribute
        access - whether to look for the field of getter method. If unknown, then field or property is chosen based on the access type used by the given class.
        scanAnnotation - if true and access is unknown then scans the annotation on the member to determine access.
      • getUnimplementedExceptionType

        java.lang.Class getUnimplementedExceptionType()
        Return a runtime exception class to throw for un-implemented managed interface methods.
      • isAbstractMappingUniDirectional

        boolean isAbstractMappingUniDirectional​(OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
        Whether the relationship in MappedSuper class must be uni-directional.
      • isNonDefaultMappingAllowed

        boolean isNonDefaultMappingAllowed​(OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
        Whether non-default mapping is allowed.
      • isDefaultCascadePersistEnabled

        java.lang.Boolean isDefaultCascadePersistEnabled()
        Whether cascade-persist was declared in the persistence unit defaults.
      • setDefaultCascadePersistEnabled

        void setDefaultCascadePersistEnabled​(java.lang.Boolean bool)
      • getDefaultSchema

        java.lang.String getDefaultSchema()
        Returns the default schema.
      • setDefaultSchema

        void setDefaultSchema​(java.lang.String schema)
        Sets the default schema.