Interface JPAServletContext

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface JPAServletContext
    An operating context provides a persistence context and utility functions within which all JEST commands execute.
    Pinaki Poddar
    • Method Detail

      • getPersistenceContext

        OpenJPAEntityManager getPersistenceContext()
        Get the persistence context of the operational context.
      • getPersistenceUnitName

        java.lang.String getPersistenceUnitName()
        Get the persistence unit name.
      • getRequest

        javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getRequest()
        Get the HTTP Request.
      • getResponse

        javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getResponse()
        Get the HTTP Response.
      • getRequestURI

        java.lang.String getRequestURI()
        Get the requested URI.
      • resolve

        ClassMetaData resolve​(java.lang.String alias)
        Resolve the given alias to meta-data of the persistent type.
        alias - a moniker for the Java type. It can be fully qualified type name or entity name or simple name of the actual persistent Java class.
        meta-data for the given name.
        raises - runtime exception if the given name can not be identified to a persistent Java type.
      • log

        void log​(short level,
                 java.lang.String message)
        Logging message.
        level - OpenJPA defined log levels. Invalid levels will print the message on console.
        message - a printable message.