AbstractDomainObject |
Domain Object is a path expression over which query is evaluated.
Aggregate |
Type of the result of an aggregate operation
ArrayExpression |
A single expression that holds an array of values.
BinaryConditionalOperator |
Enumeration of conditional operator that operates on ordered pair of
expression to generate a predicate.
BinaryFunctionalOperator |
Enumeration of functional operator that operates on ordered pair of
expression to generate another expression.
BinaryOperatorExpression |
An expression resulting from a binary operation on two expressions.
CaseExpression |
Interface for the construction of case expressions
CaseExpressionImpl |
ConditionalOperator |
Enumerates conditional operator that operates on two predicates to generate
another predicate.
DomainObject |
Domain objects define the domain over which a query operates.
Expression |
Instances of this interface can be used either as select list items or as
predicate operands.
FetchJoinObject |
Interface used for the result of a fetch join.
LogicalPredicate |
Logical Predicate combines two predicates with a logical operator.
OpenJPAQueryBuilder |
Builds dynamic query
OperatorPath |
A path resulting from KEY() or VALUE() operation on an existing path.
OrderByItem |
Instances of this interface can be used as orderBy arguments.
PathExpression |
Interface for operations over objects reached via paths
PathOperator |
Operator that combines two components to form a path.
Predicate |
Interface used to define compound predicates.
PredicateOperand |
Interface for constructing where-clause and having-clause conditions.
QueryBuilder |
Factory interface for query definition objects
QueryBuilderImpl |
The factory for QueryDefinition.
QueryDefinition |
Interface for construction of query definitions
QueryDefinitionImpl |
Implements QueryDefinition.
RangeExpression |
Denotes a range used by e1 BETWEEN x AND y operation.
SelectItem |
SelectItem instances are used in specifying the query's select list.
Subquery |
Instances of this interface can be used as subqueries.
TrimSpec |
Used to specify the trimming of strings
UnaryConditionalOperator |
Enumeration of operator that operates on a single expression to generate
a predicate.
UnaryFunctionalOperator |
Enumeration of operator that operates on a single expression to generate
another expression.
UnaryOperator |
Enumeration of Operator that operate on a single expression.
VarArgsExpression |
A expression that holds an array of Expressions.
Visitable |
An element of query that is convertible to a JPQL String given a aliasing