Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.stratsClassDescriptionNo-op strategy for easy extension.No-op strategy for easy extension.No-op strategy for easy extension.No-op strategy for easy extension.No-op implementations of
interface methods.No-op strategy for easy extension.Handler for blob values.Handler for byte array values.Handler for char array values.Handler for char array values.Handler for clob values.Uses a one or more column(s) and corresponding version object.An abstract container mapping that handles traversing the join to examine the size of the relation.Base class for embedded value handlers.Mapping for a single-valued field that delegates to aValueHandler
.Handler for simple type and string values.Base discriminator strategy that determines the class of database records using a column holding a value mapped to a class, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.Interface implemented by collection strategies so that they can support large result set collections.Interface implemented by map strategies so that they can support large result set maps.Base class for map mappings.Strategy for classes that aren't mapped.No-op Discriminator strategy.An unmapped field.No-op version strategy.Uses a version number for optimistic versioning.Maps a relation to a set of other objects using an inverse foreign key in the related object table.Maps a set of related objects through an association table.Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.Base class for strategies that are stored as a collection, even if their field value is something else.Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning.Handler for unknown persistence-capable object fields that stores stringified oids.