Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql
OpenJPA-JDBC Configuration
OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel
OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree
OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata
OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies
OpenJPA-JDBC Schema Management
OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction
Implements Distributed version of JDBCStoreManager and JDBCStoreQuery.
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.confClassDescriptionClass which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.Factory for SQL constructs.
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernelClassDescriptionClass which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.Constants for ways of describing joins in SQL.A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure.Basic
implementation.Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process.Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.Interface for configuring and executing a SQL select.Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements.Factory for SQL constructs.Holds metadata about a Database Stored Procedure. -
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.metaClassDescriptionClass which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select.A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure.Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete.Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process.Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.Interface for configuring and executing a SQL select.Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements.
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.stratsClassDescriptionClass which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select.A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure.Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete.Basic
implementation.Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process.Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.Interface for configuring and executing a SQL select.Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements. -
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schemaClassDescriptionClass which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sqlClassDescriptionBase dictionary for the IBM DB2 family of databases.A
implementation designed to be subclassed easily by implementations.Dictionary for the SQL Server databases (Sybase and MS SQL Server).Defines how aBoolean
value gets stored in the database by default.Class which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.Represents a SQL join.Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select.Constants for ways of describing joins in SQL.A select that is part of a logical union.Comparator for ordering result rows.Dictionary for PostgreSQL.Primary table row that tracks foreign keys and auto-inc columns.A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure.BaseResult
implementation wrapped around a result set.Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete.BasicRow
implementation.Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process.Secondary table row that tracks foreign keys to auto-inc columns.Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.Interface for configuring and executing a SQL select.StandardSelect
implementation.Helper class to track selected columns, with fast contains method.Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements.Factory for SQL constructs.Holds metadata about a Database Stored Procedure.An enumeration on type of parameter for a Stored Procedure.SQL UNION.A callback used to create the selects in a SQL union. -
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql used by org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc