Uses of Class
Packages that use IdentifierRule
OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction
Uses of IdentifierRule in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier
Subclasses of IdentifierRule in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifierModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Default rule for column definition.class
Default rule for column names.class
The default DBIdentifier rule.Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier that return IdentifierRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDefaultIdentifierConfiguration.getDefaultIdentifierRule()
<T> IdentifierRule
(T t) Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier that return types with arguments of type IdentifierRule -
Uses of IdentifierRule in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that return IdentifierRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDBDictionary.getDefaultIdentifierRule()
<T> IdentifierRule
(T t) Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that return types with arguments of type IdentifierRule -
Uses of IdentifierRule in org.apache.openjpa.lib.identifier
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.lib.identifier that return IdentifierRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIdentifierConfiguration.getDefaultIdentifierRule()
Gets the default naming rule<T> IdentifierRule
(T t) Returns a naming rule or null if the rule is not found.Methods in org.apache.openjpa.lib.identifier that return types with arguments of type IdentifierRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> Map<T,
IdentifierRule> IdentifierConfiguration.getIdentifierRules()
Returns all naming rulesMethods in org.apache.openjpa.lib.identifier with parameters of type IdentifierRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIdentifierUtil.appendNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String name1, String name2) Append the names together while maintaining delimiters.IdentifierUtilImpl.appendNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String name1, String name2) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Determines whether a name can be split into multiple components.boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name, String delim) Determines whether a name can be split into multiple components, taking into account the specified delimiter.boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name, String delim) IdentifierUtil.combineNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String[] names) Combines names using the specified delimiting rule and appropriate separatorsIdentifierUtil.combineNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String name1, String name2) Combines two names using delimiting rules and appropriate separatorsIdentifierUtil.combineNames
(IdentifierRule rule, IdentifierRule[] rules, String[] names) Combines names using delimiting rules and appropriate separatorsIdentifierUtilImpl.combineNames
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule namingRule, String[] names) IdentifierUtilImpl.combineNames
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name1, String name2) IdentifierUtilImpl.combineNames
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, IdentifierRule[] rules, String[] names) IdentifierUtilImpl.combineNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String[] names) IdentifierUtilImpl.combineNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String name1, String name2) IdentifierUtilImpl.combineNames
(IdentifierRule rule, IdentifierRule[] rules, String[] names) IdentifierUtil.delimit
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Delimit the name if it requires delimitersIdentifierUtil.delimit
(IdentifierRule rule, String name, boolean force) Delimit the string with the option to force delimiting.IdentifierUtilImpl.delimit
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name) IdentifierUtilImpl.delimit
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name, boolean force) IdentifierUtilImpl.delimit
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) IdentifierUtilImpl.delimit
(IdentifierRule rule, String name, boolean force) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Determines whether a name is delimited.boolean
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Returns whether a name is considered a reserved wordboolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Returns whether a name is considered a reserved word.IdentifierUtil.joinNames
(IdentifierRule[] rules, String[] names) Joins several names with different naming rules into a single string using appropriate delimiters and separatorsIdentifierUtil.joinNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String[] names) Joins several names with different naming rules into a single string using appropriate delimiters and separatorsIdentifierUtil.joinNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String[] names, String delimiter) Joins several names with different naming rules into a single string using the specified delimiterIdentifierUtilImpl.joinNames
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String[] names, String delimiter) Join names using a single naming rule and specified delimiterIdentifierUtilImpl.joinNames
(IdentifierRule[] rules, String[] names) Joins multiple names together using the standard delimiting rules ex. ( {"s", "t", "c"} --> "s"."IdentifierUtilImpl.joinNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String[] names) IdentifierUtilImpl.joinNames
(IdentifierRule rule, String[] names, String delimiter) IdentifierUtil.removeDelimiters
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Remove delimiters from a delimited nameIdentifierUtilImpl.removeDelimiters
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name) protected String
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name, String leading, String trailing) IdentifierUtilImpl.removeDelimiters
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) IdentifierUtil.removeHungarianNotation
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Removes Hungarian notation from the specified string.IdentifierUtilImpl.removeHungarianNotation
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Determines whether a name requires delimiters based upon: The SQL-92 Reference definition of a valid unquoted name The naming rule specifiedboolean
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule rule, String name) boolean
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) String[]
(IdentifierRule rule, String name) Splits a combined name name using the provided naming ruleString[]
(IdentifierRule rule, String name, String delimiter) Splits a combined name name using the provided naming rule and delimiter.String[]
(IdentifierConfiguration config, IdentifierRule nrule, String name) String[]
(IdentifierRule nrule, String name) String[]
(IdentifierRule nrule, String name, String nameDelim) Splits names using single naming rule and appropriate separatorsIdentifierUtil.truncateName
(IdentifierRule rule, String name, int length) Truncates a name while maintaining delimiters.IdentifierUtilImpl.truncateName
(IdentifierRule namingRule, String name, int length)