Uses of Package
OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata
OpenJPA-JDBC Schema Management
Metadata Framework
OpenJPA Metadata
ClassDescriptionInterface that can optionally be implemented by metadata to include the source file from which the metadata was originally parsed.
ClassDescriptionInterface for metadata parsers.Interface for meta data serializers.Interface that can optionally be implemented by metadata to include the source file from which the metadata was originally parsed.Custom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse metadata files.Abstract base type for serlializers that transfer groups of objects to XML.
ClassDescriptionFilters metadata resources.Information about a metadata resource.Iterator over metadata resources.Metadata iterator that combines several iterators.Interface for metadata parsers.Interface for meta data serializers.Interface that can optionally be implemented by metadata to include the source file from which the metadata was originally parsed.Custom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse metadata files.Abstract base type for serlializers that transfer groups of objects to XML.
ClassDescriptionParser used to resolve arguments into java classes.Filters metadata resources.Interface for metadata parsers.Interface for meta data serializers.Interface that can optionally be implemented by metadata to include the source file from which the metadata was originally parsed.
ClassDescriptionCustom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse metadata files for classes.Helps serialize metadata objects to package and class elements.Parser used to resolve arguments into java classes.Filters metadata resources.Interface for metadata parsers.Interface for meta data serializers.Interface that can optionally be implemented by metadata to include the source file from which the metadata was originally parsed.Custom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse metadata files.Abstract base type for serlializers that transfer groups of objects to XML.
ClassDescriptionCustom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse metadata files for classes.Helps serialize metadata objects to package and class elements.Interface for metadata parsers.Interface for meta data serializers.Custom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse metadata files.Abstract base type for serlializers that transfer groups of objects to XML.