Package org.apache.openjpa.lib.rop
package org.apache.openjpa.lib.rop
Result Object Provider Framework
This package provides a framework for the lazy loading of potentially large lists of data.
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for random-access result lists.Abstract base class for read-only result lists.Abstract base class for sequential result lists.A provider for multiple result sets.Simple, non-lazy ResultList implementationLazy forward-only result list.A basic
implementation that wraps a normal list.A result object provider wrapped around a normal list.A result object provider that merges multiple result object provider delegates.Random-access result list implementation.Prevents a view of a given range of indices from the delegate result object provider.ResultList<E>List interface that represents a potentially lazy ResultList instantiation.Wrapper iterator that will return false forhasNext()
if the owning ResultList has been closed.Interface that allows lazy/custom instantiation of input objects.Iterator wrapped around aResultObjectProvider
.An almost statelessResultList
designed for use with result object providers backed by efficient random-access data structures, such as theListResultObjectProvider
.Specialization of theRandomAccessResultList
that only maintains soft references to instantiated objects.ResultList implementation that uses a forward-scrolling window of results.