Class JPAFacadeHelper


public class JPAFacadeHelper extends Object
Helper class for switching between OpenJPA's JPA facade and the underlying Broker kernel.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JPAFacadeHelper

      public JPAFacadeHelper()
  • Method Details

    • toEntityManagerFactory

      public static OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory toEntityManagerFactory(BrokerFactory factory)
    • toBrokerFactory

      public static BrokerFactory toBrokerFactory(jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf)
      Return the underlying broker factory for the given persistence manager factory facade.
    • toEntityManager

      public static OpenJPAEntityManager toEntityManager(Broker broker)
      Return a persistence manager facade to the given broker retaining previously associated persistence context type.
    • toBroker

      public static Broker toBroker(jakarta.persistence.EntityManager em)
      Return the underlying broker for the given entity manager facade.
    • getMetaData

      public static ClassMetaData getMetaData(Object o)
      Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent object o.
    • getMetaData

      public static ClassMetaData getMetaData(jakarta.persistence.EntityManager em, Class cls)
      Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
    • getMetaData

      public static ClassMetaData getMetaData(jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf, Class cls)
      Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
    • fromOpenJPAObjectId

      public static Object fromOpenJPAObjectId(Object oid)
      Translate from a OpenJPA identity object to a Persistence one.
    • toOpenJPAObjectId

      public static Object toOpenJPAObjectId(ClassMetaData meta, Object oid)
      Translate from a Persistence identity object to a OpenJPA one. If the provided oid isn't of the expected type a UserException will be thrown.
    • toOpenJPAObjectIds

      public static Object[] toOpenJPAObjectIds(ClassMetaData meta, Object... oids)
      Return an array of OpenJPA oids for the given native oid array.
    • toOpenJPAObjectIds

      public static Collection<Object> toOpenJPAObjectIds(ClassMetaData meta, Collection<Object> oids)
      Return a collection of OpenJPA oids for the given native oid collection.
    • fromOpenJPAObjectIdClass

      public static Class fromOpenJPAObjectIdClass(Class oidClass)
      Translate from a OpenJPA identity class to a native one.