Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.openjpa.slice
Extended OpenJPA Interfaces for distributed databases.
Implements Distributed version of JDBCStoreManager and JDBCStoreQuery.
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.slice used by org.apache.openjpa.sliceClassDescriptionExtension to Broker to allow access to
virtual data store
.A configuration for multiple data stores, each referred as slice.A specializedStore Manager
that encapsulates multiple concrete Store Managers using Distributed Template (or Composite) Design Pattern.Policy to select one of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given persistent instance will be stored.Policy to select one or more of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given finder will be executed.Policy to select one or more of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given query will be executed.Policy to select one or more of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given persistent instance will be persisted.Represents a database slice of immutable logical name, a configuration and status.Holder of slice names where a persistent instance is stored. -
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.slice used by org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbcClassDescriptionExtension to Broker to allow access to
virtual data store
.Extension to BrokerFactory to allow dynamically add/remove slices.A configuration for multiple data stores, each referred as slice.Policy to select one of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given persistent instance will be stored.Policy to select one or more of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given finder will be executed.Policy to select one or more of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given query will be executed.Policy to select one or more of the physical databases referred as slice in which a given persistent instance will be persisted.Represents a database slice of immutable logical name, a configuration and status.