Class ArrayStateImage


public class ArrayStateImage extends Object
Utilities for dealing with a simple state image consisting of an Object[] of field values with one extra index containing a BitSet of loaded fields. This simplistic state image might be used for optimistic versioning.
Abe White
  • Constructor Details

    • ArrayStateImage

      public ArrayStateImage()
  • Method Details

    • newImage

      public static Object[] newImage(int numFields)
      Create a new state image for the given number of fields.
    • isImage

      public static boolean isImage(Object obj)
      Return true if the given version object appears to be an array state image.
    • getLoaded

      public static BitSet getLoaded(Object[] state)
      Get the loaded mask from a state image.
    • setLoaded

      public static void setLoaded(Object[] state, BitSet loaded)
      Set the loaded mask into a state image.
    • clone

      public static Object[] clone(Object[] state)
      Clone a state array.
    • sameVersion

      public static boolean sameVersion(Object[] state1, Object[] state2)
      Return whether the given images are equivalent from an optimistic locking perspective.