Package org.apache.openjpa.datacache

OpenJPA Data Cache


Interface Summary
CacheDistributionPolicy A policy determines whether a given entity should be cached and if true, in which named partition of the cache.
CacheStatistics Counts number of read/write requests and hit ratio for a cache in total and per-class basis.
DataCache Interface that must be implemented by any level 2 cache used by OpenJPA.
DataCacheManager Manages the system's data and query caches.
DataCachePCData Specialized PCData implementation for data caching.
DataCachePCDataGenerator.Timed Simple interface to give access to expiration time.
ExpirationListener An entity that wishes to be notified when cache keys expire.
QueryCache Interface that must be implemented by any level 2 query cache used by OpenJPA.
TypesChangedListener An entity that wishes to be notified when types change.

Class Summary
AbstractDataCache Abstract DataCache implementation that provides various statistics, logging, and timeout functionality common across cache implementations.
AbstractQueryCache Abstract QueryCache implementation that provides various statistics, logging, and timeout functionality common across cache implementations.
CacheStatistics.Default A default implementation.
ClearableScheduler Cron-style clearable eviction.
ConcurrentDataCache A DataCache implementation that is optimized for concurrent access.
ConcurrentQueryCache A QueryCache implementation that is optimized for concurrent access.
DataCacheManagerImpl Default data cache manager provides handle to utilities PCDataGenerator, ClearableScheduler and CacheDistributionPolicy for the cache operation.
DataCachePCDataGenerator A PCDataGenerator instance which generates properly synchronized instances suitable for use in the cache.
DataCachePCDataImpl Specialized PCData implementation for data caching.
DataCacheStoreManager StoreManager proxy that delegates to a data cache when possible.
DefaultCacheDistributionPolicy A default implementation that selects the cache by the type of the given managed instance.
DelegatingDataCache Delegating data cache that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingQueryCache Delegating query cache that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
ExpirationEvent An event indicating the expiration of an object from the data cache, or an expiration of a result list from the query cache.
PartitionedDataCache A partitioned data cache maintains a set of partitions that are DataCache themselves.
QueryCacheStoreQuery A StoreQuery implementation that caches the OIDs involved in the query, and can determine whether or not the query has been dirtied.
QueryCacheStoreQuery.CachedList Result list implementation for a cached query result.
QueryKey This class stores information about a particular invocation of a query.
QueryResult A query result.
TypeBasedCacheDistributionPolicy A cache distribution policy based on the type of the managed objects.
TypesChangedEvent An event indicating that instances of given persistent types have been modified.

Enum Summary

Package org.apache.openjpa.datacache Description

OpenJPA Data Cache

OpenJPA's data and query caching frameworks.

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