Uses of Class

Packages that use ForeignKey
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema OpenJPA-JDBC Schema Management 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction 

Uses of ForeignKey in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta that return ForeignKey
protected  ForeignKey MappingInfo.createForeignKey(MetaDataContext context, String prefix, List<Column> given, MappingInfo.ForeignKeyDefaults def, Table table, ClassMapping cls, ClassMapping rel, boolean inversable, boolean adapt)
          Retrieve/create a foreign key (possibly logical) on the given columns by merging the given template information with any user-provided information.
 ForeignKey MappingInfo.ForeignKeyDefaults.get(Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
          Return a default foreign key for the given tables, or null to create a logical foreign key only.
 ForeignKey FieldMapping.getBi1ToMElemFK()
 ForeignKey FieldMapping.getBi1ToMJoinFK()
 ForeignKey ValueMappingImpl.getForeignKey()
 ForeignKey ValueMapping.getForeignKey()
          If this value joins to another record, the foreign key.
 ForeignKey MappingInfo.getForeignKey()
          Raw foreign key information.
 ForeignKey FieldMapping.getForeignKey()
 ForeignKey ValueMappingImpl.getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
 ForeignKey ValueMapping.getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
          Return an equivalent of this value's foreign key, but joining to the given target, which may be an unjoined subclass of this value's related type.
 ForeignKey FieldMapping.getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
 ForeignKey NoneMappingDefaults.getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaultsImpl.getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaults.getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this value to its related type, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 ForeignKey NoneMappingDefaults.getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaultsImpl.getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaults.getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
 ForeignKey ValueMappingInfo.getInverseTypeJoin(ValueMapping val, DBIdentifier name, boolean adapt)
 ForeignKey ValueMappingInfo.getInverseTypeJoin(ValueMapping val, String name, boolean adapt)
 ForeignKey FieldMappingInfo.getJoin(FieldMapping field, Table table, boolean adapt)
          Return the join from the field table to the owning class table.
 ForeignKey FieldMappingInfo.getJoin(FieldMapping field, Table table, boolean adapt, List<Column> cols)
 ForeignKey FieldMapping.getJoinForeignKey()
          Foreign key linking the field table to the class' primary table.
 ForeignKey ClassMapping.getJoinForeignKey()
          Foreign key linking the primary key columns to the superclass table, or null if none.
 ForeignKey NoneMappingDefaults.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaultsImpl.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaults.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this class' table to its superclass' table, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 ForeignKey FieldMappingInfo.getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping field, Table table, boolean adapt)
 ForeignKey NoneMappingDefaults.getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaultsImpl.getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaults.getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this field's table to its defining class' table, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 ForeignKey ClassMappingInfo.getSuperclassJoin(ClassMapping cls, Table table, boolean adapt)
          Return the join from this class to its superclass.
 ForeignKey ValueMappingInfo.getTypeJoin(ValueMapping val, DBIdentifier name, boolean inversable, boolean adapt)
 ForeignKey ValueMappingInfo.getTypeJoin(ValueMapping val, String name, boolean inversable, boolean adapt)
 ForeignKey ReverseMappingTool.getUniqueForeignKey(Table table)
          If the given table has a single unique foreign key or a foreign key that matches the primary key, return it.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type ForeignKey
 String ReverseCustomizer.getFieldName(ClassMapping dec, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, String defaultName)
          Return the field name used to map the given columns, or null to prevent the columns from being mapped.
 String PropertiesReverseCustomizer.getFieldName(ClassMapping dec, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, String defaultName)
 Object ClassMapping.getObjectId(JDBCStore store, Result res, ForeignKey fk, boolean subs, Joins joins)
          Return the oid value stored in the result.
 Object Joinable.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)
          Return the value for this joinable from the given result, using the given columns.
 Object DelegatingJoinable.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)
 Boolean ClassMapping.isForeignKeyObjectId(ForeignKey fk)
          Return whether the columns of the given foreign key to this mapping can be used to construct an object id for this type.
(package private)  boolean ClassMapping.isSelfReference(ForeignKey fk, Column[] cols)
 boolean ReverseMappingTool.isUnique(ForeignKey fk)
          Return whether the given foreign key is unique.
 FieldMapping ReverseMappingTool.newFieldMapping(String name, Class type, Column col, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping dec)
          Create a field mapping for the given info, or return null if customizer rejects.
 void ValueMappingImpl.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
 void ValueMapping.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          If this value joins to another record, the foreign key.
 void MappingInfo.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Raw foreign key information.
 void FieldMapping.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
 void FieldMapping.setJoinForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Foreign key linking the field table to the class' primary table.
 void ClassMapping.setJoinForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Foreign key linking the primary key columns to the superclass table, or null if none.
protected  void MappingInfo.syncForeignKey(MetaDataContext context, ForeignKey fk, Table local, Table target)
          Sets internal constraint and column information to match given mapped constraint.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type ForeignKey
DelegatingJoinable(Joinable join, ForeignKey fk)

Uses of ForeignKey in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats that return ForeignKey
protected  ForeignKey StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey()
protected  ForeignKey MapTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey()
protected abstract  ForeignKey ContainerFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey()
protected abstract  ForeignKey StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
          Return the foreign key used to join to the owning field for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected  ForeignKey RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
protected  ForeignKey RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
 ForeignKey RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
 ForeignKey RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
 ForeignKey RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
 ForeignKey RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
 ForeignKey MapTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
 ForeignKey LRSMapFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the foreign key used to join to the owning field for the given mapping from either LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean) or LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean) (or null).
 ForeignKey LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
          Return the foreign key used to join to the owning field for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
 ForeignKey HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats with parameters of type ForeignKey
protected static void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendJoinCount(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins, DBDictionary dict, FieldMapping field, ForeignKey fk)
static void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendUnaliasedJoin(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins, DBDictionary dict, FieldMapping field, ForeignKey fk)
 Object StringFieldStrategy.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)
 Object RelationFieldStrategy.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)
 Object PrimitiveFieldStrategy.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)
 Object IdentityJoinable.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)
 Object HandlerFieldStrategy.getPrimaryKeyValue(Result res, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, JDBCStore store, Joins joins)

Uses of ForeignKey in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema declared as ForeignKey
static ForeignKey[] Schemas.EMPTY_FOREIGN_KEYS

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema that return ForeignKey
 ForeignKey Table.addForeignKey()
          Add a foreign key to the table.
 ForeignKey Table.addForeignKey(DBIdentifier name)
 ForeignKey Table.addForeignKey(String name)
 ForeignKey[] SchemaGroup.findExportedForeignKeys(PrimaryKey pk)
          Find all foreign keys exported by a given primary key (all foreign keys that link to the primary key).
 ForeignKey ForeignKey.FKMapKey.getFk()
 ForeignKey Table.getForeignKey(DBIdentifier name)
 ForeignKey Table.getForeignKey(String name)
 ForeignKey[] Table.getForeignKeys()
          Return all foreign keys for the table.
 ForeignKey Table.importForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Import a foreign key; column names must match columns of this table.
protected  ForeignKey SchemaGroup.newForeignKey(DBIdentifier name, Table table)
protected  ForeignKey SchemaGroup.newForeignKey(String name, Table table)

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema with parameters of type ForeignKey
 void ForeignKey.addColumn(ForeignKey fk)
          Joins the column of a single column FK to this FK.
 boolean SchemaTool.addForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Add the given foreign key to the database schema.
 boolean SchemaTool.dropForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Drop the given foreign key from the database schema.
 boolean ForeignKey.equalsForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Foreign keys are equal if the satisfy the equality constraints of Constraint and they have the same local and primary key columns and action.
 ForeignKey Table.importForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Import a foreign key; column names must match columns of this table.
 boolean ColumnIO.isAllInsertable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if all columns for the given key are insertable.
 boolean ColumnIO.isAllUpdatable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if all columns for the given key are updatable.
 boolean ColumnIO.isAnyInsertable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if any columns for the given key are insertable.
 boolean ColumnIO.isAnyUpdatable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if any columns for the given key are updatable.
 boolean Table.removeForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Remove the given foreign key from the table.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema with parameters of type ForeignKey
ForeignKey.FKMapKey(ForeignKey fk)

Uses of ForeignKey in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that return ForeignKey
protected  ForeignKey DBDictionary.combineForeignKey(Map<ForeignKey.FKMapKey,ForeignKey> fkMap, ForeignKey fk)
 ForeignKey Join.getForeignKey()
 ForeignKey[] DBDictionary.getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, Connection conn)
          Reflect on the schema to return foreign keys imported by the given table pattern.
 ForeignKey[] OracleDictionary.getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, Connection conn, boolean partialKeys)
 ForeignKey[] DBDictionary.getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, Connection conn, boolean partialKeys)
          Reflect on the schema to return full foreign keys imported by the given table pattern.
 ForeignKey[] DBDictionary.getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn)
 ForeignKey[] OracleDictionary.getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn, boolean partialKeys)
 ForeignKey[] DBDictionary.getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn, boolean partialKeys)
protected  ForeignKey DBDictionary.newForeignKey(ResultSet fkMeta)
          Create a new foreign key from the information in the schema metadata.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type ForeignKey
 boolean OracleDictionary.canOuterJoin(int syntax, ForeignKey fk)
 boolean DBDictionary.canOuterJoin(int syntax, ForeignKey fk)
          Returns if the given foreign key can be eagerly loaded using other joins.
 void RowImpl.clearForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          Clear a circular foreign key.
 void PrimaryRow.clearForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
protected  ForeignKey DBDictionary.combineForeignKey(Map<ForeignKey.FKMapKey,ForeignKey> fkMap, ForeignKey fk)
 String[] SybaseDictionary.getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
 String[] InformixDictionary.getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
 String[] DBDictionary.getAddForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk)
          Return a series of SQL statements to add the given foreign key to its table.
 String[] MySQLDictionary.getDropForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk, Connection conn)
          Return ALTER TABLE <table name> DROP FOREIGN KEY <fk name>.
 String[] DBDictionary.getDropForeignKeySQL(ForeignKey fk, Connection conn)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given foreign key from its table.
protected  String DBDictionary.getForeignKeyConstraintSQL(ForeignKey fk)
          Return the declaration SQL for the given foreign key, or null if it is not supported.
 ColumnIO PrimaryRow.getForeignKeyIO(ForeignKey fk)
          Return the I/O information for the given set foreign key.
 OpenJPAStateManager PrimaryRow.getForeignKeySet(ForeignKey fk)
          Return the value for the given foreign key.
 OpenJPAStateManager PrimaryRow.getForeignKeyWhere(ForeignKey fk)
          Return the value for the given foreign key.
 Joins SelectImpl.join(ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins SelectImpl.SelectResult.join(ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins Joins.join(ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
          Join the columns of the given foreign key.
 Joins SelectImpl.joinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins SelectImpl.SelectResult.joinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins Joins.joinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subclasses, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
          Join the columns of the given foreign key, which represents a relation via the given field name.
 Joins SelectImpl.outerJoin(ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins SelectImpl.SelectResult.outerJoin(ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins Joins.outerJoin(ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
          Join the columns of the given foreign key.
 Joins SelectImpl.outerJoinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins SelectImpl.SelectResult.outerJoinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins Joins.outerJoinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subclasses, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
          Join the columns of the given foreign key, which represents a relation via the given field name.
 void SecondaryRow.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, ColumnIO io, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void RowImpl.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, ColumnIO io, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void Row.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, ColumnIO io, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
          Set the value of the given foreign key to the given object.
 void PrimaryRow.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, ColumnIO io, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void SecondaryRow.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void RowImpl.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void Row.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
          Set the value of the given foreign key to the given object.
 void PrimaryRow.setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void SelectImpl.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
 void Select.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
          Add where conditions setting the given foreign key to the given oid values.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
 void RowImpl.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
 void Row.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
          Set the foreign key equality criteria to link to the given object.
 void PrimaryRow.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, OpenJPAStateManager sm)

Method parameters in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with type arguments of type ForeignKey
protected  ForeignKey DBDictionary.combineForeignKey(Map<ForeignKey.FKMapKey,ForeignKey> fkMap, ForeignKey fk)

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type ForeignKey
Join(Table table1, int alias1, Table table2, int alias2, ForeignKey fk, boolean inverse)
          Constructor for inner and outer joins.

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