Class ClassMetaData

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.meta.Extensions
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.meta.ClassMetaData
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ClassMetaData>, ValueListener, SourceTracker, Commentable, MetaDataContext, MetaDataModes
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ClassMetaData
extends Extensions
implements Comparable<ClassMetaData>, SourceTracker, MetaDataContext, MetaDataModes, Commentable, ValueListener

Contains metadata about a persistent type. This metadata is available both at enhancement time and runtime. Note that this class employs aggressive caching, and therefore it is important to finalize the configuration of field metadatas before invoking methods that depend on that configuration, such as getPrimaryKeyFields().

Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Persistent class has explicitly defined an access type.
static int ACCESS_FIELD
          Persistent attributes are accessed via direct field access.
          Persistent attributes are accessed via setters and getters.
          Unknown access type.
protected static String DEFAULT_STRING
          Application identity type.
static int ID_DATASTORE
          Datastore identity type.
static int ID_UNKNOWN
          Unknown identity type.
static String SYNTHETIC
          Value for using a synthetic detached state field, which is the default.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.meta.Extensions
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.meta.SourceTracker
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataModes
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.xml.Commentable
Constructor Summary
protected ClassMetaData(Class<?> type, MetaDataRepository repos)
protected ClassMetaData(ValueMetaData owner)
          Embedded constructor.
Method Summary
 FetchGroup addDeclaredFetchGroup(String name)
          Adds fetch group of the given name, or returns existing instance.
 FieldMetaData addDeclaredField(String name, Class<?> type)
          Add a new field metadata to this class.
 void addDeclaredInterface(Class<?> iface)
          Explicitly declare the given interface among the ones this class implements.
 FieldMetaData addDefinedSuperclassField(String name, Class<?> type, Class<?> sup)
          Add a new defined superclass field metadata to this class.
protected  void addExtensionKeys(Collection exts)
          Add all the known extension keys to the specified collection; any implementation that utilized new extensions should override this method to include both the known extensions of its superclass as well as its own extension keys.
protected  void clearAllFieldCache()
          Clear cached field data.
protected  void clearDefinedFieldCache()
          Clear defined field data.
(package private)  void clearExtraFieldDataTable()
          Clear impl data and intermediate data table.
protected  void clearFieldCache()
          Clear cached field data.
protected  void clearSubclassCache()
          Clear cached subclass data.
 int compareTo(ClassMetaData other)
 void copy(ClassMetaData meta)
          Copy the metadata from the given instance to this one.
 void defineSuperclassFields(boolean force)
          Incorporate superclass fields redefined in this subclass into this metadata.
 boolean equals(Object other)
 int getAccessType()
          The access type used by this class.
 Boolean getCacheEnabled()
          Returns tri-state status on whether this class has been enabled for caching.
 int getColNumber()
          Return the column number in the line of the file at which this instance was parsed.
 String[] getComments()
          Return comments, or empty array if none.
 FetchGroup[] getCustomFetchGroups()
          Return all fetch groups for this type, including superclass groups.
 DataCache getDataCache()
          Return the data cache for this class, or null if it is not cachable.
 boolean getDataCacheEnabled()
          Affirms true if this receiver is annotated with @DataCache and is not disabled.
 String getDataCacheName()
          The name of the data cache that stores the managed instance of this class, by default.
 int getDataCacheTimeout()
          The cache timeout for this class.
 FetchGroup[] getDeclaredFetchGroups()
          Return the fetch groups declared explicitly in this type.
 FieldMetaData getDeclaredField(int index)
          Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given relative index.
 FieldMetaData getDeclaredField(String name)
          Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given name, without including superclass fields.
 String[] getDeclaredFieldNames()
          Utility method to get names of all declared fields excluding the superclasses' sorted in lexical order.
 FieldMetaData[] getDeclaredFields()
          Return only the fields for this class, without superclass fields.
 Class<?>[] getDeclaredInterfaces()
          Return all explicitly declared interfaces this class implements.
 FieldMetaData[] getDeclaredUnmanagedFields()
          Return any fields that were added as non-managed.
 FieldMetaData[] getDefaultFetchGroupFields()
          Return the list of fields in the default fetch group, including superclass fields, or an empty array if none.
 FieldMetaData[] getDefinedFields()
          Returns an array of all the fields defined by this class.
 FieldMetaData[] getDefinedFieldsInListingOrder()
          Returns all fields defined by this class in the order they are listed in the metadata file.
 FieldMetaData getDefinedSuperclassField(String name)
          Return the defined superclass field with the given name, or null if none.
 Class<?> getDescribedType()
          The persistence capable class described by this metadata.
 String getDetachedState()
          The name of the detach state field, or null if none.
 Field getDetachedStateField()
          Return the detach state field, or null if none.
 ValueMetaData getEmbeddingMetaData()
          If this metadata is for an embedded object, returning the owning value.
 ClassLoader getEnvClassLoader()
          The environmental loader used when loading this metadata.
 int getExtraFieldDataIndex(int field)
          Return the intermediate field data index of the given field in the compacted array, or -1 if the field does not use extra data.
 int getExtraFieldDataLength()
          Return the number of fields that use impl or intermediate data, in order to create a compacted array for storage of said data.
 FetchGroup getFetchGroup(String name)
          Gets a named fetch group.
 FieldMetaData getField(int index)
          Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given absolute index.
 FieldMetaData getField(String name)
          Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given name.
 String[] getFieldNames()
          Utility method to get names of all fields including the superclasses' sorted in lexical order.
 FieldMetaData[] getFields()
          Return all field metadata, including superclass fields.
 FieldMetaData[] getFieldsInListingOrder()
          Returns all fields in the order they are listed in the metadata file.
 SequenceMetaData getIdentitySequenceMetaData()
          Metadata for the datastore identity sequence.
 String getIdentitySequenceName()
          The datastore identity sequence name, or null for none.
 int getIdentityStrategy()
          The strategy to use for datastore identity generation.
 int getIdentityType()
          The type of identity being used.
 String[] getInterfaceAliasedProperties(Class<?> iface)
          Return all aliases property named for the given interface.
 Class<?> getInterfaceImpl()
          Return the managed interface implementor if any.
 String getInterfacePropertyAlias(Class<?> iface, String orig)
          Get local field alias for the given interface property.
 LifecycleMetaData getLifecycleMetaData()
          Information about lifecycle callbacks for this class.
 int getLineNumber()
          Return the line number of the file at which this instance was parsed.
 int getListingIndex()
          The index in which this class was listed in the metadata.
 FieldMetaData[] getLrsFields()
          Return all large result set fields.
 ClassMetaData[] getMappedPCSubclassMetaDatas()
          Return all mapped subclasses.
 ClassMetaData getMappedPCSuperclassMetaData()
          Return the closest mapped superclass.
 Class<?> getObjectIdType()
          The metadata-specified class to use for the object ID.
 Class<?>[] getPCSubclasses()
          Return the known persistence capable subclasses of the described type, or empty array if none or if this is embedded metadata.
 ClassMetaData[] getPCSubclassMetaDatas()
          Return the metadata for the known persistence capable subclasses of the described type, or empty array if none or if this is embedded metadata.
 Class<?> getPCSuperclass()
          The persistence capable superclass of the described type.
 ClassMetaData getPCSuperclassMetaData()
          The metadata for this class' superclass.
 FieldMetaData[] getPrimaryKeyFields()
          Return primary key fields, or empty array if none.
 FieldMetaData[] getProxyFields()
          Return all fields that are types that need to be wrappered by a proxy.
 MetaDataRepository getRepository()
          Return the owning repository.
 boolean getRequiresExtent()
          Whether the type requires extent management.
 int getResolve()
          The resolve mode for this metadata.
 String getResourceName()
          Return the domain-meaningful name of the resource that was loaded from this source.
 File getSourceFile()
          Return the file from which this instance was parsed.
 int getSourceMode()
          The source mode this metadata has been loaded under.
 Object getSourceScope()
          Return the domain-dependent scope of this instance within its file.
 int getSourceType()
          Return the type of source.
protected  FieldMetaData getSuperclassField(FieldMetaData supField)
          Return the superclass copy of the given field.
 String getTypeAlias()
          Returns the alias for the described type, or null if none has been set.
 FieldMetaData getVersionField()
          Return the version field for this class, if any.
 boolean hasAbstractPKField()
          Convenience method to determine if the pcType modeled by this ClassMetaData object is both abstract and declares PKFields.
 int hashCode()
 boolean hasPKFieldsFromAbstractClass()
          Convenience method to determine if this type is a direct decendent of an abstract type declaring PKFields.
protected  void initializeMapping()
          Initialize mapping.
 boolean isAbstract()
 boolean isAccessibleField(String field)
          Return whether the given name represents a managed or static field of this class, including superclass fields.
 boolean isDetachable()
          Whether instances are detachable.
 boolean isEmbeddable()
 boolean isEmbeddedOnly()
          Whether the type can only be used as an embedded object.
 boolean isExplicitAccess()
          Affirms if access style is explicitly defined.
 boolean isIntercepting()
          Whether the type's fields are actively intercepted, either by redefinition or enhancement.
 boolean isManagedInterface()
          Whether the type is a managed interface.
 boolean isMapped()
          Whether this class is mapped to the datastore.
 boolean isMixedAccess()
          Affirms if attributes of this class use mixed access types.
 boolean isObjectIdTypeShared()
          Whether this type uses an application identity class that is shared with other classes, and is therefore wrapped in an ObjectId.
 boolean isOpenJPAIdentity()
          Whether this type uses OpenJPA identity.
 boolean isReplicated()
          Affirms the persistence instances of this receiver is replicated across multiple databases.
(package private)  void mergeFieldAccess(FieldMetaData fmd, int fCode)
          Asserts the the given field (which must belong to this receiver) can be set to the given access code.
 void registerForValueUpdate(String... values)
 boolean removeDeclaredFetchGroup(FetchGroup fg)
          Remove a declared fetch group.
 boolean removeDeclaredField(FieldMetaData field)
          Remove the given field from management.
 boolean removeDeclaredInterface(Class<?> iface)
          Remove the given interface from the declared list.
 boolean removeDefinedSuperclassField(FieldMetaData field)
          Remove the given field from management.
 boolean resolve(int mode)
          Resolve and validate metadata.
protected  void resolveMapping(boolean runtime)
          Resolve mapping data.
protected  void resolveMeta(boolean runtime)
          Resolve metadata.
 void setAbstract(boolean flag)
 void setAccessType(int type)
          Sets the access type.
 void setCacheEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Sets the eligibility status of this class for cache.
 void setColNumber(int colNum)
 void setComments(String[] comments)
          Set comments.
 void setDataCacheName(String name)
          Set the cache name for this class.
 void setDataCacheTimeout(int timeout)
          The cache timeout for this class.
protected  void setDescribedType(Class<?> type)
          Set the class described by this metadata.
 void setDetachable(boolean detachable)
          Whether instances are detachable.
 void setDetachedState(String field)
          The name of the detach state field, or null if none.
 void setEmbeddable()
 void setEmbeddedOnly(boolean embed)
          Whether the type can only be used as an embedded object.
 void setEnvClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
          The class environmental loader used when loading this metadata.
 void setIdentitySequenceName(String seqName)
          The datastore identity sequence name, or null for none.
 void setIdentityStrategy(int strategy)
          The strategy to use for datastore identity generation.
 void setIdentityType(int type)
          The type of identity being used.
 void setIntercepting(boolean intercepting)
          Whether the type's fields are actively intercepted, either by redefinition or enhancement.
 void setInterfaceImpl(Class<?> impl)
          Set the managed interface implementor class.
 void setInterfacePropertyAlias(Class<?> iface, String orig, String local)
          Alias properties from the given interface during queries to the local field.
 void setLineNumber(int lineNum)
 void setListingIndex(int index)
          The index in which this field was listed in the metadata.
 void setManagedInterface(boolean managedInterface)
          Whether the type is a managed interface
 void setObjectIdType(Class<?> cls, boolean shared)
          The metadata-specified class to use for the object ID.
 void setPCSuperclass(Class<?> pc)
          The persistence capable superclass of the described type.
 void setPCSuperclassMetaData(ClassMetaData meta)
          The metadata for this class' superclass.
 void setReplicated(boolean flag)
          Sets the persistence instances of this receiver to be replicated across multiple databases.
 void setRequiresExtent(boolean req)
          Whether the type requires extent management.
 void setResolve(int mode)
          The resolve mode for this metadata.
 void setResolve(int mode, boolean on)
          The resolve mode for this metadata.
 void setSource(File file, int srcType)
 void setSourceMode(int mode)
          The source mode this metadata has been loaded under.
 void setSourceMode(int mode, boolean on)
          The source mode this metadata has been loaded under.
 void setTypeAlias(String alias)
          Sets the alias for the described type.
(package private)  String[] toNames(FieldMetaData[] fields)
 String toString()
 boolean useIdClassFromParent()
          Return true if this class uses IdClass derived from idClass of the parent entity which annotated as id in the child class.
 Boolean usesDetachedState()
          Whether an instance of this type has detached state.
protected  void validateMapping(boolean runtime)
          Validate mapping data.
protected  void validateMeta(boolean runtime)
          Validate resolved metadata.
 void valueChanged(Value val)
          Callback used by Value objects to notify listener of change.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.meta.Extensions
addExtension, addExtension, copy, getBooleanExtension, getBooleanExtension, getDoubleExtension, getDoubleExtension, getEmbeddedExtensions, getEmbeddedExtensions, getExtensionKeys, getExtensionKeys, getExtensionVendors, getIntExtension, getIntExtension, getObjectExtension, getObjectExtension, getStringExtension, getStringExtension, hasExtension, hasExtension, isEmpty, removeEmbeddedExtensions, removeEmbeddedExtensions, removeExtension, removeExtension, validateDataStoreExtensionPrefix, validateExtensionKeys
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ID_UNKNOWN
Unknown identity type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ID_DATASTORE
Datastore identity type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ID_APPLICATION
Application identity type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ACCESS_UNKNOWN
Unknown access type.


public static final int ACCESS_FIELD
Persistent attributes are accessed via direct field access. Bit flag.


public static final int ACCESS_PROPERTY
Persistent attributes are accessed via setters and getters. Bit flag.


public static final int ACCESS_EXPLICIT
Persistent class has explicitly defined an access type. This will allow the attributes to use mixed access i.e. some field may use ACCESS_FIELD while others ACCESS_PROPERTY.


public static final String SYNTHETIC
Value for using a synthetic detached state field, which is the default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String DEFAULT_STRING
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected ClassMetaData(Class<?> type,
                        MetaDataRepository repos)
Constructor. Supply described type and repository.


protected ClassMetaData(ValueMetaData owner)
Embedded constructor. Supply embedding value.

Method Detail


public MetaDataRepository getRepository()
Return the owning repository.

Specified by:
getRepository in interface MetaDataContext
Specified by:
getRepository in class Extensions


public ValueMetaData getEmbeddingMetaData()
If this metadata is for an embedded object, returning the owning value.


public Class<?> getDescribedType()
The persistence capable class described by this metadata.


protected void setDescribedType(Class<?> type)
Set the class described by this metadata. The type may be reset when an embedded value changes its declared type.


public ClassLoader getEnvClassLoader()
The environmental loader used when loading this metadata. The class metadata should use this loader when loading metadata for its superclass and field types.


public void setEnvClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
The class environmental loader used when loading this metadata. The class metadata should use this loader when loading metadata for its superclass and field types.


public Class<?> getPCSuperclass()
The persistence capable superclass of the described type.


public void setPCSuperclass(Class<?> pc)
The persistence capable superclass of the described type.


public ClassMetaData getPCSuperclassMetaData()
The metadata for this class' superclass.


public void setPCSuperclassMetaData(ClassMetaData meta)
The metadata for this class' superclass.


public boolean isMapped()
Whether this class is mapped to the datastore. By default, only returns false if class is embedded-only, but subclasses might override to allow unmapped other types.


public ClassMetaData getMappedPCSuperclassMetaData()
Return the closest mapped superclass.


public Class<?>[] getPCSubclasses()
Return the known persistence capable subclasses of the described type, or empty array if none or if this is embedded metadata.


public ClassMetaData[] getPCSubclassMetaDatas()
Return the metadata for the known persistence capable subclasses of the described type, or empty array if none or if this is embedded metadata.


public ClassMetaData[] getMappedPCSubclassMetaDatas()
Return all mapped subclasses.


public int getIdentityType()
The type of identity being used. This will be one of: If unspecified, defaults to ID_DATASTORE if there are no primary key fields, and ID_APPLICATION otherwise.


public void setIdentityType(int type)
The type of identity being used. This will be one of: If unspecified, defaults to ID_DATASTORE if there are no primary key fields, and ID_APPLICATION otherwise.


public Class<?> getObjectIdType()
The metadata-specified class to use for the object ID.


public void setObjectIdType(Class<?> cls,
                            boolean shared)
The metadata-specified class to use for the object ID. When there is IdClass annotation, AnnotationMetaDataParser will call this method to set ObjectId type. However, if this is a derived identity in the child entity where a relation field (parent entity) is used as an id, and this relation field has an IdClass, the IdClass annotation in the child entity can be ignored as Openjpa will automatically wrap parent's IdClass as child's IdClass.


public boolean isObjectIdTypeShared()
Whether this type uses an application identity class that is shared with other classes, and is therefore wrapped in an ObjectId.


public boolean isOpenJPAIdentity()
Whether this type uses OpenJPA identity.


public int getIdentityStrategy()
The strategy to use for datastore identity generation. One of the constants from ValueStrategies.


public void setIdentityStrategy(int strategy)
The strategy to use for datastore identity generation. One of the constants from ValueStrategies.


public String getIdentitySequenceName()
The datastore identity sequence name, or null for none.


public void setIdentitySequenceName(String seqName)
The datastore identity sequence name, or null for none.


public SequenceMetaData getIdentitySequenceMetaData()
Metadata for the datastore identity sequence.


public LifecycleMetaData getLifecycleMetaData()
Information about lifecycle callbacks for this class.


public String getTypeAlias()
Returns the alias for the described type, or null if none has been set.

See Also:


public void setTypeAlias(String alias)
Sets the alias for the described type. The alias can be any arbitrary string that the implementation can later use to refer to the class. Note that at runtime, only the alias computed when the persistent type was enhanced is used.

alias - the alias name to apply to the described type


public int getAccessType()
The access type used by this class.


public void setAccessType(int type)
Sets the access type.


void mergeFieldAccess(FieldMetaData fmd,
                      int fCode)
Asserts the the given field (which must belong to this receiver) can be set to the given access code. If the field code is allowed, it may have the side-effect of changing the access code of this receiver.


public boolean isExplicitAccess()
Affirms if access style is explicitly defined.


public boolean isMixedAccess()
Affirms if attributes of this class use mixed access types.


public boolean getRequiresExtent()
Whether the type requires extent management.


public void setRequiresExtent(boolean req)
Whether the type requires extent management.


public boolean isEmbeddedOnly()
Whether the type can only be used as an embedded object.


public void setEmbeddedOnly(boolean embed)
Whether the type can only be used as an embedded object.


public boolean isEmbeddable()


public void setEmbeddable()


public boolean isIntercepting()
Whether the type's fields are actively intercepted, either by redefinition or enhancement.


public void setIntercepting(boolean intercepting)
Whether the type's fields are actively intercepted, either by redefinition or enhancement.


public boolean isManagedInterface()
Whether the type is a managed interface.


public void setManagedInterface(boolean managedInterface)
Whether the type is a managed interface


public Class<?> getInterfaceImpl()
Return the managed interface implementor if any.


public void setInterfaceImpl(Class<?> impl)
Set the managed interface implementor class.


public Class<?>[] getDeclaredInterfaces()
Return all explicitly declared interfaces this class implements.


public void addDeclaredInterface(Class<?> iface)
Explicitly declare the given interface among the ones this class implements.


public boolean removeDeclaredInterface(Class<?> iface)
Remove the given interface from the declared list.


public void setInterfacePropertyAlias(Class<?> iface,
                                      String orig,
                                      String local)
Alias properties from the given interface during queries to the local field.


public String getInterfacePropertyAlias(Class<?> iface,
                                        String orig)
Get local field alias for the given interface property.


public String[] getInterfaceAliasedProperties(Class<?> iface)
Return all aliases property named for the given interface.


public int getExtraFieldDataLength()
Return the number of fields that use impl or intermediate data, in order to create a compacted array for storage of said data.


public int getExtraFieldDataIndex(int field)
Return the intermediate field data index of the given field in the compacted array, or -1 if the field does not use extra data.

See Also:


public boolean isAccessibleField(String field)
Return whether the given name represents a managed or static field of this class, including superclass fields.


public FieldMetaData[] getProxyFields()
Return all fields that are types that need to be wrappered by a proxy. The types that need to be proxied are:

  • org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes.CALENDAR
  • org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes.COLLECTION
  • org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes.DATE
  • org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes.MAP
  • org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes.OBJECT

  • getLrsFields

    public FieldMetaData[] getLrsFields()
    Return all large result set fields. Will never return null.


    public FieldMetaData[] getFields()
    Return all field metadata, including superclass fields.


    protected FieldMetaData getSuperclassField(FieldMetaData supField)
    Return the superclass copy of the given field.


    public FieldMetaData[] getDeclaredFields()
    Return only the fields for this class, without superclass fields.


    public FieldMetaData[] getPrimaryKeyFields()
    Return primary key fields, or empty array if none. The order in which the keys are returned will be the order in which the fields are declared, starting at the least-derived superclass and ending with the primary key fields of the most-derived subclass.


    public FieldMetaData[] getDefaultFetchGroupFields()
    Return the list of fields in the default fetch group, including superclass fields, or an empty array if none.


    public FieldMetaData getVersionField()
    Return the version field for this class, if any.


    public FieldMetaData getField(int index)
    Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given absolute index.

    the field's metadata, or null if not found


    public FieldMetaData getDeclaredField(int index)
    Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given relative index.

    the field's metadata, or null if not found


    public FieldMetaData getField(String name)
    Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given name.

    the field's metadata, or null if not found


    public FieldMetaData getDeclaredField(String name)
    Return the metadata for the persistent or transactional field with the given name, without including superclass fields.

    the field's metadata, or null if not found


    public FieldMetaData[] getDeclaredUnmanagedFields()
    Return any fields that were added as non-managed. All other methods to get fields return only those that are managed.


    public FieldMetaData addDeclaredField(String name,
                                          Class<?> type)
    Add a new field metadata to this class.


    public boolean removeDeclaredField(FieldMetaData field)
    Remove the given field from management.

    true if the field was removed, false otherwise


    public FieldMetaData getDefinedSuperclassField(String name)
    Return the defined superclass field with the given name, or null if none.


    public FieldMetaData addDefinedSuperclassField(String name,
                                                   Class<?> type,
                                                   Class<?> sup)
    Add a new defined superclass field metadata to this class.


    public boolean removeDefinedSuperclassField(FieldMetaData field)
    Remove the given field from management.

    true if the field was removed, false otherwise


    public void defineSuperclassFields(boolean force)
    Incorporate superclass fields redefined in this subclass into this metadata. This method is generally called after metadata is resolved and mapping information is loaded, but before mapping resolve.

    force - whether to force re-mapping of even mapped superclass fields


    public FieldMetaData[] getDefinedFields()
    Returns an array of all the fields defined by this class. This includes mapped declared fields and any concrete mapping of unmapped superclass fields performed by this class.


    public FieldMetaData[] getFieldsInListingOrder()
    Returns all fields in the order they are listed in the metadata file. Unlisted fields are placed after listed ones.


    public FieldMetaData[] getDefinedFieldsInListingOrder()
    Returns all fields defined by this class in the order they are listed in the metadata file. Unlisted fields are placed after listed ones. This array includes declared transactional and unmanaged fields.


    public String getDataCacheName()
    The name of the data cache that stores the managed instance of this class, by default. This can be overwritten by per-instance basis cache distribution policy.

    null if this class is disabled from cache by @DataCache(enabled=false). default if @DataCache(enabled=true) without a name. Otherwise, data cache name set by the user via @DataCache name attribute.


    public void setDataCacheName(String name)
    Set the cache name for this class.

    can - be null to disable cache.


    public boolean getDataCacheEnabled()
    Affirms true if this receiver is annotated with @DataCache and is not disabled. A separate state variable is necessary besides the name of the cache defaulted to a special string.


    public int getDataCacheTimeout()
    The cache timeout for this class. -1 indicates no timeout.


    public void setDataCacheTimeout(int timeout)
    The cache timeout for this class. -1 indicates no timeout.


    public DataCache getDataCache()
    Return the data cache for this class, or null if it is not cachable.


    public boolean isDetachable()
    Whether instances are detachable.


    public void setDetachable(boolean detachable)
    Whether instances are detachable.


    public String getDetachedState()
    The name of the detach state field, or null if none.


    public void setDetachedState(String field)
    The name of the detach state field, or null if none.


    public Field getDetachedStateField()
    Return the detach state field, or null if none.


    public Boolean usesDetachedState()
    Whether an instance of this type has detached state.

    true if a detached instance must have detached state, false if it does not, and null if it may use a manually-constructed instance without detached state


    protected void clearAllFieldCache()
    Clear cached field data.


    protected void clearDefinedFieldCache()
    Clear defined field data.


    protected void clearFieldCache()
    Clear cached field data.


    protected void clearSubclassCache()
    Clear cached subclass data.


    void clearExtraFieldDataTable()
    Clear impl data and intermediate data table.


    public int hashCode()
    hashCode in class Object


    public boolean equals(Object other)
    equals in class Object


    public int compareTo(ClassMetaData other)
    Specified by:
    compareTo in interface Comparable<ClassMetaData>


    public String toString()
    toString in class Object


    public int getResolve()
    The resolve mode for this metadata.


    public void setResolve(int mode)
    The resolve mode for this metadata.


    public void setResolve(int mode,
                           boolean on)
    The resolve mode for this metadata.


    public boolean resolve(int mode)
    Resolve and validate metadata. Return true if already resolved.


    protected void resolveMeta(boolean runtime)
    Resolve metadata.


    protected void validateMeta(boolean runtime)
    Validate resolved metadata.


    protected void resolveMapping(boolean runtime)
    Resolve mapping data. Logs resolve message and resolves super by default.


    protected void validateMapping(boolean runtime)
    Validate mapping data.


    protected void initializeMapping()
    Initialize mapping. Logs init message by default.


    public boolean useIdClassFromParent()
    Return true if this class uses IdClass derived from idClass of the parent entity which annotated as id in the child class. In this case, there are no key fields in the child entity corresponding to the fields in the IdClass.


    public FetchGroup[] getDeclaredFetchGroups()
    Return the fetch groups declared explicitly in this type.


    public FetchGroup[] getCustomFetchGroups()
    Return all fetch groups for this type, including superclass groups.


    public FetchGroup getFetchGroup(String name)
    Gets a named fetch group. If not available in this receiver then looks up the inheritance hierarchy.

    name - name of a fetch group.
    an existing fetch group of the given name if known to this receiver or any of its superclasses. Otherwise null.


    public FetchGroup addDeclaredFetchGroup(String name)
    Adds fetch group of the given name, or returns existing instance.

    name - a non-null, non-empty name. Must be unique within this receiver's scope. The super class may have a group with the same name.


    public boolean removeDeclaredFetchGroup(FetchGroup fg)
    Remove a declared fetch group.


    public File getSourceFile()
    Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
    Return the file from which this instance was parsed.

    Specified by:
    getSourceFile in interface SourceTracker


    public Object getSourceScope()
    Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
    Return the domain-dependent scope of this instance within its file.

    Specified by:
    getSourceScope in interface SourceTracker


    public int getSourceType()
    Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
    Return the type of source.

    Specified by:
    getSourceType in interface SourceTracker


    public void setSource(File file,
                          int srcType)


    public String getResourceName()
    Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
    Return the domain-meaningful name of the resource that was loaded from this source. I.e., if we had loaded the source for a Java class, this would return the name of the class.

    Specified by:
    getResourceName in interface SourceTracker


    public int getLineNumber()
    Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
    Return the line number of the file at which this instance was parsed.

    Specified by:
    getLineNumber in interface SourceTracker


    public void setLineNumber(int lineNum)


    public int getColNumber()
    Description copied from interface: SourceTracker
    Return the column number in the line of the file at which this instance was parsed.

    Specified by:
    getColNumber in interface SourceTracker


    public void setColNumber(int colNum)


    public int getSourceMode()
    The source mode this metadata has been loaded under.


    public void setSourceMode(int mode)
    The source mode this metadata has been loaded under.


    public void setSourceMode(int mode,
                              boolean on)
    The source mode this metadata has been loaded under.


    public int getListingIndex()
    The index in which this class was listed in the metadata. Defaults to -1 if this class was not listed in the metadata.


    public void setListingIndex(int index)
    The index in which this field was listed in the metadata. Defaults to -1 if this class was not listed in the metadata.


    public String[] getComments()
    Description copied from interface: Commentable
    Return comments, or empty array if none.

    Specified by:
    getComments in interface Commentable


    public void setComments(String[] comments)
    Description copied from interface: Commentable
    Set comments.

    Specified by:
    setComments in interface Commentable


    public void copy(ClassMetaData meta)
    Copy the metadata from the given instance to this one. Do not copy mapping information.


    protected void addExtensionKeys(Collection exts)
    Description copied from class: Extensions
    Add all the known extension keys to the specified collection; any implementation that utilized new extensions should override this method to include both the known extensions of its superclass as well as its own extension keys.

    addExtensionKeys in class Extensions


    public void registerForValueUpdate(String... values)


    public void valueChanged(Value val)
    Description copied from interface: ValueListener
    Callback used by Value objects to notify listener of change.

    Specified by:
    valueChanged in interface ValueListener


    public String[] getFieldNames()
    Utility method to get names of all fields including the superclasses' sorted in lexical order.


    public String[] getDeclaredFieldNames()
    Utility method to get names of all declared fields excluding the superclasses' sorted in lexical order.


    String[] toNames(FieldMetaData[] fields)


    public boolean isReplicated()
    Affirms the persistence instances of this receiver is replicated across multiple databases.


    public void setReplicated(boolean flag)
    Sets the persistence instances of this receiver to be replicated across multiple databases.


    public boolean isAbstract()


    public void setAbstract(boolean flag)


    public boolean hasAbstractPKField()
    Convenience method to determine if the pcType modeled by this ClassMetaData object is both abstract and declares PKFields. This method is used by the PCEnhancer to determine if special handling is required.



    public boolean hasPKFieldsFromAbstractClass()
    Convenience method to determine if this type is a direct decendent of an abstract type declaring PKFields. Returns true if there are no pcTypes mapped to a table between this type and an abstract pcType declaring PKFields. Returns false if there no such abstract pcTypes in the inheritance hierarchy or if there are any pcTypes mapped to tables in between the type represented by this ClassMetaData object and the abstract pcType declaring PKFields.



    public void setCacheEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the eligibility status of this class for cache.


    public Boolean getCacheEnabled()
    Returns tri-state status on whether this class has been enabled for caching.

    TRUE or FALSE denote this class has been explicitly enabled or disabled for caching. If no status has been explicitly set, then the status of the persistent super class, if any, is returned.

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