5.  OpenJPA Properties

5.1. openjpa.AutoClear
5.2. openjpa.AutoDetach
5.3. openjpa.BrokerFactory
5.4. openjpa.BrokerImpl
5.5. openjpa.Callbacks
5.6. openjpa.ClassResolver
5.7. openjpa.Compatibility
5.8. openjpa.ConnectionDriverName
5.9. openjpa.Connection2DriverName
5.10. openjpa.ConnectionFactory
5.11. openjpa.ConnectionFactory2
5.12. openjpa.ConnectionFactoryName
5.13. openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Name
5.14. openjpa.ConnectionFactoryMode
5.15. openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties
5.16. openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Properties
5.17. openjpa.ConnectionPassword
5.18. openjpa.Connection2Password
5.19. openjpa.ConnectionProperties
5.20. openjpa.Connection2Properties
5.21. openjpa.ConnectionURL
5.22. openjpa.Connection2URL
5.23. openjpa.ConnectionUserName
5.24. openjpa.Connection2UserName
5.25. openjpa.ConnectionRetainMode
5.26. openjpa.DataCache
5.27. openjpa.DataCacheManager
5.28. openjpa.DataCacheMode
5.29. openjpa.DataCacheTimeout
5.30. openjpa.DetachState
5.31. openjpa.DynamicDataStructs
5.32. openjpa.FetchBatchSize
5.33. openjpa.EncryptionProvider
5.34. openjpa.FetchGroups
5.35. openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries
5.36. openjpa.IgnoreChanges
5.37. openjpa.Id
5.38. openjpa.InitializeEagerly
5.39. openjpa.Instrumentation
5.40. openjpa.InverseManager
5.41. openjpa.LockManager
5.42. openjpa.LockTimeout
5.43. openjpa.Log
5.44. openjpa.ManagedRuntime
5.45. openjpa.Mapping
5.46. openjpa.MaxFetchDepth
5.47. openjpa.MetaDataFactory
5.48. openjpa.MetaDataRepository
5.49. openjpa.Multithreaded
5.50. openjpa.Optimistic
5.51. openjpa.OrphanedKeyAction
5.52. openjpa.NontransactionalRead
5.53. openjpa.NontransactionalWrite
5.54. openjpa.ProxyManager
5.55. openjpa.PostLoadOnMerge
5.56. openjpa.QueryCache
5.57. openjpa.QueryCompilationCache
5.58. openjpa.ReadLockLevel
5.59. openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider
5.60. openjpa.RestoreState
5.61. openjpa.RetainState
5.62. openjpa.RetryClassRegistration
5.63. openjpa.RuntimeUnenhancedClasses
5.64. openjpa.DynamicEnhancementAgent
5.65. openjpa.SavepointManager
5.66. openjpa.Sequence
5.67. openjpa.Specification
5.68. openjpa.TransactionMode
5.69. openjpa.WriteLockLevel

OpenJPA defines many configuration properties. Most of these properties are provided for advanced users who wish to customize OpenJPA's behavior; the majority of developers can omit them. The following properties apply to any OpenJPA back-end, though the given descriptions are tailored to OpenJPA's default JDBC store.

A few of the properties recognized by OpenJPA have been standardized in JPA 2.0 specification using equivalent names. These properties can be specified either by the JPA standard key or equivalent OpenJPA key. Specifying the same key once as JPA standard key and again as equivalent OpenJPA key in the same configuration, however, is not allowed. The following table lists these standard JPA properties and their OpenJPA equivalent.

Table 2.1.  Standard JPA Properties and OpenJPA equivalents

Standard JPA 2.0OpenJPA Equivalent

5.1.  openjpa.AutoClear

Property name: openjpa.AutoClear

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getAutoClear

Resource adaptor config-property: AutoClear

Default: datastore

Possible values: datastore, all

Description: When to automatically clear instance state: on entering a datastore transaction, or on entering any transaction.

5.2.  openjpa.AutoDetach

Property name: openjpa.AutoDetach

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getAutoDetach

Resource adaptor config-property: AutoDetach

Default: - null

Possible values: close, commit, nontx-read, rollback, none

Description: A comma-separated list of events when managed instances will be automatically detached. When using the OpenJPA EntityManager this defaults to close, and rollback per the JPA spec. If you need to change this setting, you need to set it directly on an instantiated EntityManager.

none option is exclusive. It can not be specified with any other option. none option implies that managed objects will not be detached from the persistence context, the second-class object fields such as collections or date will not be proxied unlike normal circumstances. This option is relevant for specific use cases where the user application would not refer to the managed objects after the transaction and/or the context ends e.g. typical batch insertion scenario.

5.3.  openjpa.BrokerFactory

Property name: openjpa.BrokerFactory

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getBrokerFactory

Resource adaptor config-property: BrokerFactory

Default: jdbc

Possible values: jdbc, abstractstore, remote

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.kernel.BrokerFactory type to use.

5.4.  openjpa.BrokerImpl

Property name: openjpa.BrokerImpl

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getBrokerImpl

Resource adaptor config-property: BrokerImpl

Default: default

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.kernel.Broker type to use at runtime. See Section 1.2, “ Broker Customization and Eviction ” on for details.

5.5. openjpa.Callbacks

Property name: openjpa.Callbacks

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getCallbackOptionsInstance

Resource adaptor config-property: Callbacks

Default: default

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) to fine tune some of the configurable properties related to callbacks. The plug-in supports two boolean properties:

  • PostPersistCallbackImmediate: whether the post-persist callback is invoked as soon as a new instance is managed. The default is false, implies that the post-persist callback is invoked after the instance been committed or flushed to the datastore.

  • AllowsMultipleMethodsForSameCallback: whether multiple methods of the same class can handle the same callback event. Defaults to false.

5.6.  openjpa.ClassResolver

Property name: openjpa.ClassResolver

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getClassResolver

Resource adaptor config-property: ClassResolver

Default: default

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.util.ClassResolver implementation to use for class name resolution. You may wish to plug in your own resolver if you have special classloading needs.

5.7.  openjpa.Compatibility

Property name: openjpa.Compatibility

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getCompatibility

Resource adaptor config-property: Compatibility

Default: -

Description: Encapsulates options to mimic the behavior of previous OpenJPA releases.

5.8.  openjpa.ConnectionDriverName

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionDriverName

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionDriverName

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionDriverName

Default: -

Description: The full class name of either the JDBC java.sql.Driver, or a javax.sql.DataSource implementation to use to connect to the database. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.9.  openjpa.Connection2DriverName

Property name: openjpa.Connection2DriverName

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnection2DriverName

Resource adaptor config-property: Connection2DriverName

Default: -

Description: This property is equivalent to the openjpa.ConnectionDriverName property described in Section 5.8, “ openjpa.ConnectionDriverName ”, but applies to the alternate connection factory used for unmanaged connections. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.10.  openjpa.ConnectionFactory

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactory

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactory

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactory

Default: -

Description: A javax.sql.DataSource to use to connect to the database. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.11.  openjpa.ConnectionFactory2

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactory2

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactory2

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactory2

Default: -

Description: An unmanaged javax.sql.DataSource to use to connect to the database. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.12.  openjpa.ConnectionFactoryName

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactoryName

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactoryName

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactoryName

Default: -

Description: The JNDI location of a javax.sql.DataSource to use to connect to the database. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.13.  openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Name

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Name

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactory2Name

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactory2Name

Default: -

Description: The JNDI location of an unmanaged javax.sql.DataSource to use to connect to the database. See Section 3, “ XA Transactions ” for details.

5.14.  openjpa.ConnectionFactoryMode

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactoryMode

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactoryMode

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactoryMode

Default: local

Possible values: local, managed

Description: The connection factory mode to use when integrating with the application server's managed transactions. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.15.  openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactoryProperties

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactoryProperties

Default: -

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) listing properties for configuration of the datasource in use. See the Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.16.  openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Properties

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionFactory2Properties

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactory2Properties

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionFactory2Properties

Default: -

Description: This property is equivalent to the openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties property described in Section 5.15, “ openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties ”, but applies to the alternate connection factory used for unmanaged connections. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.17.  openjpa.ConnectionPassword

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionPassword

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionPassword

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionPassword

Default: -

Description: The password for the user specified in the ConnectionUserName property. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.18.  openjpa.Connection2Password

Property name: openjpa.Connection2Password

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnection2Password

Resource adaptor config-property: Connection2Password

Default: -

Description: This property is equivalent to the openjpa.ConnectionPassword property described in Section 5.17, “ openjpa.ConnectionPassword ”, but applies to the alternate connection factory used for unmanaged connections. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.19.  openjpa.ConnectionProperties

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionProperties

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionProperties

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionProperties

Default: -

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) listing properties to configure the driver listed in the ConnectionDriverName property described below. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.20.  openjpa.Connection2Properties

Property name: openjpa.Connection2Properties

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnection2Properties

Resource adaptor config-property: Connection2Properties

Default: -

Description: This property is equivalent to the openjpa.ConnectionProperties property described in Section 5.19, “ openjpa.ConnectionProperties ”, but applies to the alternate connection factory used for unmanaged connections. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.21.  openjpa.ConnectionURL

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionURL

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionURL

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionURL

Default: -

Description: The JDBC URL for the database. See Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.22.  openjpa.Connection2URL

Property name: openjpa.Connection2URL

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnection2URL

Resource adaptor config-property: Connection2URL

Default: -

Description: This property is equivalent to the openjpa.ConnectionURL property described in Section 5.21, “ openjpa.ConnectionURL ”, but applies to the alternate connection factory used for unmanaged connections. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.23.  openjpa.ConnectionUserName

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionUserName

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionUserName

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionUserName

Default: -

Description: The user name to use when connecting to the database. See the Chapter 4, JDBC for details.

5.24.  openjpa.Connection2UserName

Property name: openjpa.Connection2UserName

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnection2UserName

Resource adaptor config-property: Connection2UserName

Default: -

Description: This property is equivalent to the openjpa.ConnectionUserName property described in Section 5.23, “ openjpa.ConnectionUserName ”, but applies to the alternate connection factory used for unmanaged connections. See Section 2.1, “ Managed and XA DataSources ” for details.

5.25.  openjpa.ConnectionRetainMode

Property name: openjpa.ConnectionRetainMode

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionRetainMode

Resource adaptor config-property: ConnectionRetainMode

Default: on-demand

Description: Controls how OpenJPA uses datastore connections. This property can also be specified for individual sessions. See Section 8, “ Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections ” for details.

5.26.  openjpa.DataCache

Property name: openjpa.DataCache

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getDataCache

Resource adaptor config-property: DataCache

Default: false

Description: A plugin list string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.datacache.DataCaches to use for data caching. See Section 1.1, “ Data Cache Configuration ” for details.

5.27.  openjpa.DataCacheManager

Property name: openjpa.DataCacheManager

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getDataCacheManager

Resource adaptor config-property: DataCacheManager

Default: default

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the openjpa.datacache.DataCacheManager that manages the system data caches. See Section 1, “ Data Cache ” for details on data caching.

5.28.  openjpa.DataCacheMode

Property name: openjpa.DataCacheMode

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getDataCacheMode

Resource adaptor config-property: DataCacheMode

Default: DataCacheMode.UNSPECIFIED (see javadoc for details)

Description:Determines which entities will be included in the DataCache. May be any of the values defined in ../javadoc/org/apache/openjpa/datacache/DataCacheMode.html.

5.29.  openjpa.DataCacheTimeout

Property name: openjpa.DataCacheTimeout

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getDataCacheTimeout

Resource adaptor config-property: DataCacheTimeout

Default: -1

Description: The number of milliseconds that data in the data cache is valid. Set this to -1 to indicate that data should not expire from the cache. This property can also be specified for individual classes. See Section 1.1, “ Data Cache Configuration ” for details.

5.30.  openjpa.DetachState

Property name: openjpa.DetachState

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.getDetachState

Resource adaptor config-property: DetachState

Default: loaded

Possible values: loaded, fetch-groups, all

Description: Determines which fields are part of the detached graph and related options. For more details, see Section 1.3, “ Defining the Detached Object Graph ”.

5.31.  openjpa.DynamicDataStructs

Property name: openjpa.DynamicDataStructs

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getDynamicDataStructs

Resource adaptor config-property: DynamicDataStructs

Default: false

Description: Whether to dynamically generate customized structs to hold persistent data. Both the OpenJPA data cache and the remote framework rely on data structs to cache and transfer persistent state. With dynamic structs, OpenJPA can customize data storage for each class, eliminating the need to generate primitive wrapper objects. This saves memory and speeds up certain runtime operations. The price is a longer warm-up time for the application - generating and loading custom classes into the JVM takes time. Therefore, only set this property to true if you have a long-running application where the initial cost of class generation is offset by memory and speed optimization over time.

5.32.  openjpa.FetchBatchSize

Property name: openjpa.FetchBatchSize

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getFetchBatchSize

Resource adaptor config-property: FetchBatchSize

Default: -1

Description: The number of rows to fetch at once when scrolling through a result set. The fetch size can also be set at runtime. See Section 10, “ Large Result Sets ” for details.

5.33.  openjpa.EncryptionProvider

Property name: openjpa.EncryptionProvider

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getEncryptionProvider

Resource adaptor config-property: EncryptionProvider

Default: false

Description: A plugin list string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.lib.encryption.EncryptionProviders to use for connection password encryption. See Chapter 11, Encryption Provider for details.

5.34.  openjpa.FetchGroups

Property name: openjpa.FetchGroups

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getFetchGroups

Resource adaptor config-property: FetchGroups

Default: -

Description: A comma-separated list of fetch group names that are to be loaded when retrieving objects from the datastore. Fetch groups can also be set at runtime. See Section 7, “ Fetch Groups ” for details.

5.35.  openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries

Property name: openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries

Property name: openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries

Resource adaptor config-property: FlushBeforeQueries

Default: true

Description: Whether or not to flush any changes made in the current transaction to the datastore before executing a query. See Section 8, “ Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections ” for details.

5.36.  openjpa.IgnoreChanges

Property name: openjpa.IgnoreChanges

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getIgnoreChanges

Resource adaptor config-property: IgnoreChanges

Default: false

Description: Whether to consider modifications to persistent objects made in the current transaction when evaluating queries. Setting this to true allows OpenJPA to ignore changes and execute the query directly against the datastore. A value of false forces OpenJPA to consider whether the changes in the current transaction affect the query, and if so to either evaluate the query in-memory or flush before running it against the datastore.

5.37. openjpa.Id

Property name: openjpa.Id

Resource adaptor config-property: Id

Default: none

Description: An environment-specific identifier for this configuration. This might correspond to a JPA persistence-unit name, or to some other more-unique value available in the current environment.

5.38.  openjpa.InitializeEagerly

Property name: openjpa.InitializeEagerly

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.isInitializeEagerly

Resource adaptor config-property: InitializeEagerly

Default: false

Possible values: false, true

Description: Controls whether initialization is eager or lazy. Eager initialization imply all persistent classes, their mapping information, database connectivity and all other resources specified in the configuration of a persistence unit will be initialized when a persistent unit is constructed. The default behavior is lazy i.e. persistent classes, database and other resources are initialized only when the application refers to a resource for the first time.

5.39.  openjpa.Instrumentation

Property name: openjpa.Instrumentation

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getInstrumentation

Resource adaptor config-property: Instrumentation

Default: -

Possible values: jmx, custom plugin string

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing one or more instances of org.apache.openjpa.lib.instrumentation.InstrumentationProvider and specific instruments to enable. See Chapter 16, Instrumentation for details.

5.40.  openjpa.InverseManager

Property name: openjpa.InverseManager

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getInverseManager

Resource adaptor config-property: InverseManager

Default: false

Possible values: false, true

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing a org.apache.openjpa.kernel.InverseManager to use for managing bidirectional relations upon a flush. See Section 5, “ Managed Inverses ” for usage documentation.

5.41.  openjpa.LockManager

Property name: openjpa.LockManager

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getLockManager

Resource adaptor config-property: LockManager

Default: mixed

Possible values: none, version, pessimistic, mixed

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing a org.apache.openjpa.kernel.LockManager to use for acquiring locks on persistent instances during transactions. See Section 3.4, “ Lock Manager ” for more information.

5.42.  openjpa.LockTimeout

Property name: openjpa.LockTimeout

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getLockTimeout

Resource adaptor config-property: LockTimeout

Default: -1

Description: The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock before throwing an exception, or -1 for no limit. See Section 3, “ Object Locking ” for details.

5.43.  openjpa.Log

Property name: openjpa.Log

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration.getLog

Resource adaptor config-property: Log

Default: true

Possible values: openjpa, commons, log4j, slf4j, none

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing a org.apache.openjpa.lib.log.LogFactory to use for logging. For details on logging, see Chapter 3, Logging and Auditing .

5.44.  openjpa.ManagedRuntime

Property name: openjpa.ManagedRuntime

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getManagedRuntime

Resource adaptor config-property: ManagedRuntime

Default: auto

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.ee.ManagedRuntime implementation to use for obtaining a reference to the TransactionManager in an enterprise environment.

5.45.  openjpa.Mapping

Property name: openjpa.Mapping

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getMapping

Resource adaptor config-property: Mapping

Default: -

Description: The symbolic name of the object-to-datastore mapping to use.

5.46.  openjpa.MaxFetchDepth

Property name: openjpa.MaxFetchDepth

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getMaxFetchDepth

Resource adaptor config-property: MaxFetchDepth

Default: -1

Description: The maximum depth of relations to traverse when eager fetching. Use -1 for no limit. Defaults to no limit. See Section 8, “ Eager Fetching ” for details on eager fetching.

5.47.  openjpa.MetaDataFactory

Property name: openjpa.MetaDataFactory

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getMetaDataFactory

Resource adaptor config-property: MetaDataFactory

Default: jpa

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the openjpa.meta.MetaDataFactory to use to store and retrieve metadata for your persistent classes. See Section 1, “ Metadata Factory ” for details.

5.48.  openjpa.MetaDataRepository

Property name: openjpa.MetaDataRepository

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getMetaDataRepository

Resource adaptor config-property: MetaDataRepository


Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the openjpa.meta.MetaDataRepository to use to store and retrieve metadata for your persistent classes. See Section 2, “Metadata Repository” for details.

5.49.  openjpa.Multithreaded

Property name: openjpa.Multithreaded

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getMultithreaded

Resource adaptor config-property: Multithreaded

Default: false

Description: Whether persistent instances and OpenJPA components other than the EntityManagerFactory will be accessed by multiple threads at once.

5.50.  openjpa.Optimistic

Property name: openjpa.Optimistic

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getOptimistic

Resource adaptor config-property: Optimistic

Default: true

Description: Selects between optimistic and pessimistic (datastore) transactional modes.

5.51.  openjpa.OrphanedKeyAction

Property name: openjpa.OrphanedKeyAction

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getOrphanedKeyAction

Resource adaptor config-property: OrphanedKeyAction

Default: log

Possible values: log, exception, none

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing a org.apache.openjpa.event.OrphanedKeyAction to invoke when OpenJPA discovers an orphaned datastore key. See Section 11, “ Orphaned Keys ” for details.

5.52.  openjpa.NontransactionalRead

Property name: openjpa.NontransactionalRead

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getNontransactionalRead

Resource adaptor config-property: NontransactionalRead

Default: true

Description: Whether the OpenJPA runtime will allow you to read data outside of a transaction.

5.53.  openjpa.NontransactionalWrite

Property name: openjpa.NontransactionalWrite

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getNontransactionalWrite

Resource adaptor config-property: NontransactionalWrite

Default: true

Description: Whether you can modify persistent objects and perform persistence operations outside of a transaction. Changes will take effect on the next transaction.

5.54.  openjpa.ProxyManager

Property name: openjpa.ProxyManager

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getProxyManager

Resource adaptor config-property: ProxyManager

Default: default

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing a org.apache.openjpa.util.ProxyManager to use for proxying mutable second class objects. See Section 6.4.3, “ Custom Proxies ” for details.

5.55.  openjpa.PostLoadOnMerge

Property name: openjpa.PostLoadOnMerge

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getPostLoadOnMerge

Resource adaptor config-property: PostLoadOnMerge

Default: false

Description: Whether the OpenJPA runtime will trigger a PostLoad lifecycle event for EntityManager#merge(). If you enable this option, OpenJPA will also ensure that the whole entity from the database will get passed to the PostLoad entity listener.

5.56.  openjpa.QueryCache

Property name: openjpa.QueryCache

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getQueryCache

Resource adaptor config-property: QueryCache

Default: false

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.datacache.QueryCache implementation to use for caching of queries loaded from the data store. See Section 1.4, “ Query Cache ” for details.

5.57.  openjpa.QueryCompilationCache

Property name: openjpa.QueryCompilationCache

Resource adaptor config-property: QueryCompilationCache

Default: true.

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the java.util.Map to use for caching of data used during query compilation. See Section 2, “ Query Compilation Cache ” for details.

5.58.  openjpa.ReadLockLevel

Property name: openjpa.ReadLockLevel

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getReadLockLevel

Resource adaptor config-property: ReadLockLevel

Default: read

Possible values: none, read, write, optimistic, optimistic-force-increment, pessimistic-read, pessimistic-write, pessimistic-force-increment, numeric values for lock-manager specific lock levels

Description: The default level at which to lock objects retrieved during a non-optimistic transaction. Note that for the default JDBC lock manager, read and write lock levels are equivalent. Lock levels pessimistic-read, pessimistic-write and pessimistic-force-increment are in effect only when the mixed lock manager is used.

5.59.  openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider

Property name: openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getRemoteCommitProvider

Resource adaptor config-property: RemoteCommitProvider

Default: - If openjpa.DataCache is enabled, the default value is sjvm.

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.event.RemoteCommitProvider implementation to use for distributed event notification. See Section 2.1, “ Remote Commit Provider Configuration ” for more information.

5.60.  openjpa.RestoreState

Property name: openjpa.RestoreState

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getRestoreState

Resource adaptor config-property: RestoreState

Default: none

Possible values: none, immutable, all

Description: Whether to restore managed fields to their pre-transaction values when a rollback occurs.

5.61.  openjpa.RetainState

Property name: openjpa.RetainState

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getRetainState

Resource adaptor config-property: RetainState

Default: true

Description: Whether persistent fields retain their values on transaction commit.

5.62.  openjpa.RetryClassRegistration

Property name: openjpa.RetryClassRegistration

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getRetryClassRegistration

Resource adaptor config-property: RetryClassRegistration

Default: false

Description: Controls whether to log a warning and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a persistent class cannot be fully processed. This property should only be used in complex classloader situations where security is preventing OpenJPA from reading registered classes. Setting this to true unnecessarily may obscure more serious problems.

5.63. openjpa.RuntimeUnenhancedClasses

Property name: openjpa.RuntimeUnenhancedClasses

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getRuntimeUnenhancedClasses

Resource adaptor config property: RuntimeUnenhancedClasses

Default: unsupported

Possible values: supported, unsupported, warn

Description: The RuntimeUnenhancedClasses property controls how OpenJPA handles classes that have not been enhanced by the PCEnhancer tool or automatically by a javaagent. If RuntimeUnenhancedClasses is set to supported OpenJPA will automatically create subclasses for unenhanced entity classes. If set to unsupported OpenJPA will not create subclasses for unenhanced entity classes and will throw an exception when they are detected. If set to warn OpenJPA will not create subclasses for unenhanced entity classes but will log a warning message.

This function is often useful for rapid prototyping but is not generally recommended for use in production. Please consult the reference guide before changing the default value.

See the reference guide section on unenhanced types for more information Section 2.5, “ Omitting the OpenJPA enhancer ”

5.64. openjpa.DynamicEnhancementAgent

Property name: openjpa.DynamicEnhancementAgent

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getDynamicEnhancementAgent

Resource adaptor config property: DynamicEnhancementAgent

Default: true

Description: The DynamicEnhancementAgent property controls whether or not OpenJPA will attempt to dynamically load the PCEnhancer javaagent.

See the reference guide for more information Section 2.4, “ Enhancing Dynamically at Runtime ”

5.65.  openjpa.SavepointManager

Property name: openjpa.SavepointManager

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getSavepointManager

Resource adaptor config-property: SavepointManager

Default: in-mem

Possible values: in-mem, jdbc

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing a org.apache.openjpa.kernel.SavepointManager to use for managing transaction savepoints. See Section 4, “ Savepoints ” for details.

5.66.  openjpa.Sequence

Property name: openjpa.Sequence

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getSequence

Resource adaptor config-property: Sequence

Default: table

Description: A plugin string (see Section 4, “ Plugin Configuration ”) describing the org.apache.openjpa.kernel.Seq implementation to use for the system sequence. See Section 6, “ Generators ” for more information.

5.67.  openjpa.Specification

Property name: openjpa.Specification

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getSpecificationInstance

Resource adaptor config-property: Specification

Default: table

Description: A formatted string describing the Specification to use for the default configuration options. The format of the Specifcation string is name [major.[minor]] where name denotes the name of the Specification such as JPA or JDO, major denotes the major integral version number of the Specification and minor denotes a minor version which can be an arbitrary string. See Section 6.20, “Compatibility with Specification” for more information.

5.68.  openjpa.TransactionMode

Property name: openjpa.TransactionMode

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getTransactionMode

Resource adaptor config-property: TransactionMode

Default: local

Possible values: local, managed

Description: The default transaction mode to use. You can override this setting per-session.

5.69.  openjpa.WriteLockLevel

Property name: openjpa.WriteLockLevel

Configuration API: org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration.getWriteLockLevel

Resource adaptor config-property: WriteLockLevel

Default: write

Possible values: none, read, write, optimistic, optimistic-force-increment, pessimistic-read, pessimistic-write, pessimistic-force-increment, numeric values for lock-manager specific lock levels.

Description: The default level at which to lock objects changed during a non-optimistic transaction. Note that for the default JDBC lock manager, read and write lock levels are equivalent. Lock levels pessimistic-read, pessimistic-write and pessimistic-force-increment are in effect only when the mixed lock manager is used.