Class SybaseDictionary

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SybaseDictionary
All Implemented Interfaces:
JoinSyntaxes, Configurable, IdentifierConfiguration, ConnectionDecorator, LoggingConnectionDecorator.SQLWarningHandler

public class SybaseDictionary
extends AbstractSQLServerDictionary

Dictionary for Sybase. The main point of interest is that by default, every table that is created will have a unique column named "UNQ_INDEX" of the "IDENTITY" type. OpenJPA will not ever utilize this column. However, due to internal Sybase restrictions, this column is required in order to support pessimistic (datastore) locking, since Sybase requires that any tables in a "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" clause have a unique index that is not included in the list of columns, as described in the Sybase documentation. This behavior can be surpressed by setting the dictionary property CreateIdentityColumn=false. The name of the unique column can be changed by setting the property IdentityColumnName=COLUMN_NAME. A good Sybase type reference is can be found here.

Nested Class Summary
protected static class SybaseDictionary.SybaseConnection
          Connection wrapper to cache the Connection.getCatalog() result, which takes a very long time with the Sybase Connection (and which we frequently invoke).
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
Field Summary
 boolean createIdentityColumn
          If true, then whenever the schematool creates a table, it will append an additional IDENTITY column to the table's creation SQL.
 String identityColumnName
          If createIdentityColumn is true, then the identityColumnName will be the name of the additional unique column that will be created.
 boolean ignoreNumericTruncation
          If true, Sybase will ignore numeric truncation on insert or update operations.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
_proxyManager, allowsAliasInBulkClause, arrayTypeName, autoAssignClause, autoAssignTypeName, batchLimit, bigintTypeName, binaryTypeName, bitLengthFunction, bitTypeName, blobBufferSize, blobTypeName, booleanTypeName, castFunction, catalogSeparator, CENTI, characterColumnSize, charTypeName, clobBufferSize, clobTypeName, closePoolSQL, concatenateDelimiter, concatenateFunction, conf, connected, CONS_NAME_AFTER, CONS_NAME_BEFORE, CONS_NAME_MID, constraintNameMode, createPrimaryKeys, crossJoinClause, currentDateFunction, currentTimeFunction, currentTimestampFunction, databaseProductName, databaseProductVersion, datePrecision, dateTypeName, DECI, decimalTypeName, defaultSchemaName, delimitedCase, distinctCountColumnSeparator, distinctTypeName, doubleTypeName, driverVendor, dropTableSQL, fixedSizeTypeNames, fixedSizeTypeNameSet, floatTypeName, forUpdateClause, getStringVal, inClauseLimit, initializationSQL, innerJoinClause, integerTypeName, invalidColumnWordSet, isJDBC3, isJDBC4, javaObjectTypeName, joinSyntax, lastGeneratedKeyQuery, leadingDelimiter, log, longVarbinaryTypeName, longVarcharTypeName, maxAutoAssignNameLength, maxColumnNameLength, maxConstraintNameLength, maxEmbeddedBlobSize, maxEmbeddedClobSize, maxIndexesPerTable, maxIndexNameLength, maxTableNameLength, MICRO, MILLI, NAME_ANY, NAME_SEQUENCE, NAME_TABLE, nameConcatenator, NANO, nativeSequenceType, nextSequenceQuery, NO_BATCH, nullTypeName, numericTypeName, otherTypeName, outerJoinClause, platform, RANGE_POST_DISTINCT, RANGE_POST_LOCK, RANGE_POST_SELECT, RANGE_PRE_DISTINCT, rangePosition, realTypeName, refTypeName, reportsSuccessNoInfoOnBatchUpdates, requiresAliasForSubselect, requiresAutoCommitForMetaData, requiresCastForComparisons, requiresCastForMathFunctions, requiresConditionForCrossJoin, requiresSearchStringEscapeForLike, requiresTargetForDelete, reservedWords, reservedWordSet, roundTimeToMillisec, SCHEMA_CASE_LOWER, SCHEMA_CASE_PRESERVE, SCHEMA_CASE_UPPER, schemaCase, searchStringEscape, SEC, selectWords, selectWordSet, sequenceNameSQL, sequenceSchemaSQL, sequenceSQL, setStringRightTruncationOn, simulateLocking, smallintTypeName, sqlStateCodes, storageLimitationsFatal, storeCharsAsNumbers, storeLargeNumbersAsStrings, stringLengthFunction, structTypeName, substringFunctionName, supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn, supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn, supportsAutoAssign, supportsCascadeDeleteAction, supportsCascadeUpdateAction, supportsCaseConversionForLob, supportsComments, supportsCorrelatedSubselect, supportsDefaultDeleteAction, supportsDefaultUpdateAction, supportsDeferredConstraints, supportsDelimitedIdentifiers, supportsForeignKeys, supportsForeignKeysComposite, supportsGeneralCaseExpression, supportsGetGeneratedKeys, supportsHaving, supportsLockingWithDistinctClause, supportsLockingWithInnerJoin, supportsLockingWithMultipleTables, supportsLockingWithOrderClause, supportsLockingWithOuterJoin, supportsLockingWithSelectRange, supportsModOperator, supportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets, supportsNullDeleteAction, supportsNullTableForGetColumns, supportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys, supportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo, supportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys, supportsNullUniqueColumn, supportsNullUpdateAction, supportsParameterInSelect, supportsQueryTimeout, supportsRestrictDeleteAction, supportsRestrictUpdateAction, supportsSchemaForGetColumns, supportsSchemaForGetTables, supportsSelectEndIndex, supportsSelectForUpdate, supportsSelectFromFinalTable, supportsSelectStartIndex, supportsSimpleCaseExpression, supportsSubselect, supportsUniqueConstraints, supportsXMLColumn, systemSchemas, systemSchemaSet, systemTables, systemTableSet, tableForUpdateClause, tableLengthIncludesSchema, tableTypes, timestampTypeName, timeTypeName, tinyintTypeName, toLowerCaseFunction, toUpperCaseFunction, trailingDelimiter, trimBothFunction, trimLeadingFunction, trimSchemaName, trimStringColumns, trimTrailingFunction, typeModifierSet, UNLIMITED, useGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys, useGetBytesForBlobs, useGetObjectForBlobs, useGetStringForClobs, useJDBC4SetBinaryStream, useNativeSequenceCache, useSchemaName, useSetBytesForBlobs, useSetStringForClobs, useWildCardForCount, validationSQL, varbinaryTypeName, varcharTypeName, VENDOR_DATADIRECT, VENDOR_OTHER, xmlTypeEncoding, xmlTypeName
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.JoinSyntaxes
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Connection decorate(Connection conn)
          Decorate the given connection if needed.
 void endConfiguration()
          Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
protected  boolean getBooleanFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, String jdbcName, String sybaseName)
          Helper method obtains a boolean value from a given column in a ResultSet.
 String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table)
          Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns.
protected  String getDeclareColumnSQL(Column col, boolean alter)
          Return the declaration SQL for the given column.
 String[] getDropColumnSQL(Column column)
          Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given column from its table.
 String getIdentityColumnName()
 String getIsNotNullSQL(String colAlias, int colType)
 String getIsNullSQL(String colAlias, int colType)
 int getJDBCType(int metaTypeCode, boolean lob)
          Return the preferred Types constant for the given JavaTypes or JavaSQLTypes constant.
protected  String getStringFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, String jdbcName, String sybaseName)
          Helper method obtains a string value from a given column in a ResultSet.
 void indexOf(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue str, FilterValue find, FilterValue start)
          Invoke this database's indexOf function.
 boolean isFatalException(int subtype, SQLException ex)
          Determine if the given SQL Exception is fatal or recoverable (such as a timeout).
protected  Index newIndex(ResultSet idxMeta)
          Create a new index from the information in the index metadata.
protected  PrimaryKey newPrimaryKey(ResultSet pkMeta)
          Create a new primary key from the information in the schema metadata.
 void refSchemaComponents(Table table)
          Increment the reference count of any table components that this dictionary adds that are not used by mappings.
 void setBigInteger(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, BigInteger val, Column col)
          Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerDictionary
appendSelectRange, getColumns, getFullName, setNull, substring
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary
addCastAsType, addErrorCode, appendCast, appendLength, appendNumericCast, appendSelect, appendSize, appendUpdates, appendXmlComparison, applyRange, assertSupport, calculateValue, canOuterJoin, closeDataSource, combineForeignKey, comment, comparison, configureNamingRules, connectedConfiguration, convertSchemaCase, convertSchemaCase, copy, copy, createIndexIfNecessary, createIndexIfNecessary, deleteStream, delimitAll, executeQuery, fromDBName, getAddColumnSQL, getAddForeignKeySQL, getAddPrimaryKeySQL, getAlterSequenceSQL, getArray, getAsciiStream, getBatchFetchSize, getBatchLimit, getBatchUpdateCount, getBigDecimal, getBigInteger, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlobObject, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getCalendar, getCastFunction, getCastFunction, getCatalogNameForMetadata, getCatalogNameForMetadata, getChar, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClobString, getColumnDBName, getColumnIdentifier, getColumnNameForMetadata, getColumnNameForMetadata, getColumns, getConversionKey, getCreateIndexSQL, getCreateSequenceSQL, getCreateTableSQL, getDate, getDate, getDefaultIdentifierRule, getDefaultSchemaName, getDeleteTableContentsSQL, getDeleteTargets, getDelimitedCase, getDelimitIdentifiers, getDouble, getDropForeignKeySQL, getDropIndexSQL, getDropPrimaryKeySQL, getDropSequenceSQL, getDropTableSQL, getFloat, getForeignKeyConstraintSQL, getForUpdateClause, getFrom, getFromSelect, getFullIdentifier, getFullName, getFullName, getGeneratedKey, getGeneratedKeySequenceName, getGenKeySeqName, getIdentifierConcatenator, getIdentifierDelimiter, getIdentifierRule, getIdentifierRules, getImportedKeys, getImportedKeys, getImportedKeys, getImportedKeys, getIndexInfo, getIndexInfo, getInt, getInvalidColumnWordSet, getJDBCType, getJDBCType, getKey, getLeadingDelimiter, getLOBStream, getLocale, getLog, getLong, getMajorVersion, getMarkerForInsertUpdate, getMinorVersion, getNamingUtil, getNumber, getObject, getPlaceholderValueString, getPreferredType, getPrimaryKeyConstraintSQL, getPrimaryKeys, getPrimaryKeys, getPrimaryKeysFromBestRowIdentifier, getPrimaryKeysFromBestRowIdentifier, getPrimaryKeysFromGetPrimaryKeys, getPrimaryKeysFromGetPrimaryKeys, getRef, getSchemaCase, getSchemaNameForMetadata, getSchemaNameForMetadata, getSelectOperation, getSelects, getSelectTableAliases, getSequence, getSequences, getSequences, getSequencesSQL, getSequencesSQL, getShort, getString, getSupportsDelimitedIdentifiers, getSupportsXMLColumn, getTableNameForMetadata, getTableNameForMetadata, getTables, getTables, getTime, getTimestamp, getTrailingDelimiter, getTrimSchemaName, getTypeName, getTypeName, getUniqueConstraintSQL, getValidColumnName, getValidColumnName, getValidColumnName, getValidColumnName, getValidForeignKeyName, getValidForeignKeyName, getValidIndexName, getValidIndexName, getValidPrimaryKeyName, getValidSequenceName, getValidSequenceName, getValidTableName, getValidTableName, getValidUniqueName, getValidUniqueName, getVersionColumn, getVersionColumn, getWhere, getXMLTypeEncoding, handleWarning, insertBlobForStreamingLoad, insertClobForStreamingLoad, insertSize, isImplicitJoin, isSelect, isSystemIndex, isSystemIndex, isSystemSequence, isSystemSequence, isSystemSequence, isSystemTable, isSystemTable, isUsingLimit, isUsingOffset, isUsingOrderBy, isUsingRange, makeNameValid, makeNameValid, makeNameValid, makeNameValid, matchErrorState, mathFunction, needsToCreateIndex, needsToCreateIndex, newColumn, newForeignKey, newSequence, newStoreException, newTable, prepareStatement, putBytes, putChars, putString, serialize, setArray, setAsciiStream, setBatchLimit, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlobObject, setBoolean, setByte, setBytes, setCalendar, setChar, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClobString, setConfiguration, setDate, setDate, setDefaultSchemaName, setDelimitedCase, setDelimitIdentifiers, setDouble, setFloat, setInt, setJoinSyntax, setLeadingDelimiter, setLocale, setLong, setMajorVersion, setMinorVersion, setNumber, setObject, setQueryTimeout, setRef, setShort, setStatementQueryTimeout, setString, setSupportsDelimitedIdentifiers, setSupportsXMLColumn, setTime, setTimeouts, setTimeouts, setTimestamp, setTrailingDelimiter, setTrimSchemaName, setTyped, setUnknown, setUnknown, setXMLTypeEncoding, shorten, startConfiguration, storageWarning, supportsDeferredForeignKeyConstraints, supportsDeferredUniqueConstraints, supportsDeleteAction, supportsIsolationForUpdate, supportsLocking, supportsRandomAccessResultSet, supportsUpdateAction, toBulkOperation, toDBName, toDBName, toDelete, toNativeJoin, toOperation, toOperation, toSelect, toSelect, toSelect, toSelect, toSelect, toSelectCount, toSQL92Join, toTraditionalJoin, toUpdate, updateBlob, updateClob, validateBatchProcess, validateDBSpecificBatchProcess, versionEqualOrEarlierThan, versionEqualOrLaterThan, versionLaterThan
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static String RIGHT_TRUNCATION_ON_SQL




public boolean createIdentityColumn
If true, then whenever the schematool creates a table, it will append an additional IDENTITY column to the table's creation SQL. This is so Sybase will be able to perform SELECT...FOR UPDATE statements.


public String identityColumnName
If createIdentityColumn is true, then the identityColumnName will be the name of the additional unique column that will be created.


public boolean ignoreNumericTruncation
If true, Sybase will ignore numeric truncation on insert or update operations. Otherwise, the operation will fail. The default value, false is in accordance with SQL92.

Constructor Detail


public SybaseDictionary()
Method Detail


public int getJDBCType(int metaTypeCode,
                       boolean lob)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return the preferred Types constant for the given JavaTypes or JavaSQLTypes constant.

getJDBCType in class DBDictionary


public void setBigInteger(PreparedStatement stmnt,
                          int idx,
                          BigInteger val,
                          Column col)
                   throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Set the given value as a parameter to the statement.

setBigInteger in class DBDictionary


public String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to create the given table, complete with columns. Indexes and constraints will be created separately.

getCreateTableSQL in class DBDictionary


protected String getDeclareColumnSQL(Column col,
                                     boolean alter)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return the declaration SQL for the given column. This method is used for each column from within DBDictionary.getCreateTableSQL(org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Table, org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup) and DBDictionary.getAddColumnSQL(org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Column).

getDeclareColumnSQL in class DBDictionary


public String[] getDropColumnSQL(Column column)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Return a series of SQL statements to drop the given column from its table. Return an empty array if operation not supported. Returns ALTER TABLE <table name> DROP COLUMN <col name> by default.

getDropColumnSQL in class DBDictionary


public void refSchemaComponents(Table table)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Increment the reference count of any table components that this dictionary adds that are not used by mappings. Does nothing by default.

refSchemaComponents in class DBDictionary


public void endConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.

Specified by:
endConfiguration in interface Configurable
endConfiguration in class DBDictionary


public Connection decorate(Connection conn)
                    throws SQLException
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Decorate the given connection if needed. Some databases require special handling for JDBC bugs. This implementation issues any DBDictionary.initializationSQL that has been set for the dictionary but does not decorate the connection.

Specified by:
decorate in interface ConnectionDecorator
decorate in class DBDictionary


protected String getStringFromResultSet(ResultSet rs,
                                        String jdbcName,
                                        String sybaseName)
                                 throws SQLException
Helper method obtains a string value from a given column in a ResultSet. Strings provided are column names, jdbcName will be tried first if an SQLException occurs we'll try the sybase name.



protected boolean getBooleanFromResultSet(ResultSet rs,
                                          String jdbcName,
                                          String sybaseName)
                                   throws SQLException
Helper method obtains a boolean value from a given column in a ResultSet. Strings provided are column names, jdbcName will be tried first if an SQLException occurs we'll try the sybase name.



protected PrimaryKey newPrimaryKey(ResultSet pkMeta)
                            throws SQLException
Create a new primary key from the information in the schema metadata.

newPrimaryKey in class DBDictionary


protected Index newIndex(ResultSet idxMeta)
                  throws SQLException
Create a new index from the information in the index metadata.

newIndex in class DBDictionary


public boolean isFatalException(int subtype,
                                SQLException ex)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Determine if the given SQL Exception is fatal or recoverable (such as a timeout). This implementation always returns true (i.e. all exceptions are fatal). The current dictionary implementation can overwrite this method to mark certain exception conditions as recoverable error.

isFatalException in class DBDictionary
subtype - A constant indicating the category of error as defined in StoreException.
ex - original SQL Exception as raised by the database driver.
false if the error is fatal.


public String getIsNullSQL(String colAlias,
                           int colType)
getIsNullSQL in class DBDictionary


public String getIsNotNullSQL(String colAlias,
                              int colType)
getIsNotNullSQL in class DBDictionary


public String getIdentityColumnName()
getIdentityColumnName in class DBDictionary


public void indexOf(SQLBuffer buf,
                    FilterValue str,
                    FilterValue find,
                    FilterValue start)
Description copied from class: DBDictionary
Invoke this database's indexOf function.

indexOf in class DBDictionary
buf - the SQL buffer to write the indexOf invocation to
str - a query value representing the target string
find - a query value representing the search string
start - a query value representing the start index, or null to start at the beginning

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