Interface Summary | |
AttachListener | Listener for when a detached instance is attached. |
BeginTransactionListener | Notified when transactions begin. |
BrokerFactoryListener | Interface for listening to BrokerFactoryEvent objects. |
CallbackModes | Callback handling constants. |
ClearListener | Listener for when persistent state is cleared from an instance. |
DeleteListener | Listener for when a persistent instance is deleted. |
DetachListener | Listener for when a persistent instance is detached. |
DirtyListener | Listener for when a persistent instance becomes dirty. |
EndTransactionListener | Notified when transactions end. |
FlushTransactionListener | Notified on transaction flush. |
LifecycleCallbacks | A lifecycle listener that responds to callbacks rather than events. |
LifecycleEventManager.ListenerAdapter | Interface that facades to other lifecycle listener interfaces can implement to choose which events to respond to based on their delegate. |
LifecycleListener | Interface for listening to all LifecycleEvent s. |
LoadListener | Listener for when state is loaded into a persistent instnace. |
OrphanedKeyAction | Perform an action when OpenJPA detects an orphaned key in the database. |
PersistListener | Listener for newly-persisted instances. |
RemoteCommitListener | An entity that wishes to be notified when Brokers associated with remote BrokerFactories commit. |
RemoteCommitProvider | An entity that is responsible for communicating commit
notification to other RemoteCommitEventManager s. |
StoreListener | Listener for when persistent instances are stored to the database. |
TransactionListener | Interface for listening to all TransactionEvent s. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractLifecycleListener | Abstract implementation of the LifecycleListener interface
which delegates events to a single method. |
AbstractRemoteCommitProvider | Abstract implementation of RemoteCommitProvider . |
AbstractTransactionListener | Abstract implementation of the TransactionListener interface
that provides no-op implementations of all methods. |
BeanLifecycleCallbacks | Performs a callback method on a cached bean instance. |
BrokerFactoryEvent | Event fired when a BrokerFactory is created. |
BrokerFactoryEventManager | EventManager responsible for notifying listeners of
BrokerFactoryEvent s. |
ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction | Throw a ObjectNotFoundException when an orphaned key is discovered. |
JMSRemoteCommitProvider | JMS-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that
listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to
other RemoteCommitProviders over a JMS topic. |
LifecycleEvent | Lifecycle event on a persistent instance. |
LifecycleEventManager | Manager that can be used to track and notify listeners on lifecycle events. |
LifecycleEventManager.ListenerList | Extended list that tracks what event types its elements care about. |
LogOrphanedKeyAction | Log a message when an orphaned key is discovered. |
MethodLifecycleCallbacks | Callback adapter that invokes a callback method via reflection. |
NoneOrphanedKeyAction | Does nothing when an orphaned key is discovered. |
RemoteCommitEvent | Event type to hold the IDs of additions, updates, and deletes. |
RemoteCommitEventManager | Manager that can be used to track and notify
RemoteCommitListener s on remote commit events. |
SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider | Single-JVM-only implementation of RemoteCommitProvider
that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes
to other SingleJVMRemoteCommitProviders in the same JVM. |
TCPRemoteCommitProvider | TCP-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that
listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to
other RemoteCommitProviders over TCP sockets. |
TransactionEvent | A transactional event. |
TransactionEventManager | Manager that can be used to track and notify transaction listeners of transaction-related events. |
OpenJPA Events
This package provides some interfaces and useful implementations for OpenJPA's event notification framework. This framework allows efficient notification of object modifications and transaction changes.