Package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats

OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies


Interface Summary
LRSCollectionFieldStrategy Interface implemented by collection strategies so that they can support large result set collections.
LRSMapFieldStrategy Interface implemented by map strategies so that they can support large result set maps.

Class Summary
AbstractClassStrategy No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractDiscriminatorStrategy No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractFieldStrategy No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractStrategy No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractValueHandler No-op implementations of ValueHandler interface methods.
AbstractVersionStrategy No-op strategy for easy extension.
BlobValueHandler Handler for blob values.
ByteArrayValueHandler Handler for byte array values.
CharArrayStreamValueHandler Handler for char array values.
CharArrayValueHandler Handler for char array values.
ClassNameDiscriminatorStrategy Stores the class name along with each database object record.
ClobValueHandler Handler for clob values.
ColumnVersionStrategy Uses a single column and corresponding version object.
ContainerFieldStrategy An abstract container mapping that handles traversing the join to examine the size of the relation.
EmbeddedClassStrategy Class mapping for embedded objects.
EmbedFieldStrategy Mapping for an embedded persistent object.
EmbedValueHandler Base class for embedded value handlers.
EnumValueHandler Value handler for JDK1.5 enum field types.
FlatClassStrategy Mapping for classes mapped to their superclass table.
FullClassStrategy Mapping for when the class maps all fields to its own table.
HandlerFieldStrategy Mapping for a single-valued field that delegates to a ValueHandler.
HandlerStrategies Utility methods for strategies using value handlers.
ImmutableValueHandler Handler for simple type and string values.
InValueDiscriminatorStrategy Base discriminator strategy that determines the class of database records using a column holding a value mapped to a class, and limits SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.
LRSProxyCollection Large result set collection.
MapTableFieldStrategy Base class for map mappings.
MaxEmbeddedBlobFieldStrategy Mapping for serialized fields on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded BLOB size.
MaxEmbeddedByteArrayFieldStrategy Mapping for byte array fields on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded BLOB size.
MaxEmbeddedCharArrayFieldStrategy Mapping for CLOB character array on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded CLOB size.
MaxEmbeddedClobFieldStrategy Mapping for CLOB string on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded CLOB size.
NoneClassStrategy Strategy for classes that aren't mapped.
NoneDiscriminatorStrategy No-op Discriminator strategy.
NoneFieldStrategy An unmapped field.
NoneVersionStrategy No-op version strategy.
NumberVersionStrategy Uses a version number for optimistic versioning.
ObjectIdClassStrategy Class mapping for embedded object id fields.
ObjectIdValueHandler Handler for embedded object id fields.
PrimitiveFieldStrategy Direct mapping from a primitive value to a column.
RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy Maps a relation to a collection of other objects using an inverse foreign key in the related object table.
RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy Maps a collection of related objects through an association table.
RelationFieldStrategy Mapping for a single-valued relation to another entity.
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy Uses an inverse foreign key in the table of the map value to determine map values.
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy Uses an association table to hold map values.
RelationStrategies Helper methods for relation mappings.
RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy Maps a relation to a set of other objects using an inverse foreign key in the related object table.
RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy Maps a set of related objects through an association table.
StateComparisonVersionStrategy Uses a state image to determine whether concurrency violations take place.
StateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy Base class for strategies that are stored as a collection, even if their field value is something else.
StringFieldStrategy Direct mapping from a string value to a column.
SubclassJoinDiscriminatorStrategy Discriminator strategy that outer joins to all possible subclass tables to determine the class of an instance.
SuperclassDiscriminatorStrategy Discriminator strategy that delegates to superclass discriminator.
SuperclassVersionStrategy Version strategy that delegates to the suerpclass version.
TimestampVersionStrategy Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning.
UntypedPCValueHandler Handler for unknown persistence-capable object fields that stores stringified oids.
ValueMapDiscriminatorStrategy Maps metadata-given values to classes.
VerticalClassStrategy Mapping for subclasses that join to their superclass table.
XMLValueHandler Base class for xml value handlers.

Package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats Description

OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies

Library of mapping strategies.

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