Interface Summary | |
Extent<T> | An extent is a logical view of all instances of a class. |
FetchPlan | The fetch plan allows you to dynamically alter eager fetching configuration and other aspects of data loading. |
Generator | Represents a store sequence. |
OpenJPAEntityManager | Interface implemented by OpenJPA entity managers. |
OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory | Interface implemented by OpenJPA entity manager factories. |
OpenJPAEntityManagerFactorySPI | |
OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI | |
OpenJPAEntityTransaction | Extension of the JPA EntityTransaction interface. |
OpenJPAQuery | Interface implemented by OpenJPA queries. |
OpenJPAQuerySPI | |
QueryResultCache | Query result cache. |
StoreCache | Represents the L2 cache over the data store. |
Class Summary | |
AnnotationBuilder | Helper class to stringify annotation declarations. |
AnnotationPersistenceMetaDataParser | Persistence annotation metadata parser. |
AnnotationPersistenceMetaDataSerializer | Serializes persistence metadata as annotations. |
AnnotationPersistenceXMLMetaDataParser | JAXB xml annotation metadata parser. |
EntityExistsException | Conflict with existing entity. |
EntityManagerFactoryImpl | Implementation of EntityManagerFactory that acts as a
facade to a BrokerFactory . |
EntityManagerFactoryValue | Plugin type used to represent the EntityManagerFactory . |
EntityManagerImpl | Implementation of EntityManager interface. |
EntityNotFoundException | Missing entity. |
ExtentImpl<T> | An extent is a logical view of all instances of a class. |
FetchPlanImpl | Implements FetchPlan via delegation to FetchConfiguration. |
GeneratorImpl | Represents a store sequence. |
JPAFacadeHelper | Helper class for switching between OpenJPA's JPA facade and the underlying Broker kernel. |
NonUniqueResultException | Unique query returned multipl results. |
NoResultException | Unique query returned no results. |
OpenJPAPersistence | Static helper methods for JPA users. |
OptimisticLockException | Optimistic concurrency violation. |
PersistenceException | General persistence exception. |
PersistenceExceptions | Converts from OpenJPA to persistence exception types. |
PersistenceMetaDataDefaults | JPA-based metadata defaults. |
PersistenceMetaDataFactory | MetaDataFactory for JPA metadata. |
PersistenceProductDerivation | Sets JPA specification defaults and parses JPA specification XML files. |
PersistenceProductDerivation.ConfigurationParser | SAX handler capable of parsing an JPA persistence.xml file. |
PersistenceProductDerivation.ConfigurationProviderImpl | Custom configuration provider. |
PersistenceProviderImpl | Bootstrapping class that allows the creation of a stand-alone
EntityManager . |
PersistenceUnitInfoImpl | Implementation of the PersistenceUnitInfo interface used by OpenJPA
when parsing persistence configuration information. |
QueryImpl | Implementation of Query interface. |
QueryResultCacheImpl | Implements Query result cache via delegation to QueryCache. |
RollbackException | Rollback occurred on attempt to commit. |
StoreCacheImpl | Implements the L2 cache over the data store via delegation to DataCache. |
TransactionRequiredException | Transaction required. |
XMLPersistenceMetaDataParser | Custom SAX parser used by the system to quickly parse persistence i metadata files. |
XMLPersistenceMetaDataSerializer | Serializes persistence metadata back to XML. |
Enum Summary | |
AutoClearType | The possible settings for the auto-clear behavior of an
OpenJPAEntityManager . |
AutoDetachType | The possible settings for the auto-detach behavior of an
OpenJPAEntityManager . |
CallbackMode | The possible settings for the callback behavior of an
OpenJPAEntityManager . |
ConnectionRetainMode | The possible values for use when configuring the connection retain
behavior for an OpenJPAEntityManager . |
DetachStateType | The possible settings for the detachment behavior of an
OpenJPAEntityManager . |
MetaDataTag | Set of metadata tags used in JPA. |
PersistenceStrategy | Set of field persistence strategies used in JPA. |
QueryOperationType | The possible operations that a query can perform. |
RestoreStateType | The possible settings for the restore behavior after transaction rollback
of an OpenJPAEntityManager . |
UpdateAction | Action to take when a field's value is changed. |
Exception Summary | |
ArgumentException | Extended IllegalArgumentException . |
InvalidStateException | Extended IllegalStateException . |
Annotation Types Summary | |
DataCache | Caching characteristics for this class. |
DataStoreId | Describes how to generate a value for a field. |
Dependent | Dependent field marker. |
DetachedState | Detached state. |
ElementDependent | Dependent array, collection, or map element marker. |
ElementType | Indicates the persistent element type of an array, collection, or map field, if different than the declared element type. |
Externalizer | Declares a method that transforms the field value to its datastore equivalent. |
ExternalValues | Maps field values to their datastore equivalents. |
Factory | Declares a method that transforms the datastore value to its field equivalent. |
FetchAttribute | Includes a persistent attribute in a FetchGroup . |
FetchGroup | Fetch group definition. |
FetchGroups | Fetch groups holder. |
InverseLogical | Declares the logical inverse of a field. |
KeyDependent | Dependent map key marker. |
KeyType | Indicates the persistent key type of a map field, if different than the declared type. |
LoadFetchGroup | Fetch group loaded when the annotated field/property is loaded. |
LRS | Large result set field marker. |
Persistent | Metadata annotation for a persistent field. |
PersistentCollection | Metadata annotation for a persistent collection field. |
PersistentMap | Metadata annotation for a persistent map field. |
ReadOnly | Marks a field read-only. |
Type | Indicates the persistent type of a field, if different than the declared type. |
This package provides an JPA facade to OpenJPA. All major OpenJPA runtime components have JPA-flavored facades in this package.