Interface CacheMarshaller.ValidationPolicy

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface CacheMarshaller.ValidationPolicy

Validation policies are responsible for computing whether or not a cached data structure is valid for the current context.

getValidCachedData(getCacheableData(o), conf) should return an object equivalent to o in the expected case.

Implementations of this class will often also implement Configurable in order to receive the current Configuration.

Method Summary
 Object getCacheableData(Object o)
          Return an object that the CacheMarshaller should store.
 Object getValidData(Object o)
          Returns an object that this policy considers to be valid, based on o.

Method Detail


Object getValidData(Object o)
Returns an object that this policy considers to be valid, based on o. If o is not valid, this method will return null.


Object getCacheableData(Object o)
Return an object that the CacheMarshaller should store.

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