Class ClassRedefiner

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.enhance.ClassRedefiner

public class ClassRedefiner
extends Object

Redefines the method bodies of existing classes. Supports Java 5 VMs that have a javaagent installed on the command line as well as newer VMs without any javaagent flag.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean canRedefineClasses()
static void redefineClasses(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, Map<Class,byte[]> classes)
          For each element in classes, this method will redefine all the element's methods such that field accesses are intercepted in-line.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClassRedefiner()
Method Detail


public static void redefineClasses(OpenJPAConfiguration conf,
                                   Map<Class,byte[]> classes)
For each element in classes, this method will redefine all the element's methods such that field accesses are intercepted in-line. If canRedefineClasses() returns false, this method is a no-op.


public static boolean canRedefineClasses()
whether or not this VM has an instrumentation installed that permits redefinition of classes. This assumes that all the arguments will be modifiable classes according to java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#isModifiableClass, and only checks whether or not an instrumentation is available and if retransformation is possible.

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