Class MappingFactoryValue

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Value
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ObjectValue
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.PluginValue
              extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.MappingFactoryValue
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MappingFactoryValue
extends PluginValue

Handles the complex logic of creating a MetaDataFactory for combined metadata and mapping.

Abe White

Constructor Summary
MappingFactoryValue(String prop)
Method Summary
 MetaDataFactory instantiateMetaDataFactory(Configuration conf, PluginValue metaPlugin, String mapping)
          Intantiate a MetaDataFactory responsible for both metadata and mapping.
 MetaDataFactory instantiateMetaDataFactory(Configuration conf, PluginValue metaPlugin, String mapping, boolean fatal)
          Intantiate a MetaDataFactory responsible for both metadata and mapping.
 void setMappedMetaDataFactoryDefault(String metaAlias, String mappingAlias)
          If the Mapping property is set, we check these defaults before checking metadata factory defaults.
 void setMetaDataFactoryDefault(String metaAlias, String mappingAlias)
          Default setting for a given MetaDataFactory alias setting.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.PluginValue
getClassName, getInternalString, getProperties, getString, getValueType, instantiate, isSingleton, objectChanged, set, setClassName, setInternalString, setProperties, setString
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ObjectValue
get, instantiate, newInstance, set, setInternalObject
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Value
addListener, alias, alias, assertChangeable, clone, equals, getAliases, getDefault, getInstantiatingGetter, getListeners, getLoadKey, getOriginalValue, getProperty, getScope, hashCode, isAliasListComprehensive, isDynamic, removeListener, setAlias, setAlias, setAliases, setAliasListComprehensive, setDefault, setDynamic, setInstantiatingGetter, setLoadKey, setObject, setProperty, setScope, unalias, unalias, valueChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MappingFactoryValue(String prop)
Method Detail


public void setMetaDataFactoryDefault(String metaAlias,
                                      String mappingAlias)
Default setting for a given MetaDataFactory alias setting. If a MappingFactory value is not supplied, we check these defaults against the MetaDataFactory setting. If the MetaDataFactory does not have a default, we assume it handles both metadata and mapping factory.


public void setMappedMetaDataFactoryDefault(String metaAlias,
                                            String mappingAlias)
If the Mapping property is set, we check these defaults before checking metadata factory defaults.


public MetaDataFactory instantiateMetaDataFactory(Configuration conf,
                                                  PluginValue metaPlugin,
                                                  String mapping)
Intantiate a MetaDataFactory responsible for both metadata and mapping.


public MetaDataFactory instantiateMetaDataFactory(Configuration conf,
                                                  PluginValue metaPlugin,
                                                  String mapping,
                                                  boolean fatal)
Intantiate a MetaDataFactory responsible for both metadata and mapping.

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