Interface Val

All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, Value
All Known Implementing Classes:
Abs, Args, Concat, IndexOf, Lit, Math, Null, Param, PCPath, Sqrt, StringLength, Substring, ToLowerCase, ToUpperCase, Trim

public interface Val
extends Value

A Value represents any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields.

Abe White

Field Summary
static int ABS_VAL
static int ARGS_VAL
static int CONCAT_VAL
static int FORCE_OUTER
          Initialization flag indicating to force an outer join into any relation path.
static int INDEXOF_VAL
static int JOIN_REL
          Initialization flag indicating to join into any relation path.
static int LENGTH_VAL
static int LOCATE_VAL
static int LOWER_VAL
static int MATH_VAL
static int NULL_CMP
          Initialization flag indicating that this value will be compared to null.
static int SQRT_VAL
static int SUBSTRING_VAL
static int TRIM_VAL
static int UPPER_VAL
static int VAL
Method Summary
 void appendIsEmpty(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is empty to the given buffer.
 void appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is not empty to the given buffer.
 void appendIsNotNull(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is not null to the given buffer.
 void appendIsNull(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is null to the given buffer.
 void appendSize(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL checking the size of this value.
 void appendTo(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql, int index)
          Append the indexth SQL element to the given buffer.
 void calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
          Calculate and cache the SQL for this value.
 int getId()
 void groupBy(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
          Group by this value.
 ExpState initialize(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, int flags)
          Initialize the value.
 int length(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
          Return the number of SQL elements in this value.
 Object load(ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Result res)
          Load the data for this value.
 void orderBy(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean asc)
          Order by this value.
 void select(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean pks)
          Select the data for this value.
 void selectColumns(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean pks)
          Select just the columns for this value.
 Object toDataStoreValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Object val)
          Return the datastore value of the given object in the context of this value.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Value
acceptVisit, getMetaData, getType, isAggregate, isVariable, isXPath, setImplicitType, setMetaData

Field Detail


static final int NULL_CMP
Initialization flag indicating that this value will be compared to null.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOIN_REL
Initialization flag indicating to join into any relation path.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int FORCE_OUTER
Initialization flag indicating to force an outer join into any relation path.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int MATH_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CONCAT_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SUBSTRING_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int UPPER_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOWER_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TRIM_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LENGTH_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOCATE_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ARGS_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int INDEXOF_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ABS_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SQRT_VAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


ExpState initialize(Select sel,
                    ExpContext ctx,
                    int flags)
Initialize the value. This method should recursively initialize any sub-values.


Object toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
                        ExpContext ctx,
                        ExpState state,
                        Object val)
Return the datastore value of the given object in the context of this value.


void select(Select sel,
            ExpContext ctx,
            ExpState state,
            boolean pks)
Select the data for this value.


void selectColumns(Select sel,
                   ExpContext ctx,
                   ExpState state,
                   boolean pks)
Select just the columns for this value.


void groupBy(Select sel,
             ExpContext ctx,
             ExpState state)
Group by this value.


void orderBy(Select sel,
             ExpContext ctx,
             ExpState state,
             boolean asc)
Order by this value.


Object load(ExpContext ctx,
            ExpState state,
            Result res)
            throws SQLException
Load the data for this value.



void calculateValue(Select sel,
                    ExpContext ctx,
                    ExpState state,
                    Val other,
                    ExpState otherState)
Calculate and cache the SQL for this value. This method is called before length or any append methods.

other - the value being compared to, or null if not a comparison


int length(Select sel,
           ExpContext ctx,
           ExpState state)
Return the number of SQL elements in this value.


void appendTo(Select sel,
              ExpContext ctx,
              ExpState state,
              SQLBuffer sql,
              int index)
Append the indexth SQL element to the given buffer.


void appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
                   ExpContext ctx,
                   ExpState state,
                   SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is empty to the given buffer.


void appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
                      ExpContext ctx,
                      ExpState state,
                      SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is not empty to the given buffer.


void appendSize(Select sel,
                ExpContext ctx,
                ExpState state,
                SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL checking the size of this value.


void appendIsNull(Select sel,
                  ExpContext ctx,
                  ExpState state,
                  SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is null to the given buffer.


void appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
                     ExpContext ctx,
                     ExpState state,
                     SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is not null to the given buffer.


int getId()

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