Class FieldMappingInfo

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.FieldMappingInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Commentable

public class FieldMappingInfo
extends MappingInfo
implements Commentable

Information about the mapping from a field to the schema, in raw form. The columns and tables used in mapping info will not be part of the SchemaGroup used at runtime. Rather, they will be structs with the relevant pieces of information filled in.

Abe White, Pinaki Poddar
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
MappingInfo.ForeignKeyDefaults, MappingInfo.TableDefaults
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.xml.Commentable
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addJoinTableUnique(Unique u)
          Add Unique Constraint to the Join Table.
 boolean canOrderColumn()
          Whether we can have an ordering column.
protected  void clear(boolean canFlags)
          Clear mapping information.
 void copy(MappingInfo info)
          Copy missing info from the instance to this one.
 String[] getComments()
          Return comments, or empty array if none.
 ForeignKey getJoin(FieldMapping field, Table table, boolean adapt)
          Return the join from the field table to the owning class table.
 Index getJoinIndex(FieldMapping field, boolean adapt)
          Index on the field join.
 Unique[] getJoinTableUniques(FieldMapping field, boolean def, boolean adapt)
          Get the unique constraints associated with the Sequence table.
 Unique getJoinUnique(FieldMapping field, boolean def, boolean adapt)
          Unique constraint on the field join.
 Column getOrderColumn()
          Raw synthetic ordering column.
 Column getOrderColumn(FieldMapping field, Table table, boolean adapt)
          Return the ordering column for this field, or null if none.
 Table getTable(FieldMapping field, boolean create, boolean adapt)
          Return the table for the given field, or null if no table given.
 String getTableName()
          The user-supplied name of the table for this field.
 boolean hasSchemaComponents()
          Return true if this info has columns, foreign key information, index information, etc.
 boolean isJoinOuter()
          Whether the field's table is joined to the class table through an outer join.
 void setCanOrderColumn(boolean canOrder)
          Whether we can have an ordering column.
 void setComments(String[] comments)
          Set comments.
 void setJoinOuter(boolean outer)
          Whether the field's table is joined to the class table through an outer join.
 void setOrderColumn(Column order)
          Raw synthetic ordering column.
 void setTableName(String tableName)
          The user-supplied name of the table for this field.
protected  void syncJoinTableUniques(MetaDataContext context, Unique[] unqs)
          Sets internal constraint information to match given mapped constraint.
 void syncOrderColumn(FieldMapping field)
          Synchronize internal order column information with the given field.
 void syncStrategy(FieldMapping field)
          Synchronize internal mapping strategy information with the given field.
 void syncWith(FieldMapping field)
          Synchronize internal information with the mapping data for the given field.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo
assertNoForeignKey, assertNoIndex, assertNoJoin, assertNoSchemaComponents, assertNoUnique, assertStrategy, canForeignKey, canIndex, canUnique, clear, createColumns, createForeignKey, createIndex, createTable, createUnique, getColumnIO, getColumns, getForeignKey, getIndex, getJoinDirection, getStrategy, getUnique, mergeColumn, setCanForeignKey, setCanIndex, setCanUnique, setColumnIO, setColumns, setForeignKey, setIndex, setJoinDirection, setStrategy, setUnique, syncColumn, syncColumns, syncForeignKey, syncIndex, syncUnique
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FieldMappingInfo()
Method Detail


public String getTableName()
The user-supplied name of the table for this field.


public void setTableName(String tableName)
The user-supplied name of the table for this field.


public boolean isJoinOuter()
Whether the field's table is joined to the class table through an outer join.


public void setJoinOuter(boolean outer)
Whether the field's table is joined to the class table through an outer join.


public Column getOrderColumn()
Raw synthetic ordering column.


public void setOrderColumn(Column order)
Raw synthetic ordering column.


public boolean canOrderColumn()
Whether we can have an ordering column.


public void setCanOrderColumn(boolean canOrder)
Whether we can have an ordering column.


public Table getTable(FieldMapping field,
                      boolean create,
                      boolean adapt)
Return the table for the given field, or null if no table given.


public ForeignKey getJoin(FieldMapping field,
                          Table table,
                          boolean adapt)
Return the join from the field table to the owning class table.


public Unique getJoinUnique(FieldMapping field,
                            boolean def,
                            boolean adapt)
Unique constraint on the field join.


public void addJoinTableUnique(Unique u)
Add Unique Constraint to the Join Table.


public Unique[] getJoinTableUniques(FieldMapping field,
                                    boolean def,
                                    boolean adapt)
Get the unique constraints associated with the Sequence table.


public Index getJoinIndex(FieldMapping field,
                          boolean adapt)
Index on the field join.


public Column getOrderColumn(FieldMapping field,
                             Table table,
                             boolean adapt)
Return the ordering column for this field, or null if none.


public void syncWith(FieldMapping field)
Synchronize internal information with the mapping data for the given field.


public void syncStrategy(FieldMapping field)
Synchronize internal mapping strategy information with the given field.


public void syncOrderColumn(FieldMapping field)
Synchronize internal order column information with the given field.


protected void syncJoinTableUniques(MetaDataContext context,
                                    Unique[] unqs)
Sets internal constraint information to match given mapped constraint.


public boolean hasSchemaComponents()
Description copied from class: MappingInfo
Return true if this info has columns, foreign key information, index information, etc.

hasSchemaComponents in class MappingInfo


protected void clear(boolean canFlags)
Description copied from class: MappingInfo
Clear mapping information.

clear in class MappingInfo
canFlags - whether to clear information about whether we can place indexed, foreign keys, etc on this mapping


public void copy(MappingInfo info)
Description copied from class: MappingInfo
Copy missing info from the instance to this one.

copy in class MappingInfo


public String[] getComments()
Description copied from interface: Commentable
Return comments, or empty array if none.

Specified by:
getComments in interface Commentable


public void setComments(String[] comments)
Description copied from interface: Commentable
Set comments.

Specified by:
setComments in interface Commentable

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