Class ColumnIO

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.ColumnIO
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ColumnIO
extends Object
implements Serializable

Metadata about column I/O in a specific context. In the context of a foreign key, the standard foreign key columns are indexed first, then the constant columns.

Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean isAllInsertable(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
          Equivalent to isAllInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).
 boolean isAllInsertable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if all columns for the given key are insertable.
 boolean isAllInsertable(int col, boolean nullValue)
          Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are insertable.
 boolean isAllUpdatable(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
          Equivalent to isAllUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).
 boolean isAllUpdatable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if all columns for the given key are updatable.
 boolean isAllUpdatable(int col, boolean nullValue)
          Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are updatable.
 boolean isAnyInsertable(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
          Equivalent to isAnyInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).
 boolean isAnyInsertable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if any columns for the given key are insertable.
 boolean isAnyInsertable(int col, boolean nullValue)
          Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is insertable.
 boolean isAnyUpdatable(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
          Equivalent to isAnyUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).
 boolean isAnyUpdatable(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
          Return true if any columns for the given key are updatable.
 boolean isAnyUpdatable(int col, boolean nullValue)
          Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is updatable.
 boolean isInsertable(Column col, boolean nullValue)
          Equivalent to isInsertable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.
 boolean isInsertable(int col, boolean nullValue)
          Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.
 boolean isUpdatable(Column col, boolean nullValue)
          Equivalent to isUpdatable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.
 boolean isUpdatable(int col, boolean nullValue)
          Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.
 void setInsertable(int col, boolean insertable)
          Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.
 void setNullInsertable(int col, boolean insertable)
          Whether this context can insert the given column as null/default in this context.
 void setNullUpdatable(int col, boolean updatable)
          Whether this context can set the given column to null/default in this context.
 void setUpdatable(int col, boolean updatable)
          Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ColumnIO UNRESTRICTED
Constructor Detail


public ColumnIO()
Method Detail


public boolean isInsertable(int col,
                            boolean nullValue)
Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.


public boolean isInsertable(Column col,
                            boolean nullValue)
Equivalent to isInsertable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.


public boolean isAnyInsertable(int col,
                               boolean nullValue)
Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is insertable.


public boolean isAnyInsertable(Column[] cols,
                               boolean nullValue)
Equivalent to isAnyInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).


public boolean isAnyInsertable(ForeignKey fk,
                               boolean nullValue)
Return true if any columns for the given key are insertable.


public boolean isAllInsertable(int col,
                               boolean nullValue)
Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are insertable.


public boolean isAllInsertable(Column[] cols,
                               boolean nullValue)
Equivalent to isAllInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).


public boolean isAllInsertable(ForeignKey fk,
                               boolean nullValue)
Return true if all columns for the given key are insertable.


public void setInsertable(int col,
                          boolean insertable)
Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.


public void setNullInsertable(int col,
                              boolean insertable)
Whether this context can insert the given column as null/default in this context.


public boolean isUpdatable(int col,
                           boolean nullValue)
Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.


public boolean isUpdatable(Column col,
                           boolean nullValue)
Equivalent to isUpdatable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.


public boolean isAnyUpdatable(int col,
                              boolean nullValue)
Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is updatable.


public boolean isAnyUpdatable(Column[] cols,
                              boolean nullValue)
Equivalent to isAnyUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).


public boolean isAnyUpdatable(ForeignKey fk,
                              boolean nullValue)
Return true if any columns for the given key are updatable.


public boolean isAllUpdatable(int col,
                              boolean nullValue)
Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are updatable.


public boolean isAllUpdatable(Column[] cols,
                              boolean nullValue)
Equivalent to isAllUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).


public boolean isAllUpdatable(ForeignKey fk,
                              boolean nullValue)
Return true if all columns for the given key are updatable.


public void setUpdatable(int col,
                         boolean updatable)
Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.


public void setNullUpdatable(int col,
                             boolean updatable)
Whether this context can set the given column to null/default in this context.

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