Class LazySchemaFactory

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.NameSet
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.LazySchemaFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, SchemaFactory, Configurable

public class LazySchemaFactory
extends SchemaGroup
implements SchemaFactory, Configurable

Factory that uses database metadata to construct the system schema. The lazy schema factory only loads table data as it is requested. It does not properly support operations that require knowledge of the entire schema.

Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void endConfiguration()
          Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
 Sequence findSequence(String name)
          Find the sequence with the given name in the group, using '.' as the catalog separator.
 Table findTable(String name)
          Find the table with the given name in the group, using '.' as the catalog separator.
 boolean getForeignKeys()
 boolean getIndexes()
 boolean getPrimaryKeys()
 SchemaGroup readSchema()
          Return the schema group for the current object model and database.
 void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
          Invoked prior to setting bean properties.
 void setForeignKeys(boolean fks)
 void setIndexes(boolean idx)
 void setPrimaryKeys(boolean pks)
 void startConfiguration()
          Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.
 void storeSchema(SchemaGroup schema)
          Record the schema group after changes may have been made.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.SchemaGroup
addSchema, addSchema, clone, copy, findExportedForeignKeys, findSequence, findSequence, findTable, findTable, getSchema, getSchemas, importSchema, isKnownSequence, isKnownSequence, isKnownTable, isKnownTable, newColumn, newForeignKey, newIndex, newInstance, newPrimaryKey, newSchema, newSequence, newTable, newUnique, removeSchema, removeUnusedComponents
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.NameSet
addName, isNameTaken, removeName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LazySchemaFactory()
Method Detail


public boolean getPrimaryKeys()


public void setPrimaryKeys(boolean pks)


public boolean getForeignKeys()


public void setForeignKeys(boolean fks)


public boolean getIndexes()


public void setIndexes(boolean idx)


public SchemaGroup readSchema()
Description copied from interface: SchemaFactory
Return the schema group for the current object model and database.

Specified by:
readSchema in interface SchemaFactory


public void storeSchema(SchemaGroup schema)
Description copied from interface: SchemaFactory
Record the schema group after changes may have been made.

Specified by:
storeSchema in interface SchemaFactory
schema - the schema definition for the entire system


public Table findTable(String name)
Description copied from class: SchemaGroup
Find the table with the given name in the group, using '.' as the catalog separator. Returns null if no table found.

findTable in class SchemaGroup


public Sequence findSequence(String name)
Description copied from class: SchemaGroup
Find the sequence with the given name in the group, using '.' as the catalog separator. Returns null if no sequence found.

findSequence in class SchemaGroup


public void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked prior to setting bean properties.

Specified by:
setConfiguration in interface Configurable


public void startConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.

Specified by:
startConfiguration in interface Configurable


public void endConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.

Specified by:
endConfiguration in interface Configurable

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