Class DBDictionaryFactory

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionaryFactory

public class DBDictionaryFactory
extends Object

Factory class to instantiate a dictionary. It will use the following heuristic:

Marc Prud'hommeaux

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static DBDictionary calculateDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf, String url, String driver, String props)
          Attempt to create the dictionary from the given connection URL and driver name, either or both of which may be null.
static DBDictionary newDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf, DataSource ds, String props)
          Create the dictionary using connection metadata to determine its type.
static DBDictionary newDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf, String dclass, String props)
          Create the dictionary for the given class name and properties.
static String toString(DatabaseMetaData meta)
          Return a string containing all the property values of the given database metadata.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DBDictionaryFactory()
Method Detail


public static DBDictionary newDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf,
                                           String dclass,
                                           String props)
Create the dictionary for the given class name and properties.


public static DBDictionary calculateDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf,
                                                 String url,
                                                 String driver,
                                                 String props)
Attempt to create the dictionary from the given connection URL and driver name, either or both of which may be null. If the dictionary cannot be calculated, returns null.


public static DBDictionary newDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf,
                                           DataSource ds,
                                           String props)
Create the dictionary using connection metadata to determine its type.


public static String toString(DatabaseMetaData meta)
                       throws SQLException
Return a string containing all the property values of the given database metadata.


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