Interface Resolver

public interface Resolver

A Resolver is used to resolve listeners and class or entity names that appear in a query.

Abe White

Method Summary
 Class classForName(String name, String[] imports)
          Resolve the type represented by the given class name.
 AggregateListener getAggregateListener(String tag)
          Return the function listener for the given tag, or null if none.
 OpenJPAConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Return the OpenJPA configuration.
 FilterListener getFilterListener(String tag)
          Return the filter listener for the given tag, or null if none.
 QueryContext getQueryContext()
          The QueryContext for which this resolver was created

Method Detail


Class classForName(String name,
                   String[] imports)
Resolve the type represented by the given class name. This will test the type against the namespace of the Query and the declared imports, and will properly handle primitives and java.lang types as well. Returns null if the name does not match a known type.


FilterListener getFilterListener(String tag)
Return the filter listener for the given tag, or null if none.


AggregateListener getAggregateListener(String tag)
Return the function listener for the given tag, or null if none.


OpenJPAConfiguration getConfiguration()
Return the OpenJPA configuration.


QueryContext getQueryContext()
The QueryContext for which this resolver was created


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