Class EntityManagerImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable, EntityManager, EntityTransaction, FindCallbacks, OpCallbacks, Closeable, OpenJPAEntityManager, OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI, OpenJPAEntityTransaction

public class EntityManagerImpl
extends Object
implements OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI, Externalizable, FindCallbacks, OpCallbacks, Closeable, OpenJPAEntityTransaction

Implementation of EntityManager interface.

Patrick Linskey, Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.OpenJPAEntityManager
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.OpCallbacks
Constructor Summary
EntityManagerImpl(EntityManagerFactoryImpl factory, Broker broker)
          Constructor; supply factory and delegate.
Method Summary
 void addLifecycleListener(Object listener, Class... classes)
          Register a listener for lifecycle-related events on the specified classes.
 void addTransactionListener(Object listener)
          Register a listener for transaction-related events.
 void begin()
 void beginStore()
          Begins a store transaction if one isn't already started.
 boolean cancelAll()
          Cancel all pending data store statements.
 void clear()
 void close()
 void commit()
 void commitAndResume()
          Issue a commit and then start a new transaction.
 boolean contains(Object entity)
 boolean containsAll(Collection entities)
          Whether the given objects are managed.
 boolean containsAll(Object... entities)
          Whether the given objects are managed.
<T> Extent<T>
createExtent(Class<T> cls, boolean subclasses)
          Return an extent of the given class, optionally including subclasses.
<T> T
createInstance(Class<T> cls)
          Create a new instance of type cls.
 OpenJPAQuery createNamedQuery(String name)
 OpenJPAQuery createNativeQuery(String query)
 OpenJPAQuery createNativeQuery(String query, Class cls)
 OpenJPAQuery createNativeQuery(String query, String mappingName)
 OpenJPAQuery createQuery(Query query)
          Create a new query from the given one.
 OpenJPAQuery createQuery(String query)
 OpenJPAQuery createQuery(String language, String query)
          Create a new query in the given language.
<T> T
detach(T entity)
          Detach the specified object from the entity manager.
 Collection detachAll(Collection entities)
          Detach the specified objects from the entity manager.
 Object[] detachAll(Object... entities)
          Detach the specified objects from the entity manager.
 void dirty(Object o, String field)
          Make the named field of the given object dirty.
 void dirtyClass(Class cls)
          Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.
 boolean equals(Object other)
 void evict(Object entity)
          Evict the given object.
 void evictAll()
          Evict all clean objects.
 void evictAll(Class cls)
          Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).
 void evictAll(Collection entities)
          Evict the given objects.
 void evictAll(Extent extent)
          Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.
 void evictAll(Object... entities)
          Evict the given objects.
<T> T
find(Class<T> cls, Object oid)
<T> Collection<T>
findAll(Class<T> cls, Collection oids)
          Return the objects with the given oids.
<T> T[]
findAll(Class<T> cls, Object... oids)
          Return the objects with the given oids.
<T> T
findCached(Class<T> cls, Object oid)
          Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.
 void flush()
 AutoClearType getAutoClear()
          Whether to clear state when entering a transaction.
 EnumSet<AutoDetachType> getAutoDetach()
          AutoDetachType values which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place.
 Broker getBroker()
          Broker delegate.
 ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          Return the current thread's class loader at the time this entity manager was obtained from the factory.
 OpenJPAConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration associated with this entity manager.
 Object getConnection()
          Return the connection in use by the entity manager, or a new connection if none.
 String getConnectionPassword()
          Return the connection password.
 ConnectionRetainMode getConnectionRetainMode()
          Return the connection retain mode for this entity manager.
 String getConnectionUserName()
          Return the connection user name.
 Object getDelegate()
 DetachStateType getDetachState()
          Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.
 Collection getDirtyObjects()
          Return a set of current dirty instances.
 OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory()
          Return the factory that produced this entity manager.
 boolean getEvictFromStoreCache()
          Whether to also evict an object from the store cache when it is evicted through this entity manager.
 FetchPlan getFetchPlan()
          Return the (mutable) fetch plan for loading objects from this entity manager.
 Generator getFieldGenerator(Class forClass, String fieldName)
          Returns a Generator for the generated values of the specified type, or null if the field is not generated.
 FlushModeType getFlushMode()
 Generator getIdGenerator(Class forClass)
          Returns a Generator for the datastore identity values of the specified type, or null if the type is unmanaged or its identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
 boolean getIgnoreChanges()
          Whether to take into account changes in the transaction when executing a query or iterating an extent.
 int getLifecycleListenerCallbackMode()
 EnumSet<CallbackMode> getLifecycleListenerCallbackModes()
          The CallbackMode flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
 LockModeType getLockMode(Object entity)
          Return the lock mode of the given instance, or null if not locked.
 Collection getManagedObjects()
          Return a set of all managed instances.
 ManagedRuntime getManagedRuntime()
          Return the managed runtime in use.
 boolean getMultithreaded()
          Whether the entity manager or its managed instances are used in a multithreaded environment.
 Generator getNamedGenerator(String name)
          Return the named generator defined in the metadata.
 boolean getNontransactionalRead()
          Whether to allow nontransactional access to persistent state.
 boolean getNontransactionalWrite()
          Whether to allow nontransactional changes to persistent state.
 Object getObjectId(Object o)
          Return the oid of the given instance.
 Class getObjectIdClass(Class cls)
          Return the application identity class the given persistent class uses for object ids, or null if not a type that uses application identity.
 boolean getOptimistic()
          Whether to use optimistic transactional semantics.
 boolean getOrderDirtyObjects()
          Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied.
 Collection getPendingTransactionalObjects()
          Return a set of instances which will become transactional upon the next transaction.
 Collection<Class> getPersistedClasses()
          Return the set of classes that have been made persistent in the current transaction.
 boolean getPopulateStoreCache()
          Whether objects accessed during this transaction will be added to the store cache.
<T> T
getReference(Class<T> cls, Object oid)
 Collection<Class> getRemovedClasses()
          Return the set of classes that have been deleted in the current transaction.
 RestoreStateType getRestoreState()
          Whether to restore an object's original state on rollback.
 boolean getRetainState()
          Whether objects retain their persistent state on transaction commit.
 Throwable getRollbackCause()
          Returns the Throwable that caused the transaction to be marked for rollback.
 boolean getRollbackOnly()
 boolean getSyncWithManagedTransactions()
          Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation.
 OpenJPAEntityTransaction getTransaction()
 Collection getTransactionalObjects()
          Return a set of current transaction instances.
 int getTransactionListenerCallbackMode()
 EnumSet<CallbackMode> getTransactionListenerCallbackModes()
          The CallbackMode flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.
 Collection<Class> getUpdatedClasses()
          Return the set of classes for objects that have been modified in the current transaction.
 Object getUserObject(Object key)
          Get the value for the specified key from the map of user objects.
 Object getVersion(Object o)
          Returns the current version indicator for o.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isActive()
 boolean isDetached(Object entity)
          Returns true if pc is a detached object (one that can be reattached to a EntityManager via a call to EntityManager.merge(T)); otherwise returns false.
 boolean isDirty(Object o)
          Return whether the given object is dirty.
 boolean isLargeTransaction()
 boolean isManaged()
 boolean isNewlyPersistent(Object o)
          Return whether the given object was made persistent in the current transaction.
 boolean isOpen()
 boolean isPersistent(Object o)
          Return whether the given object is persistent.
 boolean isRemoved(Object o)
          Return whether the given object is deleted.
 boolean isStoreActive()
          Whether a store transaction is active.
 boolean isTrackChangesByType()
          Whether memory usage is reduced during this transaction at the expense of tracking changes at the type level instead of the instance level, resulting in more aggressive cache invalidation.
 boolean isTransactional(Object o)
          Return whether the given object is transactional.
 boolean isTransactionManaged()
          Whether this entity manager is using managed transactions.
 void joinTransaction()
 void lock(Object entity)
          Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchPlan for the entity manager.
 void lock(Object entity, LockModeType mode)
 void lock(Object entity, LockModeType mode, int timeout)
          Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.
 void lockAll(Collection entities)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchPlan for the entity manager.
 void lockAll(Collection entities, LockModeType mode, int timeout)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
 void lockAll(Object... entities)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchPlan for the entity manager.
 void lockAll(Object[] entities, LockModeType mode, int timeout)
          Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
<T> T
merge(T entity)
 Collection mergeAll(Collection entities)
          Merge the specified detached objects into the entity manager.
 Object[] mergeAll(Object... entities)
          Merge the specified objects into the entity manager.
 void nontransactional(Object entity)
          Make the given object nontransactional.
 void nontransactionalAll(Collection objs)
          Make the given objects nontransactional.
 void nontransactionalAll(Object[] objs)
          Make the given objects nontransactional.
 void persist(Object entity)
 void persistAll(Collection entities)
          Persist the given objects.
 void persistAll(Object... entities)
          Persist the given objects.
 void popFetchPlan()
          Pops the fetch plan from the top of the stack, making the next one down the active one.
 void preFlush()
          Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks.
 int processArgument(int op, Object obj, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
          Process operation argument.
 Object processArgument(Object arg)
          Process find argument.
 Object processReturn(Object oid, OpenJPAStateManager sm)
          Process operation return value.
 FetchPlan pushFetchPlan()
          Pushes a new fetch plan that inherits from the current fetch plan onto a stack, and makes the new plan the active one.
 Object putUserObject(Object key, Object val)
          Put the specified key-value pair into the map of user objects.
 void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
 void refresh(Object entity)
 void refreshAll()
          Refresh all transactional objects.
 void refreshAll(Collection entities)
          Refresh the state of the given objects.
 void refreshAll(Object... entities)
          Refresh the state of the given objects.
 void release(Object entity)
          Release the given object from management.
 void releaseAll(Collection entities)
          Release the given objects from management.
 void releaseAll(Object... entities)
          Release the given object from management.
 void releaseSavepoint()
          Release the last set savepoint and any resources associated with it.
 void releaseSavepoint(String name)
          Release the savepoint and any resources associated with it.
 void remove(Object entity)
 void removeAll(Collection entities)
          Delete the given persistent objects.
 void removeAll(Object... entities)
          Delete the given persistent objects.
 void removeLifecycleListener(Object listener)
          Remove a listener for lifecycle-related events.
 void removeTransactionListener(Object listener)
          Remove a listener for transaction-related events.
 void retrieve(Object entity)
          Immediately load the given object's persistent fields.
 void retrieveAll(Collection entities)
          Retrieve the persistent state of the given objects.
 void retrieveAll(Object... entities)
          Retrieve the persistent state of the given objects.
 void rollback()
 void rollbackAndResume()
          Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction.
 void rollbackToSavepoint()
          Rollback the current transaction to the last savepoint.
 void rollbackToSavepoint(String name)
          Rollback the current transaction to the given savepoint name.
 void setAutoClear(AutoClearType val)
          Whether to clear state when entering a transaction.
 void setAutoClear(int autoClear)
 void setAutoDetach(AutoDetachType flag)
          AutoDetachType values which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place.
 void setAutoDetach(AutoDetachType value, boolean on)
          Bit flags marked in AutoDetachType which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place.
 void setAutoDetach(EnumSet<AutoDetachType> flags)
          AutoDetachType values which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place.
 void setAutoDetach(int autoDetachFlags)
 void setAutoDetach(int flag, boolean on)
 void setDetachState(DetachStateType type)
          Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.
 void setDetachState(int detach)
 void setEvictFromStoreCache(boolean evict)
          Whether to also evict an object from the store cache when it is evicted through this entity manager.
 void setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode)
 void setIgnoreChanges(boolean val)
          Whether to take into account changes in the transaction when executing a query or iterating an extent.
 void setLargeTransaction(boolean value)
 void setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(CallbackMode mode)
          The CallbackMode flag for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
 void setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(EnumSet<CallbackMode> modes)
          The CallbackMode flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
 void setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(int callbackMode)
 void setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded)
          Whether the entity manager or its managed instances are used in a multithreaded environment.
 void setNontransactionalRead(boolean val)
          Whether to allow nontransactional access to persistent state.
 void setNontransactionalWrite(boolean val)
          Whether to allow nontransactional changes to persistent state.
 void setOptimistic(boolean val)
          Whether to use optimistic transactional semantics.
 void setOrderDirtyObjects(boolean order)
          Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied.
 void setPopulateStoreCache(boolean cache)
          Whether to populate the store cache with objects used by this transaction.
 void setRestoreState(int restore)
 void setRestoreState(RestoreStateType val)
          Whether to restore an object's original state on rollback.
 void setRetainState(boolean val)
          Whether objects retain their persistent state on transaction commit.
 void setRollbackOnly()
 void setRollbackOnly(Throwable cause)
          Mark the current transaction for rollback with the specified cause of the rollback.
 void setSavepoint(String name)
          Set a transactional savepoint where operations after this savepoint will be rolled back.
 void setSyncWithManagedTransactions(boolean sync)
          Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation.
 void setTrackChangesByType(boolean trackByType)
          If a large number of objects will be created, modified, or deleted during this transaction setting this option to true will reduce memory usage if you perform periodic flushes by tracking changes at the type level instead of the instance level, resulting in more aggressive cache invalidation.
 void setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(CallbackMode mode)
          The CallbackMode flag for handling transaction listener exceptions.
 void setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(EnumSet<CallbackMode> modes)
          The CallbackMode flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.
 void setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(int callbackMode)
 void transactional(Object entity, boolean updateVersion)
          Make the given object transactional.
 void transactionalAll(Collection objs, boolean updateVersion)
          Make the given objects transactional.
 void transactionalAll(Object[] objs, boolean updateVersion)
          Make the given objects transactional.
 void validateChanges()
          Validate the changes made in this transaction, reporting any optimistic violations, constraint violations, etc.
 void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EntityManagerImpl()


public EntityManagerImpl(EntityManagerFactoryImpl factory,
                         Broker broker)
Constructor; supply factory and delegate.

Method Detail


public Broker getBroker()
Broker delegate.


public OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the factory that produced this entity manager.

Specified by:
getEntityManagerFactory in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAConfiguration getConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
Return the configuration associated with this entity manager.

Specified by:
getConfiguration in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
getConfiguration in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public FetchPlan getFetchPlan()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the (mutable) fetch plan for loading objects from this entity manager.

Specified by:
getFetchPlan in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public FetchPlan pushFetchPlan()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Pushes a new fetch plan that inherits from the current fetch plan onto a stack, and makes the new plan the active one.

Specified by:
pushFetchPlan in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
the new fetch plan


public void popFetchPlan()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Pops the fetch plan from the top of the stack, making the next one down the active one. This returns void to avoid confusion, since fetch plans tend to be used in method-chaining patterns often.

Specified by:
popFetchPlan in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public ConnectionRetainMode getConnectionRetainMode()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the connection retain mode for this entity manager.

Specified by:
getConnectionRetainMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isTransactionManaged()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether this entity manager is using managed transactions.

Specified by:
isTransactionManaged in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isManaged()
Specified by:
isManaged in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public ManagedRuntime getManagedRuntime()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
Return the managed runtime in use.

Specified by:
getManagedRuntime in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public boolean getSyncWithManagedTransactions()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation. Defaults to false.

Specified by:
getSyncWithManagedTransactions in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setSyncWithManagedTransactions(boolean sync)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation. Defaults to false.

Specified by:
setSyncWithManagedTransactions in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the current thread's class loader at the time this entity manager was obtained from the factory.

Specified by:
getClassLoader in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public String getConnectionUserName()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the connection user name.

Specified by:
getConnectionUserName in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public String getConnectionPassword()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the connection password.

Specified by:
getConnectionPassword in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getMultithreaded()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether the entity manager or its managed instances are used in a multithreaded environment.

Specified by:
getMultithreaded in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether the entity manager or its managed instances are used in a multithreaded environment.

Specified by:
setMultithreaded in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getIgnoreChanges()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to take into account changes in the transaction when executing a query or iterating an extent.

Specified by:
getIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setIgnoreChanges(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to take into account changes in the transaction when executing a query or iterating an extent.

Specified by:
setIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getNontransactionalRead()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to allow nontransactional access to persistent state.

Specified by:
getNontransactionalRead in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setNontransactionalRead(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to allow nontransactional access to persistent state.

Specified by:
setNontransactionalRead in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getNontransactionalWrite()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to allow nontransactional changes to persistent state.

Specified by:
getNontransactionalWrite in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setNontransactionalWrite(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to allow nontransactional changes to persistent state.

Specified by:
setNontransactionalWrite in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getOptimistic()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to use optimistic transactional semantics.

Specified by:
getOptimistic in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setOptimistic(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to use optimistic transactional semantics.

Specified by:
setOptimistic in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public RestoreStateType getRestoreState()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to restore an object's original state on rollback.

Specified by:
getRestoreState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setRestoreState(RestoreStateType val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to restore an object's original state on rollback.

Specified by:
setRestoreState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setRestoreState(int restore)
Specified by:
setRestoreState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getRetainState()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether objects retain their persistent state on transaction commit.

Specified by:
getRetainState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setRetainState(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether objects retain their persistent state on transaction commit.

Specified by:
setRetainState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public AutoClearType getAutoClear()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to clear state when entering a transaction.

Specified by:
getAutoClear in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoClear(AutoClearType val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to clear state when entering a transaction.

Specified by:
setAutoClear in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoClear(int autoClear)
Specified by:
setAutoClear in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public DetachStateType getDetachState()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.

Specified by:
getDetachState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setDetachState(DetachStateType type)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Detach mode constant to determine which fields are part of the detached graph.

Specified by:
setDetachState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setDetachState(int detach)
Specified by:
setDetachState in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public EnumSet<AutoDetachType> getAutoDetach()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
AutoDetachType values which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place.

Specified by:
getAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoDetach(AutoDetachType flag)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
AutoDetachType values which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place. The current value is replaced in its entirety.

Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoDetach(EnumSet<AutoDetachType> flags)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
AutoDetachType values which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place. The current value is replaced in its entirety.

Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoDetach(int autoDetachFlags)
Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoDetach(AutoDetachType value,
                          boolean on)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Bit flags marked in AutoDetachType which indicate when persistent managed objects should be automatically detached in-place.

Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setAutoDetach(int flag,
                          boolean on)
Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getEvictFromStoreCache()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to also evict an object from the store cache when it is evicted through this entity manager.

Specified by:
getEvictFromStoreCache in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setEvictFromStoreCache(boolean evict)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to also evict an object from the store cache when it is evicted through this entity manager.

Specified by:
setEvictFromStoreCache in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getPopulateStoreCache()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether objects accessed during this transaction will be added to the store cache. Defaults to true.

Specified by:
getPopulateStoreCache in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setPopulateStoreCache(boolean cache)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether to populate the store cache with objects used by this transaction. Defaults to true.

Specified by:
setPopulateStoreCache in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isTrackChangesByType()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether memory usage is reduced during this transaction at the expense of tracking changes at the type level instead of the instance level, resulting in more aggressive cache invalidation.

Specified by:
isTrackChangesByType in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setTrackChangesByType(boolean trackByType)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
If a large number of objects will be created, modified, or deleted during this transaction setting this option to true will reduce memory usage if you perform periodic flushes by tracking changes at the type level instead of the instance level, resulting in more aggressive cache invalidation.

Specified by:
setTrackChangesByType in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isLargeTransaction()
Specified by:
isLargeTransaction in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setLargeTransaction(boolean value)
Specified by:
setLargeTransaction in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Object getUserObject(Object key)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Get the value for the specified key from the map of user objects.

Specified by:
getUserObject in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Object putUserObject(Object key,
                            Object val)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Put the specified key-value pair into the map of user objects. Use a value of null to remove the key.

Specified by:
putUserObject in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void addTransactionListener(Object listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
Register a listener for transaction-related events.

Specified by:
addTransactionListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
addTransactionListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public void removeTransactionListener(Object listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
Remove a listener for transaction-related events.

Specified by:
removeTransactionListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
removeTransactionListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public EnumSet<CallbackMode> getTransactionListenerCallbackModes()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
The CallbackMode flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.

Specified by:
getTransactionListenerCallbackModes in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public void setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(CallbackMode mode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
The CallbackMode flag for handling transaction listener exceptions. The flags provided here will entirely replace the previous settings.

Specified by:
setTransactionListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public void setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(EnumSet<CallbackMode> modes)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
The CallbackMode flags for handling transaction listener exceptions. The flags provided here will entirely replace the previous settings.

Specified by:
setTransactionListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public int getTransactionListenerCallbackMode()
Specified by:
getTransactionListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(int callbackMode)
Specified by:
setTransactionListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void addLifecycleListener(Object listener,
                                 Class... classes)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
Register a listener for lifecycle-related events on the specified classes. If the classes are null, all events will be propagated to the listener.

Specified by:
addLifecycleListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
addLifecycleListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public void removeLifecycleListener(Object listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
Remove a listener for lifecycle-related events.

Specified by:
removeLifecycleListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
removeLifecycleListener in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public EnumSet<CallbackMode> getLifecycleListenerCallbackModes()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
The CallbackMode flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.

Specified by:
getLifecycleListenerCallbackModes in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public void setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(CallbackMode mode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
The CallbackMode flag for handling lifecycle listener exceptions. The flags provided here will entirely replace the previous settings.

Specified by:
setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public void setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(EnumSet<CallbackMode> modes)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI
The CallbackMode flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions. The flags provided here will entirely replace the previous settings.

Specified by:
setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI


public int getLifecycleListenerCallbackMode()
Specified by:
getLifecycleListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(int callbackMode)
Specified by:
setLifecycleListenerCallbackMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public <T> T getReference(Class<T> cls,
                          Object oid)
Specified by:
getReference in interface EntityManager


public <T> T find(Class<T> cls,
                  Object oid)
Specified by:
find in interface EntityManager


public <T> T[] findAll(Class<T> cls,
                       Object... oids)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the objects with the given oids.

Specified by:
findAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
oids - the oids of the objects to return
the objects that were looked up, in the same order as the oids parameter.
See Also:


public <T> Collection<T> findAll(Class<T> cls,
                                 Collection oids)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the objects with the given oids.

Specified by:
findAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
oids - the oids of the objects to return
the objects that were looked up, in the same order as the oids parameter.
See Also:


public <T> T findCached(Class<T> cls,
                        Object oid)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.

Specified by:
findCached in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
oid - the object's id
the cached object, or null if not cached


public Class getObjectIdClass(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the application identity class the given persistent class uses for object ids, or null if not a type that uses application identity.

Specified by:
getObjectIdClass in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAEntityTransaction getTransaction()
Specified by:
getTransaction in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
getTransaction in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void joinTransaction()
Specified by:
joinTransaction in interface EntityManager


public void begin()
Specified by:
begin in interface EntityTransaction
Specified by:
begin in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void commit()
Specified by:
commit in interface EntityTransaction
Specified by:
commit in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void rollback()
Specified by:
rollback in interface EntityTransaction
Specified by:
rollback in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void commitAndResume()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityTransaction
Issue a commit and then start a new transaction. This is identical to:
 manager.commit (); manager.begin ();
except that the entity manager's internal atomic lock is utilized, so this method can be safely executed from multiple threads.

Specified by:
commitAndResume in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
commitAndResume in interface OpenJPAEntityTransaction
See Also:
EntityTransaction.commit(), EntityTransaction.begin()


public void rollbackAndResume()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityTransaction
Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction. This is identical to:
 manager.rollback (); manager.begin ();
except that the entity manager's internal atomic lock is utilized, so this method can be safely executed from multiple threads.

Specified by:
rollbackAndResume in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
rollbackAndResume in interface OpenJPAEntityTransaction
See Also:
EntityTransaction.rollback(), EntityTransaction.begin()


public Throwable getRollbackCause()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityTransaction
Returns the Throwable that caused the transaction to be marked for rollback.

Specified by:
getRollbackCause in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
getRollbackCause in interface OpenJPAEntityTransaction
the Throwable, or null if none was given


public boolean getRollbackOnly()
Specified by:
getRollbackOnly in interface EntityTransaction
Specified by:
getRollbackOnly in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setRollbackOnly()
Specified by:
setRollbackOnly in interface EntityTransaction
Specified by:
setRollbackOnly in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setRollbackOnly(Throwable cause)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityTransaction
Mark the current transaction for rollback with the specified cause of the rollback.

Specified by:
setRollbackOnly in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
Specified by:
setRollbackOnly in interface OpenJPAEntityTransaction


public void setSavepoint(String name)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Set a transactional savepoint where operations after this savepoint will be rolled back.

Specified by:
setSavepoint in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void rollbackToSavepoint()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Rollback the current transaction to the last savepoint. Savepoints set after this one will become invalid.

Specified by:
rollbackToSavepoint in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void rollbackToSavepoint(String name)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Rollback the current transaction to the given savepoint name. Savepoints set after this one will become invalid.

Specified by:
rollbackToSavepoint in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void releaseSavepoint()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Release the last set savepoint and any resources associated with it. The given savepoint and any set after it will become invalid.

Specified by:
releaseSavepoint in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void releaseSavepoint(String name)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Release the savepoint and any resources associated with it. The given savepoint and any set after it will become invalid.

Specified by:
releaseSavepoint in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void flush()
Specified by:
flush in interface EntityManager


public void preFlush()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks. Transaction listeners are not invoked.

Specified by:
preFlush in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void validateChanges()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Validate the changes made in this transaction, reporting any optimistic violations, constraint violations, etc. In a datastore transaction or a flushed optimistic transaction, this method will act just like EntityManager.flush(). In an optimistic transaction that has not yet begun a datastore-level transaction, however, it will only report exceptions that would occur on flush, without retaining any datastore resources.

Specified by:
validateChanges in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isActive()
Specified by:
isActive in interface EntityTransaction
Specified by:
isActive in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isStoreActive()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether a store transaction is active.

Specified by:
isStoreActive in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void beginStore()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Begins a store transaction if one isn't already started. The entity manager must already be in a logical transaction.

Specified by:
beginStore in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean contains(Object entity)
Specified by:
contains in interface EntityManager


public boolean containsAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether the given objects are managed.

Specified by:
containsAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean containsAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether the given objects are managed.

Specified by:
containsAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void persist(Object entity)
Specified by:
persist in interface EntityManager


public void persistAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Persist the given objects.

Specified by:
persistAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void persistAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Persist the given objects.

Specified by:
persistAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void remove(Object entity)
Specified by:
remove in interface EntityManager


public void removeAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Delete the given persistent objects.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void removeAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Delete the given persistent objects.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void release(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Release the given object from management. This operation is not recursive.

Specified by:
release in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void releaseAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Release the given objects from management. This operation is not recursive.

Specified by:
releaseAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void releaseAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Release the given object from management. This operation is not recursive.

Specified by:
releaseAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void refresh(Object entity)
Specified by:
refresh in interface EntityManager


public void refreshAll()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Refresh all transactional objects.

Specified by:
refreshAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void refreshAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Refresh the state of the given objects.

Specified by:
refreshAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void refreshAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Refresh the state of the given objects.

Specified by:
refreshAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void retrieve(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Immediately load the given object's persistent fields. One might use this action to make sure that an instance's fields are loaded before transitioning it to transient. Note that this action is not recursive. Any related objects that are loaded will not necessarily have their fields loaded.

Specified by:
retrieve in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void retrieveAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Retrieve the persistent state of the given objects.

Specified by:
retrieveAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
See Also:


public void retrieveAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Retrieve the persistent state of the given objects.

Specified by:
retrieveAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
See Also:


public void evict(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Evict the given object.

Specified by:
evict in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void evictAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Evict the given objects.

Specified by:
evictAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void evictAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Evict the given objects.

Specified by:
evictAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void evictAll()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Evict all clean objects.

Specified by:
evictAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void evictAll(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).

Specified by:
evictAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void evictAll(Extent extent)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.

Specified by:
evictAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public <T> T detach(T entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Detach the specified object from the entity manager.

Specified by:
detach in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entity - the instance to detach
the detached instance


public Object[] detachAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Detach the specified objects from the entity manager.

Specified by:
detachAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entities - the instances to detach
the detached instances


public Collection detachAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Detach the specified objects from the entity manager.

Specified by:
detachAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entities - the instances to detach
the detached instances


public <T> T merge(T entity)
Specified by:
merge in interface EntityManager


public Object[] mergeAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Merge the specified objects into the entity manager.

Specified by:
mergeAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entities - instances to import
the re-attached instances


public Collection mergeAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Merge the specified detached objects into the entity manager.

Specified by:
mergeAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entities - Collection of instances to import
the re-attached instances


public void transactional(Object entity,
                          boolean updateVersion)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the given object transactional.

Specified by:
transactional in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entity - instance to make transactional
updateVersion - if true, the instance's version will be incremented at the next flush


public void transactionalAll(Collection objs,
                             boolean updateVersion)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the given objects transactional.

Specified by:
transactionalAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
objs - instances to make transactional
updateVersion - if true, the instance's version will be incremented at the next flush


public void transactionalAll(Object[] objs,
                             boolean updateVersion)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the given objects transactional.

Specified by:
transactionalAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
objs - instances to make transactional
updateVersion - if true, the instance's version will be incremented at the next flush


public void nontransactional(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the given object nontransactional.

Specified by:
nontransactional in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void nontransactionalAll(Collection objs)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the given objects nontransactional.

Specified by:
nontransactionalAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void nontransactionalAll(Object[] objs)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the given objects nontransactional.

Specified by:
nontransactionalAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Generator getNamedGenerator(String name)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the named generator defined in the metadata.

Specified by:
getNamedGenerator in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Generator getIdGenerator(Class forClass)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Returns a Generator for the datastore identity values of the specified type, or null if the type is unmanaged or its identity cannot be represented by a sequence.

Specified by:
getIdGenerator in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Generator getFieldGenerator(Class forClass,
                                   String fieldName)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Returns a Generator for the generated values of the specified type, or null if the field is not generated.

Specified by:
getFieldGenerator in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public <T> Extent<T> createExtent(Class<T> cls,
                                  boolean subclasses)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return an extent of the given class, optionally including subclasses.

Specified by:
createExtent in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createQuery(String query)
Specified by:
createQuery in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
createQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createQuery(String language,
                                String query)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Create a new query in the given language.

Specified by:
createQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createQuery(Query query)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Create a new query from the given one.

Specified by:
createQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createNamedQuery(String name)
Specified by:
createNamedQuery in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
createNamedQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createNativeQuery(String query)
Specified by:
createNativeQuery in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
createNativeQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createNativeQuery(String query,
                                      Class cls)
Specified by:
createNativeQuery in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
createNativeQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public OpenJPAQuery createNativeQuery(String query,
                                      String mappingName)
Specified by:
createNativeQuery in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
createNativeQuery in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode)
Specified by:
setFlushMode in interface EntityManager


public FlushModeType getFlushMode()
Specified by:
getFlushMode in interface EntityManager


public void clear()
Specified by:
clear in interface EntityManager


public Object getDelegate()
Specified by:
getDelegate in interface EntityManager


public LockModeType getLockMode(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the lock mode of the given instance, or null if not locked.

Specified by:
getLockMode in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void lock(Object entity,
                 LockModeType mode)
Specified by:
lock in interface EntityManager


public void lock(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchPlan for the entity manager.

Specified by:
lock in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void lock(Object entity,
                 LockModeType mode,
                 int timeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.

Specified by:
lock in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entity - the object to lock
mode - the lock level to use
timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for the lock before giving up, or -1 for no limit


public void lockAll(Collection entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchPlan for the entity manager.

Specified by:
lockAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void lockAll(Collection entities,
                    LockModeType mode,
                    int timeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.

Specified by:
lockAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entities - the objects to lock
mode - the lock level to use
timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for the lock before giving up, or -1 for no limit


public void lockAll(Object... entities)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the FetchPlan for the entity manager.

Specified by:
lockAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void lockAll(Object[] entities,
                    LockModeType mode,
                    int timeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.

Specified by:
lockAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
entities - the objects to lock
mode - the lock level to use
timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait for the lock before giving up, or -1 for no limit


public boolean cancelAll()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Cancel all pending data store statements. If statements are cancelled while a flush is in progress, the transaction rollback only flag will be set.

Specified by:
cancelAll in interface OpenJPAEntityManager
true if any statements were cancelled, false otherwise


public Object getConnection()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the connection in use by the entity manager, or a new connection if none.

Specified by:
getConnection in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection getManagedObjects()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return a set of all managed instances.

Specified by:
getManagedObjects in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection getTransactionalObjects()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return a set of current transaction instances.

Specified by:
getTransactionalObjects in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection getPendingTransactionalObjects()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return a set of instances which will become transactional upon the next transaction.

Specified by:
getPendingTransactionalObjects in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection getDirtyObjects()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return a set of current dirty instances.

Specified by:
getDirtyObjects in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean getOrderDirtyObjects()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied. Default is determined by the store manager.

Specified by:
getOrderDirtyObjects in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void setOrderDirtyObjects(boolean order)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied. Default is determined by the store manager.

Specified by:
setOrderDirtyObjects in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void dirtyClass(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.

Specified by:
dirtyClass in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection<Class> getPersistedClasses()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the set of classes that have been made persistent in the current transaction.

Specified by:
getPersistedClasses in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection<Class> getUpdatedClasses()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the set of classes for objects that have been modified in the current transaction.

Specified by:
getUpdatedClasses in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Collection<Class> getRemovedClasses()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the set of classes that have been deleted in the current transaction.

Specified by:
getRemovedClasses in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public <T> T createInstance(Class<T> cls)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Create a new instance of type cls. If cls is an interface or an abstract class whose abstract methods follow the JavaBeans convention, this method will create a concrete implementation according to the metadata that defines the class. If cls is a non-final concrete type that has metadata but does not implement PersistenceCapable, this method will create a subclass of the type that does implement PersistenceCapable, and will attempt to redefine the methods in cls to enable persistent attribute tracking. Otherwise, if cls is a managed type, this will return an instance of the specified class.

Specified by:
createInstance in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public void close()
Specified by:
close in interface EntityManager
Specified by:
close in interface Closeable


public boolean isOpen()
Specified by:
isOpen in interface EntityManager


public void dirty(Object o,
                  String field)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Make the named field of the given object dirty.

Specified by:
dirty in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Object getObjectId(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return the oid of the given instance.

Specified by:
getObjectId in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isDirty(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return whether the given object is dirty.

Specified by:
isDirty in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isTransactional(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return whether the given object is transactional.

Specified by:
isTransactional in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isPersistent(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return whether the given object is persistent.

Specified by:
isPersistent in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isNewlyPersistent(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return whether the given object was made persistent in the current transaction.

Specified by:
isNewlyPersistent in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isRemoved(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Return whether the given object is deleted.

Specified by:
isRemoved in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public boolean isDetached(Object entity)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Returns true if pc is a detached object (one that can be reattached to a EntityManager via a call to EntityManager.merge(T)); otherwise returns false.

Specified by:
isDetached in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Object getVersion(Object o)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAEntityManager
Returns the current version indicator for o.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface OpenJPAEntityManager


public Object processArgument(Object arg)
Description copied from interface: FindCallbacks
Process find argument. Throw proper OpenJPAException for illegal value.

Specified by:
processArgument in interface FindCallbacks
the id to look up, or null to ignore this argument


public Object processReturn(Object oid,
                            OpenJPAStateManager sm)
Description copied from interface: FindCallbacks
Process operation return value.

Specified by:
processReturn in interface FindCallbacks
the object to return


public int processArgument(int op,
                           Object obj,
                           OpenJPAStateManager sm)
Description copied from interface: OpCallbacks
Process operation argument. Throw proper OpenJPAException for illegal value.

Specified by:
processArgument in interface OpCallbacks
op - the operation constant
obj - the object passed to the operation
sm - the argument's state manager, or null if none
the action to take on the argument


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object other)
equals in class Object


public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
                  throws IOException,
Specified by:
readExternal in interface Externalizable


public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
                   throws IOException
Specified by:
writeExternal in interface Externalizable

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