Class PersistenceMetaDataDefaults

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.meta.AbstractMetaDataDefaults
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceMetaDataDefaults
All Implemented Interfaces:
CallbackModes, MetaDataDefaults

public class PersistenceMetaDataDefaults
extends AbstractMetaDataDefaults

JPA-based metadata defaults.

Patrick Linskey, Abe White

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.event.CallbackModes
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  int getAccessType(ClassMetaData meta)
          Return the access type of the given metadata.
 boolean getAllowsMultipleMethodsForSameCallback()
          Flags if multiple methods of the same class can handle the same callback event.
protected  List getFieldAccessNames(ClassMetaData meta)
          Return the list of fields in meta that use field access, or null if a list of fields is unobtainable.
static PersistenceStrategy getPersistenceStrategy(FieldMetaData fmd, Member member)
          Return the code for the strategy of the given member.
protected  List getPropertyAccessNames(ClassMetaData meta)
          Return the list of methods in meta that use property access, or null if a list of methods is unobtainable.
protected  boolean isDefaultPersistent(ClassMetaData meta, Member member, String name)
          Return true if the given member is persistent by default.
 void populate(ClassMetaData meta, int access)
          Populate the given metadata with default settings.
protected  void populate(FieldMetaData fmd)
          Populate initial field data.
 void setAllowsMultipleMethodsForSameCallback(boolean flag)
          Flags if multiple methods of the same class can handle the same callback event.
 void setDefaultAccessType(String type)
          Auto-configuration method for the default access type of base classes with ACCESS_UNKNOWN
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.meta.AbstractMetaDataDefaults
getBackingMember, getCallbackMode, getCallbacksBeforeListeners, getDefaultAccessType, getDefaultIdentityType, getFieldName, getIgnoreNonPersistent, getUnimplementedExceptionType, getUsePCRegistry, isDataStoreObjectIdFieldUnwrapped, isDeclaredInterfacePersistent, isReservedFieldName, isUserDefined, setCallbackMode, setCallbackMode, setDataStoreObjectIdFieldUnwrapped, setDeclaredInterfacePersistent, setDefaultAccessType, setDefaultIdentityType, setIgnoreNonPersistent, setUsePCRegistry
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PersistenceMetaDataDefaults()
Method Detail


public static PersistenceStrategy getPersistenceStrategy(FieldMetaData fmd,
                                                         Member member)
Return the code for the strategy of the given member. Return null if no strategy.


public boolean getAllowsMultipleMethodsForSameCallback()
Flags if multiple methods of the same class can handle the same callback event.


public void setAllowsMultipleMethodsForSameCallback(boolean flag)
Flags if multiple methods of the same class can handle the same callback event.


public void setDefaultAccessType(String type)
Auto-configuration method for the default access type of base classes with ACCESS_UNKNOWN


public void populate(ClassMetaData meta,
                     int access)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataDefaults
Populate the given metadata with default settings.

Specified by:
populate in interface MetaDataDefaults
populate in class AbstractMetaDataDefaults
access - access type constant from ClassMetaData


protected void populate(FieldMetaData fmd)
Description copied from class: AbstractMetaDataDefaults
Populate initial field data. Does nothing by default.

populate in class AbstractMetaDataDefaults


protected int getAccessType(ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from class: AbstractMetaDataDefaults
Return the access type of the given metadata. May be a bitwise combination of field and property access constants, or ACCESS_UNKNOWN. Returns ACCESS_FIELD by default.

getAccessType in class AbstractMetaDataDefaults


protected List getFieldAccessNames(ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from class: AbstractMetaDataDefaults
Return the list of fields in meta that use field access, or null if a list of fields is unobtainable. An empty list should be returned if the list of fields is obtainable, but there happens to be no field access in meta. This is used for error reporting purposes only, so need not be efficient. This implementation returns null.

getFieldAccessNames in class AbstractMetaDataDefaults


protected List getPropertyAccessNames(ClassMetaData meta)
Description copied from class: AbstractMetaDataDefaults
Return the list of methods in meta that use property access, or null if a list of methods is unobtainable. An empty list should be returned if the list of methods is obtainable, but there happens to be no property access in meta. This is used for error reporting purposes only, so need not be efficient. This implementation returns null.

getPropertyAccessNames in class AbstractMetaDataDefaults


protected boolean isDefaultPersistent(ClassMetaData meta,
                                      Member member,
                                      String name)
Description copied from class: AbstractMetaDataDefaults
Return true if the given member is persistent by default. This will only be invoked on members of the right type (field vs. method). Returns false if member is static or final by default.

Specified by:
isDefaultPersistent in class AbstractMetaDataDefaults
name - the field name from AbstractMetaDataDefaults.getFieldName(java.lang.reflect.Member)

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