Class ProxyManagerImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.util.ProxyManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProxyManagerImpl
extends Object
implements ProxyManager

Default implementation of the ProxyManager interface.

Abe White

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean allowsDuplicates(Class type)
          Return whether the given collection type allows duplicates.
 Object copyArray(Object orig)
          Return a new array of the same component type as the given array and containing the same elements.
 Calendar copyCalendar(Calendar orig)
          Return a copy of the given calendar with the same information.
 Collection copyCollection(Collection orig)
          Return a new collection of the same type as the given one with a copy of all contained elements.
 Object copyCustom(Object orig)
          Return a copy of the given object with the same information, or null if this manager cannot copy the object.
 Date copyDate(Date orig)
          Return a copy of the given date with the same information.
 Map copyMap(Map orig)
          Return a new map of the same type as the given one with a copy of all contained key/value pairs.
protected  Constructor findCopyConstructor(Class cls)
          Find an appropriate copy constructor for the given type, or return null if none.
protected  Method findGetter(Class type, Method setter)
          Return the getter corresponding to the given setter, or null.
protected  serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyBeanBytecode(Class type, boolean runtime)
          Generate the bytecode for a bean proxy for the given type.
protected  serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyCalendarBytecode(Class type, boolean runtime)
          Generate the bytecode for a calendar proxy for the given type.
protected  serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyCollectionBytecode(Class type, boolean runtime)
          Generate the bytecode for a collection proxy for the given type.
protected  serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyDateBytecode(Class type, boolean runtime)
          Generate the bytecode for a date proxy for the given type.
protected  serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyMapBytecode(Class type, boolean runtime)
          Generate the bytecode for a map proxy for the given type.
 boolean getAssertAllowedType()
          Whether to perform runtime checks to ensure that all elements added to collection and map proxies are the proper element/key/value type as defined by the metadata.
 boolean getTrackChanges()
          Whether proxies produced by this factory will use ChangeTrackers to try to cut down on data store operations at the cost of some extra bookkeeping overhead.
 Collection getUnproxyable()
          Return a mutable view of class names we know cannot be proxied correctly by this manager.
protected  boolean isOrdered(Class type)
          Return whether the given collection type maintains an artificial ordering.
protected  boolean isSetter(Method meth)
          Return whether the given method is a setter.
protected  boolean isUnproxyable(Class type)
          Return whether the given type is known to be unproxyable.
protected  Class loadBuildTimeProxy(Class type, ClassLoader loader)
          Load the proxy class generated at build time for the given type, returning null if none exists.
static void main(String[] args)
          Usage: java org.apache.openjpa.util.proxy.ProxyManagerImpl [option]* <class name>+
Where the following options are recognized: -utils/-u <number>: Generate proxies for the standard java.util collection, map, date, and calendar classes of the given Java version.
 Proxy newCalendarProxy(Class type, TimeZone zone)
          Return a new calendar proxy.
 Proxy newCollectionProxy(Class type, Class elementType, Comparator compare)
          Return a proxy for the given collection type.
 Proxy newCustomProxy(Object orig)
          Return a proxy for the given object, or null if this manager cannot proxy the object.
 Proxy newDateProxy(Class type)
          Return a new date proxy.
 Proxy newMapProxy(Class type, Class keyType, Class elementType, Comparator compare)
          Return a proxy for the given map type.
 void setAssertAllowedType(boolean assertType)
          Whether to perform runtime checks to ensure that all elements added to collection and map proxies are the proper element/key/value type as defined by the metadata.
 void setTrackChanges(boolean track)
          Whether proxies produced by this factory will use ChangeTrackers to try to cut down on data store operations at the cost of some extra bookkeeping overhead.
 void setUnproxyable(String clsNames)
          Provided for auto-configuration.
protected  Class toProxyableCollectionType(Class type)
          Return the concrete type for proxying.
protected  Class toProxyableMapType(Class type)
          Return the concrete type for proxying.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProxyManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public boolean getTrackChanges()
Whether proxies produced by this factory will use ChangeTrackers to try to cut down on data store operations at the cost of some extra bookkeeping overhead. Defaults to true.


public void setTrackChanges(boolean track)
Whether proxies produced by this factory will use ChangeTrackers to try to cut down on data store operations at the cost of some extra bookkeeping overhead. Defaults to true.


public boolean getAssertAllowedType()
Whether to perform runtime checks to ensure that all elements added to collection and map proxies are the proper element/key/value type as defined by the metadata. Defaults to false.


public void setAssertAllowedType(boolean assertType)
Whether to perform runtime checks to ensure that all elements added to collection and map proxies are the proper element/key/value type as defined by the metadata. Defaults to false.


public Collection getUnproxyable()
Return a mutable view of class names we know cannot be proxied correctly by this manager.


public void setUnproxyable(String clsNames)
Provided for auto-configuration. Add the given semicolon-separated class names to the set of class names we know cannot be proxied correctly by this manager.


public Object copyArray(Object orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a new array of the same component type as the given array and containing the same elements. Works for both primitive and object array types.

Specified by:
copyArray in interface ProxyManager


public Collection copyCollection(Collection orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a new collection of the same type as the given one with a copy of all contained elements.

Specified by:
copyCollection in interface ProxyManager


public Proxy newCollectionProxy(Class type,
                                Class elementType,
                                Comparator compare)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a proxy for the given collection type. The returned collection will allow only addition of elements assignable from the given element type and will use the given comparator, if it is not null.

Specified by:
newCollectionProxy in interface ProxyManager


public Map copyMap(Map orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a new map of the same type as the given one with a copy of all contained key/value pairs.

Specified by:
copyMap in interface ProxyManager


public Proxy newMapProxy(Class type,
                         Class keyType,
                         Class elementType,
                         Comparator compare)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a proxy for the given map type. The returned map will allow only addition of keys/values assignable from the given keyType/valueType, and will use the given comparator, if it is not null.

Specified by:
newMapProxy in interface ProxyManager


public Date copyDate(Date orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a copy of the given date with the same information.

Specified by:
copyDate in interface ProxyManager


public Proxy newDateProxy(Class type)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a new date proxy.

Specified by:
newDateProxy in interface ProxyManager


public Calendar copyCalendar(Calendar orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a copy of the given calendar with the same information.

Specified by:
copyCalendar in interface ProxyManager


public Proxy newCalendarProxy(Class type,
                              TimeZone zone)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a new calendar proxy.

Specified by:
newCalendarProxy in interface ProxyManager


public Object copyCustom(Object orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a copy of the given object with the same information, or null if this manager cannot copy the object.

Specified by:
copyCustom in interface ProxyManager


public Proxy newCustomProxy(Object orig)
Description copied from interface: ProxyManager
Return a proxy for the given object, or null if this manager cannot proxy the object.

Specified by:
newCustomProxy in interface ProxyManager


protected Class toProxyableCollectionType(Class type)
Return the concrete type for proxying.


protected Class toProxyableMapType(Class type)
Return the concrete type for proxying.


protected boolean isUnproxyable(Class type)
Return whether the given type is known to be unproxyable.


protected Class loadBuildTimeProxy(Class type,
                                   ClassLoader loader)
Load the proxy class generated at build time for the given type, returning null if none exists.


protected serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyCollectionBytecode(Class type,
                                                                boolean runtime)
Generate the bytecode for a collection proxy for the given type.


protected serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyMapBytecode(Class type,
                                                         boolean runtime)
Generate the bytecode for a map proxy for the given type.


protected serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyDateBytecode(Class type,
                                                          boolean runtime)
Generate the bytecode for a date proxy for the given type.


protected serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyCalendarBytecode(Class type,
                                                              boolean runtime)
Generate the bytecode for a calendar proxy for the given type.


protected serp.bytecode.BCClass generateProxyBeanBytecode(Class type,
                                                          boolean runtime)
Generate the bytecode for a bean proxy for the given type.


protected boolean allowsDuplicates(Class type)
Return whether the given collection type allows duplicates.


protected boolean isOrdered(Class type)
Return whether the given collection type maintains an artificial ordering.


protected boolean isSetter(Method meth)
Return whether the given method is a setter.


protected Method findGetter(Class type,
                            Method setter)
Return the getter corresponding to the given setter, or null.


protected Constructor findCopyConstructor(Class cls)
Find an appropriate copy constructor for the given type, or return null if none.


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws ClassNotFoundException,
Usage: java org.apache.openjpa.util.proxy.ProxyManagerImpl [option]* <class name>+
Where the following options are recognized: The main method generates .class files for the proxies to the classes given on the command line. It writes the generated classes to beside the ProxyManagerImpl.class file if possible; otherwise it writes to the current directory. The proxy manager looks for these classes before generating its own proxies at runtime.


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