Packages that use ExpContext | |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel | OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps | OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql | OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction |
Uses of ExpContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel |
Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type ExpContext | |
ProjectionResultObjectProvider(SelectExecutor sel,
QueryExpressions[] exps,
QueryExpressionsState[] state,
ExpContext ctx)
Constructor. |
ProjectionResultObjectProvider(SelectExecutor sel,
QueryExpressions exps,
QueryExpressionsState state,
ExpContext ctx)
Constructor. |
Uses of ExpContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type ExpContext | |
void |
Variable.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
SubQ.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Args.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Val.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is empty to the given buffer. |
void |
PCPath.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Const.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
AbstractVal.appendIsEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Variable.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
SubQ.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Args.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Val.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is not empty to the given buffer. |
void |
PCPath.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Const.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
AbstractVal.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Variable.appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
Args.appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Val.appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is not null to the given buffer. |
void |
PCPath.appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Const.appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
AbstractVal.appendIsNotNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Variable.appendIsNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
Args.appendIsNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Val.appendIsNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL testing whether this value is null to the given buffer. |
void |
PCPath.appendIsNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Const.appendIsNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
AbstractVal.appendIsNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Variable.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
SubQ.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Args.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Val.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
Append the SQL checking the size of this value. |
void |
PCPath.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
Const.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
AbstractVal.appendSize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
protected abstract void |
CompareEqualExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
BinaryOpExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf,
boolean val1Null,
boolean val2Null)
Append the SQL for the comparison. |
void |
EqualExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
BinaryOpExpState bstate,
SQLBuffer buf,
boolean val1Null,
boolean val2Null)
void |
NotEqualExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
BinaryOpExpState bstate,
SQLBuffer buf,
boolean val1Null,
boolean val2Null)
void |
ConstInstanceofExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
StartsWithExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
IsNotEmptyExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
InSubQExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
InstanceofExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
CompareEqualExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
Exp.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
Append the SQL for this expression to the given buffer. |
void |
CompareExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
BindVariableExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
BindVariableAndExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
Extension.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
NotExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
OrExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
NotContainsExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
IsEmptyExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
AndExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
PCPath.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql)
void |
EmptyExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
InExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
EndsWithExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
MatchesExpression.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf)
void |
Size.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Variable.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Math.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Param.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Null.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
SubQ.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
UnaryOp.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Concat.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
GetObjectId.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
ConstPath.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Extension.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Trim.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
ToUpperCase.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf,
int index)
void |
Aggregate.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
ToLowerCase.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf,
int index)
void |
Count.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
Overrides SQL formation by replacing COUNT(column) by COUNT(*) when specific conditions are met and DBDictionary configuration useWildCardForCount is set. |
void |
Args.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Substring.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
IndexOf.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Distinct.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Val.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
Append the index th SQL element to the given buffer. |
void |
PCPath.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
StringLength.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer buf,
int index)
void |
Lit.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
GetMapValue.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
CurrentDate.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
ConstGetObjectId.appendTo(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
SQLBuffer sql,
int index)
void |
Variable.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Math.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Param.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Null.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
SubQ.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
UnaryOp.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Concat.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
GetObjectId.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
ConstPath.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Extension.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Trim.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Aggregate.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Args.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Substring.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
IndexOf.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
StringFunction.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Val.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
Calculate and cache the SQL for this value. |
void |
PCPath.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Lit.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
Const.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
GetMapValue.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
void |
ConstGetObjectId.calculateValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val other,
ExpState otherState)
Select |
SelectConstructor.evaluate(ExpContext ctx,
Select parent,
String alias,
QueryExpressions exps,
QueryExpressionsState state)
Evaluate the expression, returning a new select and filling in any associated expression state. |
protected Collection |
InKeyExpression.getCollection(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return the collection to test for containment with. |
protected Collection |
InValueExpression.getCollection(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return the collection to test for containment with. |
protected Collection |
InExpression.getCollection(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return the collection to test for containment with. |
Object |
Param.getSQLValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Object |
ConstPath.getSQLValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Object |
Const.getSQLValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return the SQL value of this constant. |
Object |
ConstGetObjectId.getSQLValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Object |
ConstPath.getValue(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Object |
Const.getValue(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return the value of this constant. |
Object |
ConstGetObjectId.getValue(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Variable.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Math.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
SubQ.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
UnaryOp.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Concat.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
GetObjectId.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Extension.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Trim.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Aggregate.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Args.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Substring.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
IndexOf.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
StringFunction.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Val.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Group by this value. |
void |
PCPath.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
Const.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
void |
GetMapValue.groupBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
ExpState |
Size.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Variable.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Math.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Param.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
SubQ.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
UnaryOp.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Concat.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
GetObjectId.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
ConstPath.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Extension.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Trim.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Aggregate.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Count.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Args.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Substring.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
IndexOf.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Distinct.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
StringFunction.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Val.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
Initialize the value. |
ExpState |
PCPath.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Lit.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
Const.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
GetMapValue.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
ConstGetObjectId.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
ExpState |
ConstInstanceofExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
StartsWithExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
ContainsKeyExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
IsNotEmptyExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
InSubQExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
InstanceofExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
CompareEqualExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
Exp.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
Initialize the expression. |
ExpState |
ContainsExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
CompareExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
BindVariableExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
BindVariableAndExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
Extension.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
NotExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
OrExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
NotContainsExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
IsEmptyExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
AndExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
EmptyExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
InExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
EndsWithExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
ExpState |
MatchesExpression.initialize(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
Map contains)
protected ExpState |
UnaryOp.initializeValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
int flags)
boolean |
Const.isSQLValueNull(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return true if this constant's SQL value is equivalent to NULL. |
int |
Variable.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Math.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
SubQ.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
UnaryOp.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Concat.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
GetObjectId.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Extension.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Trim.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Aggregate.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Args.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Substring.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
IndexOf.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
StringFunction.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Val.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return the number of SQL elements in this value. |
int |
PCPath.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
Const.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
int |
GetMapValue.length(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Object |
Variable.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Math.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
SubQ.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
UnaryOp.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Concat.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
GetObjectId.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Extension.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Trim.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Aggregate.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Args.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Substring.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
IndexOf.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
StringFunction.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Val.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Load the data for this value. |
Object |
PCPath.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
Const.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
Object |
GetMapValue.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res)
(package private) Object |
PCPath.load(ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Result res,
boolean pks)
FilterValue[] |
Args.newFilterValues(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state)
Return a filter value for each argument. |
void |
Variable.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Math.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
SubQ.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
UnaryOp.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Concat.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
GetObjectId.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Extension.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Trim.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Aggregate.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Args.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Substring.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
IndexOf.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
StringFunction.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Val.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
Order by this value. |
void |
PCPath.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
Const.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
GetMapValue.orderBy(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean asc)
void |
SelectConstructor.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ClassMapping mapping,
boolean subclasses,
QueryExpressions exps,
QueryExpressionsState state,
int eager)
Select the data for this query. |
void |
Variable.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Math.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
SubQ.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
UnaryOp.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Concat.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
GetObjectId.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Extension.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Trim.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Aggregate.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Args.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Substring.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
IndexOf.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
StringFunction.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Val.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
Select the data for this value. |
void |
PCPath.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Const.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
GetMapValue.select(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
ConstInstanceofExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
StartsWithExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
IsNotEmptyExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Variable.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Math.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
InSubQExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
InstanceofExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
CompareEqualExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Exp.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
Select just the columns for this expression. |
void |
SubQ.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
UnaryOp.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Concat.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
GetObjectId.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
CompareExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
BindVariableExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
BindVariableAndExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Extension.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Trim.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Aggregate.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Args.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
NotExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
OrExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Substring.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
IndexOf.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
NotContainsExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
IsEmptyExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
AndExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
StringFunction.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Val.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
Select just the columns for this value. |
void |
PCPath.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
EmptyExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
InExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
Const.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
GetMapValue.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
EndsWithExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
void |
MatchesExpression.selectColumns(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
boolean pks)
Object |
SubQ.toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Object val)
Object |
GetObjectId.toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Object val)
Object |
Val.toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Object val)
Return the datastore value of the given object in the context of this value. |
Object |
PCPath.toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Object val)
Object |
GetMapValue.toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Object val)
Object |
AbstractVal.toDataStoreValue(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Object val)
Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type ExpContext | |
FilterValueImpl(Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Val val)
Uses of ExpContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type ExpContext | |
protected void |
DBDictionary.calculateValue(Val val,
Select sel,
ExpContext ctx,
ExpState state,
Path path,
ExpState pathState)
This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of calculating value. |