Class MappingDefaultsImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingDefaultsImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
MappingDefaults, Configurable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MappingDefaultsImpl
extends Object
implements MappingDefaults, Configurable

Default implementation of MappingDefaults.

Abe White

Field Summary
protected  DBDictionary dict
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean areAllPrimaryKeyColumns(Column[] cols)
          Return whether all the given columns are primary key columns.
protected  void correctName(Table table, Column col)
          Correct the given column's name.
 boolean defaultMissingInfo()
          Whether to fill in missing mapping information at runtime with the default values supplied by this plugin.
 void endConfiguration()
          Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.
 boolean getAddNullIndicator()
          Whether to add a synthetic null indicator column to embedded mappings by default.
 String getBaseClassStrategy()
          Default base class strategy alias.
 String getDataStoreIdColumnName()
          Default base name for datastore identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 boolean getDeferConstraints()
          Whether to defer constraints by default.
 String getDiscriminatorColumnName()
          Default base name for discriminator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 String getDiscriminatorStrategy()
          Default discriminator strategy alias.
 Object getDiscriminatorValue(Discriminator disc, boolean adapt)
          Provides a default value for the given Discriminator.
 String getFieldStrategy(String valueType)
          Association of a field value type name with the handler or strategy class name.
 ForeignKey getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this value to its related type, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 int getForeignKeyDeleteAction()
          Default foreign key action for relation keys.
 Index getIndex(Discriminator disc, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default index for the discriminator, or null if the discriminator columns should not be indexed by default.
 Index getIndex(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default index for the value, or null if the value columns should not be indexed by default.
 Index getIndex(Version vers, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default index for the version, or null if the version columns should not be indexed by default.
 boolean getIndexDiscriminator()
          Whether to index discriminator columns by default.
 boolean getIndexLogicalForeignKeys()
          Whether to index logical foreign keys by default.
protected  String getIndexName(String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Generate an index name.
 boolean getIndexVersion()
          Whether to index version columns by default.
 ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this class' table to its superclass' table, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this field's table to its defining class' table, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 int getJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction()
          Default foreign key action for join keys.
 Index getJoinIndex(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default index for the join, or null if the join columns should not be indexed by default.
 Unique getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default constraint for the join, or null if the join columns should not be constrained by default.
 String getNullIndicatorColumnName()
          Default base name for null indicator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 String getOrderColumnName()
          Default base name for order columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 boolean getOrderLists()
          Whether to order lists and arrays using a dedicated ordering column by default.
 String getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm, Table table)
          Return the name of the primary key for the table of the given class, or null for database default.
 boolean getStoreEnumOrdinal()
          Whether to store enums as the ordinal value rather than the enum name.
 boolean getStoreUnmappedObjectIdString()
          Whether to store a relation to an unmapped class by stringifying the oid of the related object, rather than storing primary key values.
 Object getStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt)
          Default mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy and no hierarchy strategy given.
 Object getStrategy(Discriminator disc, boolean adapt)
          Default discriminator mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy.
 Object getStrategy(ValueMapping vm, Class type, boolean adapt)
          Custom handler or strategy for the given field, or null if none has been registered.
 Object getStrategy(Version vers, boolean adapt)
          Default version mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy.
 String getSubclassStrategy()
          Default subclass strategy alias.
 String getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema schema)
          Return the default table name for the given class.
 String getTableName(FieldMapping fm, Schema schema)
          Return the default secondary table name for the given field.
 Unique getUnique(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default constraint for the value, or null if the value columns should not be constrained by default.
 String getVersionColumnName()
          Default base name for version identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 String getVersionStrategy()
          Default version strategy alias.
 void installPrimaryKey(FieldMapping fm, Table table)
          If desired, install a primary key on the given secondary table.
 boolean isRemoveHungarianNotation()
 void populateColumns(Discriminator disc, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given discriminator columns.
 void populateColumns(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given value columns.
 void populateColumns(Version vers, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given version columns.
 void populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given datastore identity columns.
 void populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, boolean inverse, int pos, int cols)
          Fill in default information for the given column used to join a value to its related type.
 void populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
          Fill in default information for the given column used to join a class to its superclass table.
 void populateJoinColumn(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
          Fill in default information for the given column used to join a field to its defining class' table.
 boolean populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given null indicator columns.
 boolean populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given order columns.
protected  String removeHungarianNotation(String columnName)
 void setAddNullIndicator(boolean addNullInd)
          Whether to add a synthetic null indicator column to embedded mappings by default.
 void setBaseClassStrategy(String baseClassStrategy)
          Default base class strategy alias.
 void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
          Invoked prior to setting bean properties.
 void setDataStoreIdColumnName(String dsIdName)
          Default base name for datastore identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 void setDefaultMissingInfo(boolean defMissing)
 void setDeferConstraints(boolean defer)
          Whether to defer constraints by default.
 void setDiscriminatorColumnName(String discName)
          Default base name for discriminator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 void setDiscriminatorStrategy(String discStrategy)
          Default discriminator strategy alias.
 void setFieldStrategies(String fieldMapString)
          Property string mapping field type names to value handler or field mapping class names.
 void setFieldStrategy(String valueType, String handlerType)
          Association of a field value type name with the handler or strategy class name.
 void setForeignKeyDeleteAction(int fkAction)
          Default foreign key action for relation keys.
 void setForeignKeyDeleteAction(String fkAction)
          Default foreign key action name for relation keys.
 void setIndexDiscriminator(boolean indexDisc)
          Whether to index discriminator columns by default.
 void setIndexLogicalForeignKeys(boolean indexFK)
          Whether to index logical foreign keys by default.
 void setIndexVersion(boolean indexVers)
          Whether to index version columns by default.
 void setJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction(int joinFKAction)
          Default foreign key action for join keys.
 void setJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction(String joinFKAction)
          Default foreign key action name for join keys.
 void setNullIndicatorColumnName(String nullIndName)
          Default base name for null indicator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 void setOrderColumnName(String orderName)
          Default base name for order columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 void setOrderLists(boolean orderLists)
          Whether to order lists and arrays using a dedicated ordering column by default.
 void setRemoveHungarianNotation(boolean removeHungarianNotation)
 void setStoreEnumOrdinal(boolean ordinal)
          Whether to store enums as the ordinal value rather than the enum name.
 void setStoreUnmappedObjectIdString(boolean stringify)
          Whether to store a relation to an unmapped class by stringifying the oid of the related object, rather than storing primary key values.
 void setSubclassStrategy(String subclassStrategy)
          Default subclass strategy alias.
 void setUseClassCriteria(boolean classCriteria)
 void setVersionColumnName(String versName)
          Default base name for version identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.
 void setVersionStrategy(String versionStrategy)
          Default version strategy alias.
 void startConfiguration()
          Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.
 boolean useClassCriteria()
          The default for whether relations use the related object's expected class as part of the join criteria.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected transient DBDictionary dict
Constructor Detail


public MappingDefaultsImpl()
Method Detail


public boolean isRemoveHungarianNotation()


public void setRemoveHungarianNotation(boolean removeHungarianNotation)


public String getBaseClassStrategy()
Default base class strategy alias.


public void setBaseClassStrategy(String baseClassStrategy)
Default base class strategy alias.


public String getSubclassStrategy()
Default subclass strategy alias.


public void setSubclassStrategy(String subclassStrategy)
Default subclass strategy alias.


public String getVersionStrategy()
Default version strategy alias.


public void setVersionStrategy(String versionStrategy)
Default version strategy alias.


public String getDiscriminatorStrategy()
Default discriminator strategy alias.


public void setDiscriminatorStrategy(String discStrategy)
Default discriminator strategy alias.


public void setFieldStrategies(String fieldMapString)
Property string mapping field type names to value handler or field mapping class names. For auto-configuration.


public void setFieldStrategy(String valueType,
                             String handlerType)
Association of a field value type name with the handler or strategy class name.


public String getFieldStrategy(String valueType)
Association of a field value type name with the handler or strategy class name.


public boolean getStoreEnumOrdinal()
Whether to store enums as the ordinal value rather than the enum name. Defaults to false.


public void setStoreEnumOrdinal(boolean ordinal)
Whether to store enums as the ordinal value rather than the enum name. Defaults to false.


public boolean getStoreUnmappedObjectIdString()
Whether to store a relation to an unmapped class by stringifying the oid of the related object, rather than storing primary key values.


public void setStoreUnmappedObjectIdString(boolean stringify)
Whether to store a relation to an unmapped class by stringifying the oid of the related object, rather than storing primary key values.


public int getJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction()
Default foreign key action for join keys. Defaults to logical keys.


public void setJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction(int joinFKAction)
Default foreign key action for join keys. Defaults to logical keys.


public void setJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction(String joinFKAction)
Default foreign key action name for join keys. Used in auto configuration.


public int getForeignKeyDeleteAction()
Default foreign key action for relation keys. Defaults to logical keys.


public void setForeignKeyDeleteAction(int fkAction)
Default foreign key action for relation keys. Defaults to logical keys.


public void setForeignKeyDeleteAction(String fkAction)
Default foreign key action name for relation keys. Used in auto configuration.


public boolean getIndexLogicalForeignKeys()
Whether to index logical foreign keys by default. Defaults to true.


public void setIndexLogicalForeignKeys(boolean indexFK)
Whether to index logical foreign keys by default. Defaults to true.


public boolean getIndexDiscriminator()
Whether to index discriminator columns by default. Defaults to true.


public void setIndexDiscriminator(boolean indexDisc)
Whether to index discriminator columns by default. Defaults to true.


public boolean getIndexVersion()
Whether to index version columns by default. Defaults to true.


public void setIndexVersion(boolean indexVers)
Whether to index version columns by default. Defaults to true.


public boolean getOrderLists()
Whether to order lists and arrays using a dedicated ordering column by default.


public void setOrderLists(boolean orderLists)
Whether to order lists and arrays using a dedicated ordering column by default.


public boolean getAddNullIndicator()
Whether to add a synthetic null indicator column to embedded mappings by default.


public void setAddNullIndicator(boolean addNullInd)
Whether to add a synthetic null indicator column to embedded mappings by default.


public boolean getDeferConstraints()
Whether to defer constraints by default. Defaults to false.


public void setDeferConstraints(boolean defer)
Whether to defer constraints by default. Defaults to false.


public String getDataStoreIdColumnName()
Default base name for datastore identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public void setDataStoreIdColumnName(String dsIdName)
Default base name for datastore identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public String getVersionColumnName()
Default base name for version identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public void setVersionColumnName(String versName)
Default base name for version identity columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public String getDiscriminatorColumnName()
Default base name for discriminator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public void setDiscriminatorColumnName(String discName)
Default base name for discriminator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public String getOrderColumnName()
Default base name for order columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public void setOrderColumnName(String orderName)
Default base name for order columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public String getNullIndicatorColumnName()
Default base name for null indicator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public void setNullIndicatorColumnName(String nullIndName)
Default base name for null indicator columns, or null to the mapping's built-in name.


public boolean defaultMissingInfo()
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Whether to fill in missing mapping information at runtime with the default values supplied by this plugin. A value of false means that all mapping information must be present at runtime.

Specified by:
defaultMissingInfo in interface MappingDefaults


public void setDefaultMissingInfo(boolean defMissing)


public boolean useClassCriteria()
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
The default for whether relations use the related object's expected class as part of the join criteria.

Specified by:
useClassCriteria in interface MappingDefaults


public void setUseClassCriteria(boolean classCriteria)


public Object getStrategy(ClassMapping cls,
                          boolean adapt)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Default mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy and no hierarchy strategy given.

Specified by:
getStrategy in interface MappingDefaults
cls - the class; will not be mapped, but superclass and raw MappingInfo will be available
adapt - whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
the strategy alias or a strategy instance, or null


public Object getStrategy(Version vers,
                          boolean adapt)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Default version mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy.

Specified by:
getStrategy in interface MappingDefaults
vers - the version; will not be mapped, but raw MappingInfo will be available
adapt - whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
the strategy alias or a strategy instance, or null


public Object getStrategy(Discriminator disc,
                          boolean adapt)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Default discriminator mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy.

Specified by:
getStrategy in interface MappingDefaults
disc - the discriminator; will not be mapped, but raw MappingInfo will be available
adapt - whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
the strategy alias or a strategy instance, or null


public Object getStrategy(ValueMapping vm,
                          Class type,
                          boolean adapt)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Custom handler or strategy for the given field, or null if none has been registered.

Specified by:
getStrategy in interface MappingDefaults
vm - the value mapping; will not be mapped, but raw MappingInfo will be available
type - the value type
adapt - whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
the handler/strategy alias or instance, or null


public Object getDiscriminatorValue(Discriminator disc,
                                    boolean adapt)
Provides a default value for the given Discriminator.

The type of the object returned relies on the javaType field being set on the Discriminator which is provided.

JavaType Default value
JavaTypes.INT The hashcode of the entity name
JavaTypes.CHARThe first character of the entity name
JavaTypes.STRINGThe entity name

Specified by:
getDiscriminatorValue in interface MappingDefaults
disc - The discriminator that needs a default value
adapt -
A new object containing the generated Discriminator value.


public String getTableName(ClassMapping cls,
                           Schema schema)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return the default table name for the given class. This method is only called for classes mapped to their own table.

Specified by:
getTableName in interface MappingDefaults


public String getTableName(FieldMapping fm,
                           Schema schema)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return the default secondary table name for the given field. This method is only called for fields whose strategy requires a secondary table.

Specified by:
getTableName in interface MappingDefaults


public void populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls,
                                       Table table,
                                       Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given datastore identity columns. The columns' name and Java type will already be populated with generic defaults that may be replaced.

Specified by:
populateDataStoreIdColumns in interface MappingDefaults


protected void correctName(Table table,
                           Column col)
Correct the given column's name.


protected String removeHungarianNotation(String columnName)


public void populateColumns(Version vers,
                            Table table,
                            Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given version columns. The columns' name and Java type will already be populated with generic defaults that may be replaced.

Specified by:
populateColumns in interface MappingDefaults


public void populateColumns(Discriminator disc,
                            Table table,
                            Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given discriminator columns. The columns' name and Java type will already be populated with generic defaults that may be replaced.

Specified by:
populateColumns in interface MappingDefaults


public void populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm,
                               Table local,
                               Table foreign,
                               Column col,
                               Object target,
                               int pos,
                               int cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given column used to join a class to its superclass table. The column will be a clone of the target column, or have its name and Java type set in the case of a constant target.

Specified by:
populateJoinColumn in interface MappingDefaults
target - the target of this column in the join; may be another column or a constant value
pos - the index of this column in the logical foreign key
cols - the number of columns in the logical foreign key


public void populateJoinColumn(FieldMapping fm,
                               Table local,
                               Table foreign,
                               Column col,
                               Object target,
                               int pos,
                               int cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given column used to join a field to its defining class' table. The column will be a clone of the target column, or have its name and Java type set in the case of a constant target.

Specified by:
populateJoinColumn in interface MappingDefaults
target - the target of this column in the join; may be another column or a constant value
pos - the index of this column in the logical foreign key
cols - the number of columns in the logical foreign key


public void populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm,
                                     String name,
                                     Table local,
                                     Table foreign,
                                     Column col,
                                     Object target,
                                     boolean inverse,
                                     int pos,
                                     int cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given column used to join a value to its related type. The column will be a clone of the target column, or have its name and Java type set in the case of a constant target.

Specified by:
populateForeignKeyColumn in interface MappingDefaults
name - base name for value, as decided by mapping
target - the target of this column in the join; may be another column or a constant value
inverse - whether this is an inverse foreign key
pos - the index of this column in the logical foreign key
cols - the number of columns in the logical foreign key


public void populateColumns(ValueMapping vm,
                            String name,
                            Table table,
                            Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given value columns. The columns' name and Java type will already be populated with generic defaults that may be replaced.

Specified by:
populateColumns in interface MappingDefaults
name - base name for value, as decided by mapping


public boolean populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping fm,
                                    Table table,
                                    Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given order columns. The columns' name and Java type will already be populated with generic defaults that may be replaced.

Specified by:
populateOrderColumns in interface MappingDefaults
false if the given field should not have order columns by default; fill in default information even when returning false in case the user forces ordering


public boolean populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm,
                                            String name,
                                            Table table,
                                            Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Fill in default information for the given null indicator columns. The columns' name and Java type will already be populated with generic defaults that may be replaced.

Specified by:
populateNullIndicatorColumns in interface MappingDefaults
name - base name for value, as decided by mapping
false if the given value should not have null indicator columns by default; fill in default information even when returning false in case the user forces an indicator


public ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls,
                                    Table local,
                                    Table foreign)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default foreign key for the join from this class' table to its superclass' table, or null for a logical foreign key only. Do not add columns to the key or add the key to the table; only fill in its information such as name, delete action, etc.

Specified by:
getJoinForeignKey in interface MappingDefaults


public ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm,
                                    Table local,
                                    Table foreign)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default foreign key for the join from this field's table to its defining class' table, or null for a logical foreign key only. Do not add columns to the key or add the key to the table; only fill in its information such as name, delete action, etc.

Specified by:
getJoinForeignKey in interface MappingDefaults


public ForeignKey getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm,
                                String name,
                                Table local,
                                Table foreign,
                                boolean inverse)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default foreign key for the join from this value to its related type, or null for a logical foreign key only. Do not add columns to the key or add the key to the table; only fill in its information such as name, delete action, etc.

Specified by:
getForeignKey in interface MappingDefaults
name - base name for value, as decided by mapping
inverse - whether this is an inverse key


public Index getJoinIndex(FieldMapping fm,
                          Table table,
                          Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default index for the join, or null if the join columns should not be indexed by default. Do not add columns to the index or add the index to the table; only fill in its information such as name, uniqueness, etc.

Specified by:
getJoinIndex in interface MappingDefaults


protected boolean areAllPrimaryKeyColumns(Column[] cols)
Return whether all the given columns are primary key columns.


protected String getIndexName(String name,
                              Table table,
                              Column[] cols)
Generate an index name.


public Index getIndex(ValueMapping vm,
                      String name,
                      Table table,
                      Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default index for the value, or null if the value columns should not be indexed by default. Do not add columns to the index or add the index to the table; only fill in its information such as name, uniqueness, etc.

Specified by:
getIndex in interface MappingDefaults
name - base name for value, as decided by mapping


public Index getIndex(Version vers,
                      Table table,
                      Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default index for the version, or null if the version columns should not be indexed by default. Do not add columns to the index or add the index to the table; only fill in its information such as name, uniqueness, etc.

Specified by:
getIndex in interface MappingDefaults


public Index getIndex(Discriminator disc,
                      Table table,
                      Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default index for the discriminator, or null if the discriminator columns should not be indexed by default. Do not add columns to the index or add the index to the table; only fill in its information such as name, uniqueness, etc.

Specified by:
getIndex in interface MappingDefaults


public Unique getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm,
                            Table table,
                            Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default constraint for the join, or null if the join columns should not be constrained by default. Do not add columns to the constraint or add the constraint to the table; only fill in its information such as name, deferrability, etc.

Specified by:
getJoinUnique in interface MappingDefaults


public Unique getUnique(ValueMapping vm,
                        String name,
                        Table table,
                        Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return a default constraint for the value, or null if the value columns should not be constrained by default. Do not add columns to the constraint or add the constraint to the table; only fill in its information such as name, deferrability, etc.

Specified by:
getUnique in interface MappingDefaults
name - base name for value, as decided by mapping


public String getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm,
                                Table table)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
Return the name of the primary key for the table of the given class, or null for database default.

Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyName in interface MappingDefaults


public void installPrimaryKey(FieldMapping fm,
                              Table table)
Description copied from interface: MappingDefaults
If desired, install a primary key on the given secondary table.

Specified by:
installPrimaryKey in interface MappingDefaults


public void setConfiguration(Configuration conf)
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked prior to setting bean properties.

Specified by:
setConfiguration in interface Configurable


public void startConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked before bean property configuration is begun on this object.

Specified by:
startConfiguration in interface Configurable


public void endConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Invoked upon completion of bean property configuration for this object.

Specified by:
endConfiguration in interface Configurable

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