Uses of Interface

Packages that use StoreContext
org.apache.openjpa.abstractstore OpenJPA Abstract StoreManager Implementation 
org.apache.openjpa.datacache OpenJPA Data Cache 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf OpenJPA-JDBC Configuration 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction 
org.apache.openjpa.kernel OpenJPA Runtime Kernel 
org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps OpenJPA Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.meta OpenJPA Metadata 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence OpenJPA JPA 
org.apache.openjpa.slice Extended OpenJPA Interfaces for distributed databases. 
org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc Implements Distributed version of JDBCStoreManager and JDBCStoreQuery. 
org.apache.openjpa.util OpenJPA Utilities 

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.abstractstore

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.abstractstore declared as StoreContext
protected  StoreContext AbstractStoreManager.ctx

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.abstractstore that return StoreContext
 StoreContext AbstractStoreManager.getContext()
          Returns the StoreContext that this store manager is associated with.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.abstractstore with parameters of type StoreContext
 void AbstractStoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.datacache

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.datacache with parameters of type StoreContext
 void DataCacheStoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
protected  Object DataCachePCDataImpl.toData(FieldMetaData fmd, Object val, StoreContext ctx)
protected  Object DataCachePCDataImpl.toNestedData(ValueMetaData vmd, Object val, StoreContext ctx)

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.datacache with parameters of type StoreContext
QueryCacheStoreQuery.CachedList(QueryResult res, boolean proj, StoreContext ctx)

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf with parameters of type StoreContext
 DataSource JDBCConfigurationImpl.getDataSource(StoreContext ctx)
 DataSource JDBCConfiguration.getDataSource(StoreContext ctx)
          Return the primary data source to use.
 DataSource JDBCConfigurationImpl.getDataSource2(StoreContext ctx)
 DataSource JDBCConfiguration.getDataSource2(StoreContext ctx)
          Return the non-enlisted data source to use.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel that return StoreContext
 StoreContext JDBCStoreManager.getContext()
 StoreContext JDBCStore.getContext()
          Current persistence context.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type StoreContext
 void AbstractJDBCSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object AbstractJDBCSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void JDBCStoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void PessimisticLockManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void JDBCStoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx, JDBCConfiguration conf)

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type StoreContext
 Object SQLEmbed.evaluate(Object target, Class targetClass, Object[] args, Class[] argClasses, Object candidate, StoreContext ctx)
 Object GetColumn.evaluate(Object target, Class targetClass, Object[] args, Class[] argClasses, Object candidate, StoreContext ctx)

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats with parameters of type StoreContext
static OpenJPAStateManager RelationStrategies.getStateManager(Object obj, StoreContext ctx)
          Return the state manager for the given instance, using a detached state manager if the instnace is not managed.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type StoreContext
protected  Result SelectImpl.execute(StoreContext ctx, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int lockLevel, List params)
          Execute this select in the context of the given store manager.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.kernel

Subinterfaces of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.kernel
 interface Broker
          The broker is the primary interface into the OpenJPA runtime.

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.kernel that implement StoreContext
 class BrokerImpl
          Concrete Broker.
 class DelegatingBroker
          Delegating broker that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
 class FinalizingBrokerImpl
          Subtype of BrokerImpl that automatically closes itself during finalization.

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.kernel declared as StoreContext
 StoreContext FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState.ctx
protected  StoreContext AbstractPCResultObjectProvider.ctx
          The StoreContext that this result object provider will load objects into.
protected  StoreContext AbstractLockManager.ctx
          The context against which this LockManager is operating.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel that return StoreContext
 StoreContext ObjectIdStateManager.getContext()
 StoreContext FetchConfigurationImpl.getContext()
 StoreContext DelegatingFetchConfiguration.getContext()
 StoreContext OpenJPAStateManager.getContext()
          Return the managing context.
 StoreContext AbstractPCResultObjectProvider.getContext()
          Return the context this provider was constructed with.
 StoreContext AbstractLockManager.getContext()
 StoreContext DetachedStateManager.getContext()
 StoreContext DetachedValueStateManager.getContext()
 StoreContext StateManagerImpl.getContext()
 StoreContext FetchConfiguration.getContext()
          Return the context assiciated with this configuration; may be null if it has not been set or this object has been serialized.
 StoreContext QueryImpl.getStoreContext()
 StoreContext DelegatingQuery.getStoreContext()
 StoreContext QueryContext.getStoreContext()
          The persistence context for the query.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel with parameters of type StoreContext
 void DelegatingSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void UUIDStringSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void UUIDType4StringSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void Seq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData cls)
          Allocate additional values efficiently.
 void UUIDHexSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void TimeSeededSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void UUIDType4HexSeq.allocate(int additional, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
protected  void InverseManager.createInverseRelations(StoreContext ctx, Object fromRef, Object toRef, FieldMetaData fmd, FieldMetaData[] inverses)
          Create the inverse relations for all the given inverse fields.
 Object DelegatingSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object UUIDStringSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object UUIDType4StringSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object Seq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData cls)
          Return the current value of the sequence, or null if not available.
 Object UUIDHexSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object TimeSeededSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object UUIDType4HexSeq.current(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData cls)
          Return the next value in the sequence.
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 Object ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
 void FetchConfigurationImpl.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void DelegatingFetchConfiguration.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void AbstractLockManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void LockManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
          Set the context this lock manager is associated with.
 void DelegatingStoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
 void StoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
          Set a reference to the corresponding context.
 void FetchConfiguration.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
          Called automatically by the system to associate the fetch configuration with a context before use.
protected  Object AbstractPCData.toData(FieldMetaData fmd, Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Transform the given field value to a data value for caching.
protected  Object AbstractPCData.toEmbeddedData(Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Return the value to cache for the given embedded PC.
protected  Object AbstractPCData.toNestedData(ValueMetaData vmd, Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Transform the given nested value to a cachable value.
protected  Object AbstractPCData.toRelationData(Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Return the value to cache for the given object.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.kernel with parameters of type StoreContext
AbstractPCResultObjectProvider(StoreContext ctx)
          Create a new provider for loading PC objects from the input into ctx.
DetachedValueStateManager(Object pc, StoreContext ctx)
DetachedValueStateManager(PersistenceCapable pc, ClassMetaData meta, StoreContext ctx)

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps with parameters of type StoreContext
protected  Collection AggregateVal.eval(Collection candidates, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Collection Aggregate.eval(Collection candidates, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Collection Distinct.eval(Collection candidates, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Collection Val.eval(Collection candidates, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Return a list of values resulting from evaluating each given candidate.
protected  Collection Cast.eval(Collection candidates, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean InstanceofExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Evaluate the expression for the given group.
protected  boolean Exp.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Evaluate the expression for the given group.
protected  boolean ContainsExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean CompareExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean BindVariableExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean BindVariableAndExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean ValExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean NotExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean OrExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean IsEmptyExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean AndExpression.eval(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object UnboundVariable.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean InstanceofExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Evaluate the expression for the given context candidate and original candidate.
protected  Object Param.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean Exp.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Evaluate the expression for the given context candidate and original candidate.
protected  Object AggregateVal.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean ContainsExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Null.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object SubQ.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Concat.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object GetObjectId.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean CompareExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean BindVariableExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean BindVariableAndExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Extension.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Trim.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object ToUpperCase.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Aggregate.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object ToLowerCase.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean ValExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Args.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean NotExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object UnaryMathVal.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean OrExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Substring.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object IndexOf.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object BoundVariable.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Distinct.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean IsEmptyExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  boolean AndExpression.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object MathVal.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected abstract  Object Val.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Return this value for the given candidate.
protected  Object CandidatePath.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object StringLength.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Cast.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object Lit.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object GetMapValue.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object This.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object CurrentDate.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
protected  Object ValuePath.eval(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
 Object AggregateListener.evaluate(Collection args, Class[] argClasses, Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx)
          Return the value of this aggregate.
 Object Val.evaluate(Collection candidates, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Return this value as an aggregate projection on the given group of candidates.
 boolean Exp.evaluate(Collection candidates, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Evaluate the expression for the given candidate group.
 Object WildcardMatch.evaluate(Object target, Class targetClass, Object[] args, Class[] argClasses, Object candidate, StoreContext ctx)
 Object StringContains.evaluate(Object target, Class targetClass, Object[] args, Class[] argClasses, Object candidate, StoreContext ctx)
 Object FilterListener.evaluate(Object target, Class targetClass, Object[] args, Class[] argClasses, Object candidate, StoreContext ctx)
          Evaluate the given expression.
 boolean Exp.evaluate(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Evaluate the expression for the given candidate.
 Object Val.evaluate(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Return this value as a projection on the given candidate.
 Collection BindVariableExpression.getVariableValues(Object candidate, Object orig, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Return the possible values that variable can take.
 List exps, List matches, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Group the list of matches into a list of lists.
 boolean InMemoryExpressionFactory.matches(QueryExpressions exps, ClassMetaData type, boolean subs, Object candidate, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Tests whether the given candidate matches the given type and this expression.
 boolean InMemoryExpressionFactory.matches(QueryExpressions exps, Collection group, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Return true if the given group matches the having expression.
 List InMemoryExpressionFactory.order(QueryExpressions exps, List matches, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Order the given list of matches on the given value.
 List InMemoryExpressionFactory.project(QueryExpressions exps, List matches, StoreContext ctx, Object[] params)
          Create the projections for the given results.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.meta

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.meta with parameters of type StoreContext
 Object FieldMetaData.getExternalValue(Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Convert the given field value to its external value through the provided externalizer, or return the value as-is if no externalizer.
 Object FieldMetaData.getFieldValue(Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Return the result of passing the given external value through the factory to get the field value.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.persistence

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.persistence with parameters of type StoreContext
GeneratorImpl(Seq seq, String name, StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta)
          Constructor; supply delegate.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.slice

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.slice that implement StoreContext
 class DistributedBrokerImpl
          A specialized Broker to associate slice identifiers with the StateManagers as they are persisted in a cascade.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc with parameters of type StoreContext
 void DistributedStoreManager.setContext(StoreContext ctx)
          Sets the context for this receiver and all its underlying slices.

Uses of StoreContext in org.apache.openjpa.util

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.util with parameters of type StoreContext
static Object Serialization.deserialize(byte[] bytes, StoreContext ctx)
          Deserialize an object value from the given bytes.
static Object Serialization.deserialize(InputStream in, StoreContext ctx)
          Deserialize an object value from the given stream.
static Object ImplHelper.generateFieldValue(StoreContext ctx, FieldMetaData fmd)
          Generate a value for the given metadata, or return null.
static Object ImplHelper.generateIdentityValue(StoreContext ctx, ClassMetaData meta, int typeCode)
          Generate a value for the given metadata, or return null.
static byte[] Serialization.serialize(Object val, StoreContext ctx)
          Serialize a value that might contain persistent objects.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.util with parameters of type StoreContext
Serialization.PersistentObjectInputStream(InputStream delegate, StoreContext ctx)
          Constructor; supply source stream and broker to use for persistent object lookups.
Serialization.PersistentObjectOutputStream(OutputStream delegate, StoreContext ctx)
          Constructor; supply underlying stream.

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