Packages that use Value | |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps | OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree |
org.apache.openjpa.kernel | OpenJPA Runtime Kernel |
org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps | OpenJPA Expression Tree |
org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql | JPA Query Language Support |
Uses of Value in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps |
Subinterfaces of Value in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps | |
(package private) interface |
A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object. |
interface |
A Value represents any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields. |
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that implement Value | |
(package private) class |
Abstract value for easy extension. |
(package private) class |
A literal or parameter in the filter. |
(package private) class |
Obtaining the object id of a constant. |
(package private) class |
A field traversal starting with a constant filter parameter. |
class |
Value produced by a mathematical operation on two values. |
class |
A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object. |
(package private) class |
A JDBC string function. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by a unary operation on a value. |
(package private) class |
A variable in a filter. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that return Value | |
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.abs(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.add(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.all(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.any(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.avg(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.cast(Value val,
Class cls)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.concat(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.count(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.distinct(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.divide(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.getMapValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Value |
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.getObjectId(Value val)
Value |
Value[] |
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.indexOf(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.max(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.min(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.mod(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.multiply(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newAggregate(AggregateListener listener,
Value arg)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newBoundVariable(String name,
Class type)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener,
Value target,
Value arg)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newUnboundVariable(String name,
Class type)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.size(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.sqrt(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.stringLength(Value str)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.substring(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.subtract(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.sum(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.toLowerCase(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.toUpperCase(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.trim(Value str,
Value trimChar,
Boolean where)
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type Value | |
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.abs(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.add(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.all(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.any(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.asExpression(Value v)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.avg(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.bindKeyVariable(Value var,
Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.bindValueVariable(Value var,
Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.bindVariable(Value var,
Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.cast(Value val,
Class cls)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.concat(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.contains(Value map,
Value arg)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.containsKey(Value map,
Value arg)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.containsValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.count(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.distinct(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.divide(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.endsWith(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.equal(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.getMapValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.getObjectId(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.greaterThan(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.greaterThanEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.indexOf(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.isEmpty(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.isInstance(Value val,
Class c)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.isNotEmpty(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.lessThan(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.lessThanEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.matches(Value v1,
Value v2,
String single,
String multi,
String esc)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.max(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.min(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.mod(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.multiply(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newAggregate(AggregateListener listener,
Value arg)
Arguments |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newArgumentList(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener,
Value target,
Value arg)
Path |
JDBCExpressionFactory.newPath(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.notEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.notMatches(Value v1,
Value v2,
String single,
String multi,
String esc)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.size(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.sqrt(Value val)
Expression |
JDBCExpressionFactory.startsWith(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.stringLength(Value str)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.substring(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.subtract(Value v1,
Value v2)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.sum(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.toLowerCase(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.toUpperCase(Value val)
Value |
JDBCExpressionFactory.trim(Value str,
Value trimChar,
Boolean where)
Uses of Value in org.apache.openjpa.kernel |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel with parameters of type Value | |
protected void |
ExpressionStoreQuery.AbstractExpressionExecutor.assertNotContainer(Value val,
StoreQuery q)
Throw proper exception if given value is a collection/map/array. |
Uses of Value in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps |
Subinterfaces of Value in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps | |
interface |
Multiple arguments to a function call. |
interface |
Interface for any literal value. |
interface |
A query parameter. |
interface |
A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object. |
interface |
Query value representing a subquery. |
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps that implement Value | |
(package private) class |
Take the absolute value of a number. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by two values being added together. |
(package private) class |
A value produced from evaluating a result aggregate. |
(package private) class |
An aggregate of some value. |
(package private) class |
In-memory All implementation. |
(package private) class |
In-memory Any implementation. |
(package private) class |
A list of arguments to a multi-argument function. |
(package private) class |
Average values. |
(package private) class |
Represents a bound variable. |
(package private) class |
A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object. |
(package private) class |
Represents a cast. |
(package private) class |
Concatenate two strings together. |
(package private) class |
Count non-null values. |
(package private) class |
Represents the current date. |
(package private) class |
A distinct set of the specified values. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by one value being divided by another. |
(package private) class |
A value produced from evaluating a custom extension. |
(package private) class |
Returns the value of the specified key in a Map. |
(package private) class |
Get the oid of an object. |
(package private) class |
Find the index of one string within another. |
(package private) class |
Represents a literal. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by a mathematical operation on two values. |
(package private) class |
Find the max. |
(package private) class |
Find the min. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by one value being mod'd by another. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by two values being multiplied together. |
(package private) class |
Represents the null constant. |
(package private) class |
Represents a parameter. |
(package private) class |
Returns the count of a collection. |
(package private) class |
Take the square root of a number. |
(package private) class |
Returns the number of characters in the String. |
(package private) class |
An in-memory representation of a Subquery . |
(package private) class |
Take the substring of a string. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by one value being subtracted from another. |
(package private) class |
Sum values. |
(package private) class |
Represents the 'this' ptr in a filter. |
(package private) class |
Lower-case a string. |
(package private) class |
Upper-case a string. |
(package private) class |
Trims leading, trailing, or both charactes from a String. |
(package private) class |
Value produced by a mathematical operation on one value. |
(package private) class |
Represents an unbound variable. |
class |
An in-memory representation of a Value . |
(package private) class |
Represents a path that begins with a variable or parameter. |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps declared as Value | |
static Value[] |
Value[] |
Value[] |
Value[] |
Value[] |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps with type parameters of type Value | |
Map<Path,Value> |
Map of FieldMetaData ,Value for update statements. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps that return Value | |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.abs(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.abs(Value num)
Return a value representing the absolute value of the given one. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.add(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.add(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the two values added together. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.all(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.all(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.any(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.any(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.avg(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.avg(Value num)
Return the average of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.cast(Value val,
Class cls)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.cast(Value obj,
Class cls)
Cast the value to the given class. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.concat(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.concat(Value str,
Value args)
Return a value representing the concatenation of the given target with the given args. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.count(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.count(Value obj)
Return the count of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.distinct(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.distinct(Value obj)
Return distinct values of the given value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.divide(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.divide(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the first value divided by the first one. |
Value[] |
ExpressionParser.eval(String[] vals,
ExpressionStoreQuery query,
ExpressionFactory factory,
ClassMetaData candidate)
Parse the given value clauses. |
Value |
Value |
Return a value representing the current date. |
Value |
Value |
Return a value representing the current time. |
Value |
Value |
Return a value representing the current timestamp. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.getMapValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.getMapValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
Value |
Return a value representing null. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.getObjectId(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.getObjectId(Value val)
Return the object id of the given value. |
Value |
Value |
Return a value representing this . |
Value[] |
Return the values that make up the arguments. |
Value[] |
protected Value |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.getVariable(String id,
boolean bind)
Returns a value for the given id. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.indexOf(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.indexOf(Value str,
Value args)
Return a value representing the String.indexOf(int) function on
the given target with the given args. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.max(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.max(Value num)
Return the max of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.min(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.min(Value num)
Return the max of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.mod(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.mod(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the first value mod'd by the second one. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.multiply(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.multiply(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the two values multiplied together. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newAggregate(AggregateListener listener,
Value arg)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.newAggregate(AggregateListener listener,
Value args)
Return the value of the given function. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newBoundVariable(String name,
Class type)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.newBoundVariable(String name,
Class type)
This method will be called only once per variable bound in a contains clause, and the returned value will be reused
for any further instances of the variable in subexpression of the
filter string. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener,
Value target,
Value arg)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener,
Value target,
Value args)
Return the value of the given extension. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newUnboundVariable(String name,
Class type)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.newUnboundVariable(String name,
Class type)
Return an unbound variable. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.size(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.size(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.sqrt(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.sqrt(Value num)
Return the square root of the given value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.stringLength(Value str)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.stringLength(Value str)
Returns the number of characters in the String value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.substring(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.substring(Value str,
Value args)
Return a value representing the String.substring(int) function on
the given target with the given args. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.subtract(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.subtract(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the second value subtracted from the first. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.sum(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.sum(Value num)
Return the max of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.toLowerCase(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.toLowerCase(Value str)
Return the upper case of the given value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.toUpperCase(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.toUpperCase(Value str)
Return the upper case of the given value. |
protected Value |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.traversePath(Path path,
String field)
Traverse the given field in the given path. |
protected Value |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.traversePath(Path path,
String field,
boolean pcOnly,
boolean allowNull)
Traverse the given field in the given path. |
protected Value |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.traverseXPath(Path path,
String field)
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.trim(Value str,
Value trimChar,
Boolean where)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.trim(Value str,
Value trimChar,
Boolean where)
Trims the specified specified trimChar from the specified value. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps with parameters of type Value | |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.abs(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.abs(Value num)
Return a value representing the absolute value of the given one. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.add(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.add(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the two values added together. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.all(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.all(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.any(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.any(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.asExpression(Value v)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.asExpression(Value bool)
Return the given value as an expression. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.avg(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.avg(Value num)
Return the average of the given value for all matches. |
protected void |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.bind(Value var)
Record that the given variable is bound. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.bindKeyVariable(Value var,
Value val)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.bindKeyVariable(Value var,
Value map)
Bind the given variable to the key set of the given map value. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.bindValueVariable(Value var,
Value val)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.bindValueVariable(Value var,
Value map)
Bind the given variable to the value set of the given map value. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.bindVariable(Value var,
Value val)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.bindVariable(Value var,
Value coll)
Bind the given variable to the given collection value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.cast(Value val,
Class cls)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.cast(Value obj,
Class cls)
Cast the value to the given class. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.concat(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.concat(Value str,
Value args)
Return a value representing the concatenation of the given target with the given args. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.contains(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.contains(Value coll,
Value arg)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.containsKey(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.containsKey(Value map,
Value arg)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.containsValue(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.containsValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.count(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.count(Value obj)
Return the count of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.distinct(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.distinct(Value obj)
Return distinct values of the given value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.divide(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.divide(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the first value divided by the first one. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.endsWith(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.endsWith(Value str1,
Value str2)
Return whether the first string ends with the second. |
void |
ExpressionVisitor.enter(Value val)
Enter a value. |
void |
AbstractExpressionVisitor.enter(Value val)
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.equal(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.equal(Value v1,
Value v2)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
void |
ExpressionVisitor.exit(Value val)
Leave a value. |
void |
AbstractExpressionVisitor.exit(Value val)
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.getMapValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.getMapValue(Value map,
Value arg)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.getObjectId(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.getObjectId(Value val)
Return the object id of the given value. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.greaterThan(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.greaterThan(Value v1,
Value v2)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.greaterThanEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.greaterThanEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.indexOf(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.indexOf(Value str,
Value args)
Return a value representing the String.indexOf(int) function on
the given target with the given args. |
protected boolean |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.isBound(Value var)
Return true if the given variable has been bound. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.isEmpty(Value v1)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isEmpty(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.isInstance(Value v1,
Class c)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isInstance(Value obj,
Class c)
Return whether the first value is an instance of the given class. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.isNotEmpty(Value v1)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isNotEmpty(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.lessThan(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.lessThan(Value v1,
Value v2)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.lessThanEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.lessThanEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.matches(Value v1,
Value v2,
String single,
String multi,
String esc)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.matches(Value str,
Value regexp,
String single,
String multi,
String escape)
Return whether the string matches the matching pattern. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.max(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.max(Value num)
Return the max of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.min(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.min(Value num)
Return the max of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.mod(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.mod(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the first value mod'd by the second one. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.multiply(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.multiply(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the two values multiplied together. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newAggregate(AggregateListener listener,
Value arg)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.newAggregate(AggregateListener listener,
Value args)
Return the value of the given function. |
Arguments |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newArgumentList(Value val1,
Value val2)
Arguments |
ExpressionFactory.newArgumentList(Value arg1,
Value arg2)
Return a function argument list consisting of the given values, either of which may itself be an argument list. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener,
Value target,
Value arg)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener,
Value target,
Value args)
Return the value of the given extension. |
Path |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.newPath(Value val)
Path |
ExpressionFactory.newPath(Value val)
Return a value representing a path which will consist of a chain of 1 or more field names starting in the namespace of the given value. Example: var.address.city |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.notEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.notEqual(Value v1,
Value v2)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.notMatches(Value v1,
Value v2,
String single,
String multi,
String esc)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.notMatches(Value str,
Value regexp,
String single,
String multi,
String escape)
Return whether the string does not match the given pattern. |
void |
QueryExpressions.putUpdate(Path path,
Value val)
Add an update. |
protected void |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.setImplicitContainsTypes(Value val1,
Value val2,
int op)
Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that the first is supposed to contain the second. |
protected static void |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.setImplicitType(Value val,
Class expected)
Set the implicit type of the given value to the given class. |
protected void |
AbstractExpressionBuilder.setImplicitTypes(Value val1,
Value val2,
Class expected)
Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that they're used together, and based on the operator type. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.size(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.size(Value target)
Return an expression representing the given condition. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.sqrt(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.sqrt(Value num)
Return the square root of the given value. |
Expression |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.startsWith(Value v1,
Value v2)
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.startsWith(Value str1,
Value str2)
Return whether the first string starts with the second. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.stringLength(Value str)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.stringLength(Value str)
Returns the number of characters in the String value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.substring(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.substring(Value str,
Value args)
Return a value representing the String.substring(int) function on
the given target with the given args. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.subtract(Value val1,
Value val2)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.subtract(Value num1,
Value num2)
Return a value representing the second value subtracted from the first. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.sum(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.sum(Value num)
Return the max of the given value for all matches. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.toLowerCase(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.toLowerCase(Value str)
Return the upper case of the given value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.toUpperCase(Value val)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.toUpperCase(Value str)
Return the upper case of the given value. |
Value |
InMemoryExpressionFactory.trim(Value str,
Value trimChar,
Boolean where)
Value |
ExpressionFactory.trim(Value str,
Value trimChar,
Boolean where)
Trims the specified specified trimChar from the specified value. |
Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps with parameters of type Value | |
Args(Value val1,
Value val2)
Constructor. |
Uses of Value in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql that return Value | |
Value[] |
JPQLParser.eval(String[] vals,
ExpressionStoreQuery query,
ExpressionFactory factory,
ClassMetaData candidate)
protected Value |
JPQLExpressionBuilder.getVariable(String id,
boolean bind)
Identification variables in JPQL are case insensitive, so lower-case all variables we are going to bind. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql with parameters of type Value | |
protected void |
JPQLExpressionBuilder.setImplicitTypes(Value val1,
Value val2,
Class expected)