Interface JDBCStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
DistributedJDBCStoreManager, JDBCStoreManager, SliceStoreManager

public interface JDBCStore

Represents the JDBC store.

Abe White

Method Summary
 Object find(Object oid, ValueMapping vm, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Find the object with the given oid.
 JDBCConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration for this runtime.
 Connection getConnection()
          Return a SQL connection to the database.
 StoreContext getContext()
          Current persistence context.
 DBDictionary getDBDictionary()
          Return the dictionary in use.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
          Return the current default fetch configuration.
 JDBCLockManager getLockManager()
          If the lock manager in use is a JDBCLockManager, return it.
 Connection getNewConnection()
          Return a new SQL connection to the database.
 SQLFactory getSQLFactory()
          Return the SQL factory for this runtime.
 void loadSubclasses(ClassMapping mapping)
          Makes sure all subclasses of the given type are loaded in the JVM.
 Id newDataStoreId(long id, ClassMapping mapping, boolean subs)
          Create a new datastore identity object from the given id value and mapping.

Method Detail


StoreContext getContext()
Current persistence context.


JDBCConfiguration getConfiguration()
Return the configuration for this runtime.


DBDictionary getDBDictionary()
Return the dictionary in use.


SQLFactory getSQLFactory()
Return the SQL factory for this runtime.


JDBCLockManager getLockManager()
If the lock manager in use is a JDBCLockManager, return it.


Connection getConnection()
Return a SQL connection to the database. The close method should always be called on the connection to free any resources it is using. When appropriate, the close method is implemented as a no-op.


Connection getNewConnection()
Return a new SQL connection to the database. This is used when the current connection still has a open result set and a new database operation needs to be done. The close method should always be called on the connection to free any resources it is using. When appropriate, the close method is implemented as a no-op.


JDBCFetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
Return the current default fetch configuration.


Id newDataStoreId(long id,
                  ClassMapping mapping,
                  boolean subs)
Create a new datastore identity object from the given id value and mapping.


Object find(Object oid,
            ValueMapping vm,
            JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Find the object with the given oid. Convenience method on top of the store's persistence context.

vm - the mapping holding this oid, or null if not applicable


void loadSubclasses(ClassMapping mapping)
Makes sure all subclasses of the given type are loaded in the JVM. This is usually done automatically.

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